Загрузка Blob данных в хранилище
3. private void SaveImage(string id, string name, string description, 4. string tags, string fileName, string contentType, byte[] data) 5. { 6. // Create a blob in container and upload image bytes to it 7. var blob = this.GetContainer().GetBlobReference(name); 8. 9. blob.Properties.ContentType = contentType; 10. 11. // Create some metadata for this image 12. var metadata = new NameValueCollection(); 13. metadata["Id"] = id; 14. metadata["Filename"] = fileName; 15. metadata["ImageName"] = String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)? "unknown": name; 16. metadata["Description"] = String.IsNullOrEmpty(description)? "unknown": description; 17. metadata["Tags"] = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tags)? "unknown": tags; 18. 19. // Add and commit metadata to blob 20. blob.Metadata.Add(metadata); 21. blob.UploadByteArray(data); }
23.protected void upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 24. { 25. if (imageFile.HasFile) 26. { 27. status.Text = "Inserted [" + imageFile.FileName + "] - 28. Content Type [" + imageFile.PostedFile.ContentType + "] - 29. Length [" + imageFile.PostedFile.ContentLength + "]"; 30. 31. this.SaveImage( 32. Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), 33. imageName.Text, 34. imageDescription.Text, 35. imageTags.Text, 36. imageFile.FileName, 37. imageFile.PostedFile.ContentType, 38. imageFile.FileBytes 39.); 40. 41. RefreshGallery(); 42. } 43. else 44. status.Text = "No image file"; }