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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. Не retracted the allegations, saying police had forced him into making false declarations through the use of threats and physical abuse.

2. The hope is that local barons will no longer be able to bully local central-bank officials into providing ill-judged credits.

3. The best early step for the new president [of Cyprus] would be to postpone these missiles indefinitely. Another would be to cajole Turkish Cypriots into working within the island's Greek-led team seeking EU en­try, without granting the Turkish-Cypriot leader his wish that his bit of the island be acknowledged as sovereign.

4. Over a score of federal institutions, including the Cartel Office (Berlin) and the Auditing Court (Frankfurt), have been prodded into abandoning their current homes for the Rhine, (i.e.Bonn).

5. The result of soaring imports and flagging exports has been to push the balance of payments into large deficits, straining the foreign reserves, pushing up interest rates and forcing the government into restrictive fiscal and monetary policies.

6. Their trade-union bosses, withtheir policy of compromise lulled the workers into inactivity.

7. The intent [of the US Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights] seems to be to bully schools into dropping tests or at least de-emphasizing them.

8. The US President had to forgo whatever else he does besides rais­ing funds to spend long hours at trying to cajole Israel and PLO into coming up with an agreement.

9. The sudden need to find a replacement for the outgoing president of the Commission provoked the EU's national leaders into almost unbe­lievably swift and unanimous action.

10. It is a lot easier to talk one man into giving a thousand dollars than it is to talk a thousand men into giving one dollar. As a result, the legislator takes the line of least resistance.

11. The average Congressman sees only a relatively few of the bills, so do not let him fool you into thinking that he considers them all, as some imply in order to make you think they are overworked.

12. The elections have generated enormous excitement in Iran, entic­ing thousands of candidates into the ring and raising hopes of a more open and pluralistic society.

13. The British Government has conditioned the public into believing that it has changed its collective mind.

14. They are aiming to get the Bill amended into uselessness.

15. This puts the other members in a stronger position: they cannot be bluffed and bullied into making serious concessions.

16. «Turkey has reached a turning point,» said the President of Tur­key to reporters. «We must bring our children down from the mountains, because they are our children, misled into terrorism and committing mur­ders.»

17. The Prime Minister refused to be drawn yesterday into saying what he would do if his attempt to renegotiate this agreement were to fail.

18. The candidate has been forced to engage in state primary fights to garner delegations and he may be pressured into taking clear positions on civil rights and labour laws.

19. Outnumbered, outfoxed and outraged, Senate Democrats were manoeuvred into accepting a $200-million cut in foreign aid.

20. The report could add to resentment among some within or close to the palace, who believe that the New Labour establishment is trying to bounce the royal family into hasty reform.

21. He accused the Christian Democrats of joining in a campaign by employers to frighten people into voting conservative by warning them that a Social Democratic victory would lead to cancelled orders and a loss of jobs.

22. U.S. companies are trapped by their own drive for quick and highly publicized profits, forcing them into a bonus system that has made management itself too expensive.

23. Europe seemed to demonstrate a new readiness to use force and pull down barriers to consolidating its national defence companies into Europe-wide industries.

24. Representatives of the Iraqi Kurds say they want no part in pro­voking the Iraqi President into another assault on their mountain home­land, which, under the protection of the Western no-fly zone, is only now putting itself back together from decades in which the Iraqi leader razed more than 4,000 of the villages and killed more than 180,000 of their people.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1162. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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