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Exercise 1. Find and correct the mistakes

most clean classroom, more interesting film, beautifuler girl, more interestinger book, smallerest box, narrowerest street, gooder boy, farer house, most hottest room, wonderfulest story, most cleaner room

Exercise 2. Write the degrees of comparison.

short, large, tine, fine, good, small, little, much, important, busy, clever, dull, comfortable, bad, many, few, attractive, difficult, easy, intelligent

Exercise 3. Give the comparative and the superlative degree of the following adjectives.

bright, hot, wide, easy, brave, good, active, nervous, fine, fat, bad, profitable, dirty, old, beautiful, thin, courageous.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.

1. Which month is longer: March or April? 2. Is Kiev larger than Minsk? 3. Which is the largest city in the Ukraine? 4. Which is the largest city in the United States of America? 5. Is the Black Sea deeper than the Caspian Sea? 6. Which is the deepest lake in the world? 7. When days are longer: in winter or in summer? 8. Which is the longest day of the year? 9. Which is the shortest month of the year? 10. When is it warmer: in April or in May? 11. When is it colder: in October or in November? 12. Which country is larger: England or the United States of America? 13. Which is the highest mountain in the world? 14. Is literature more interesting than grammar? 15. Is chemistry more difficult than physics? 16. Which is the most difficult subject? 17. Which is the most interesting subject?

Exercise 5. Compare as to the parameters

The Dnipro, the Samara, the Prypjat (long, short), the Azov Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea (big, small), the climat of the Crimia, tropics (dry, damp, hot)

Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

Who is the strongest athlete in your class? 2.. Who is the best chessplayer in your school? 3. What is the most beautiful place in your home town or village? 4. Where is the coldest climat in Ukraine? 5.What is the hottest place in our country? 6. What are the most popular sports in Ukraine? 6. What is the most attractive profession for you? 7. Which is better, to play football or basketball? 8. What TV program is the most interesting for you?

Exercise 7. Compare with the help of the expressions as... as, so... as, better... than

1.The weather today is... yesterday (good).The Thames is... the Dnieper (long). 2. Their family library is... ours (rich).

3. Her granny is... as yours (old). 4. He is twice... I am (old). 5. His sister is... mine (beautiful). 6. Your brother is... mine (brave and noble). 7. In Polissia the climate is not... in the Crimea (hot). 8. Is it... to have rest in the Carpathian Mountains... in the Caucasus?

Exercise 8. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the models. Models:

Nick is neither stronger nor weaker than Tom. — Nick is as strong as Tom.

Tom is strong. Jack is stronger than Tom. — Tom is not so strong as Jack.

1. The Dnieper is long. The Volga is longer than the Dnieper. 2. My room is neither larger nor smaller than his room. 3. This watch is neither better nor worse than that. 4. Snowdon is high. Ben Nevis is higher. 5. Paul is neither older nor younger than his friends. 6. It is warm today. It was warmer yesterday. 7. July is neither longer nor shorter than August. 8. I shall be busy tomorrow. Today I am busier. 9. This street is neither wider nor narrower than that. 10. This story is interesting. 11. That story is more inter­esting.

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

Найкраща пора року — літо. 2. Кожного року вона стає кращою. 3. Вчені використали кращий метод. 4. Він найстарший з ycix студентів. 5. Його розповідь цікавіша ніж твоя. 6. Цей співак найкращий в групі. 7. Це найбагатша країна в світі. 8. Наша фірма взяла молодшого працівника. 9. Ця учениця найбезвідповідальніша в клaci. 10. Літо — найспекотніша пора року. 11. Собака мого друга розумніший, ніж мій. 12. Ми пройшли найвужчими вулицями міста. 13. Сьогодні ми подивилися, мабуть, найперший фільм року. 14. Яка планета більша: Марс чи Земля? 15. Їхній будинок зручніший, ніж мій. 16. Biзьми цю валізу. Вона легша. 17. Майк вибрав найцікавішу професію. 18. Яка тварина найбільша? 19. Ця продавщиця приємніша, ніж та. 20. Вони виглядають щасли-вішими, ніж вчора.

Exercise 10. Make the necessary degree of comparioson.

1. The room are (clean) than they used to be. 2. It's (cold) here than in Kyiv. 3. This is (expensive) book of them all. 4. His unswer was (bad) than I thought. 5. The Nile is (long) than Dnipro. 6. She thinks this shop is (good) than that one. 7. These people are (polite) than in my town. 8. Who is (old) student in the class? 9. Is Michael (intelligent) than

Stephen? 10. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Europe?

Exercise 11.. Make the necessary degrees of comparioson..

1. This is... in our city, (big building) 2. She is... we have ever met. (strange person) 3. The road become... after some miles, (narrow) 4. Peter is... of them all. (old) 5. It was... time of my life, (bad) 6. The weather is much... than yesterday, (good) 7. Ann was a bit... she usually is. (cheerful) 8. Going by train takes twice... going by plain, (long)

9. He thinks English spelling is... than Russian, (difficult) 10. This test was.:. of all. (easy) 11. She works... than her sisters (hard).


Exercise 12. Insert as... as or so... as.

1. I ski... well... my sister. 2. The weather is not... bad... I had expected. 3. That chair is... comfortable... this one. 4. Peter is... intelligent... my friend. 5. This girl is not... nice... that. 6. Her child is... tall... my. 7. My brother's French is not... good... Nick's. 8. These houses are.. high... those, I am not... lazy… she. He doesn't drive.. careful... she.. Her cat is... old…my.. Peter is... thin... his brother


Exercise 13. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Marry is taller than John. 2. Hi is more helpful than he used to be. 3. The restaurant is more expensive than the cafe. 4. Her son is the youngest pupil in his class. 5. It's the worst play I've ever seen.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 943. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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