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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. As American presidents have understood since Harry Truman de­clined to use nuclear bombs in Korea

1. As American presidents have understood since Harry Truman de­clined to use nuclear bombs in Korea, legitimising the use of these weap­ons in battle would weaken the taboo that restrains other nuclear powers from using theirs, doing far more to imperil America's global security than to advance it.

2. At present, the Lords has extensive powers which go much further than its self-proclaimed role as a revising chamber.

3. The main reasons for the uncertainty are clear enough. The separa­tion of powers means that President and Congress are elected separately. The federal structure of the huge country means that between presidential elections the local party organizations more or less go their own way.

4. Only when agreement is reached on the role and powers of the second chamber does it make sense to consider its composition.

5. Apart from power in Parliament the other great source of power over people is from those who control the largescale combines and the national Press.

6. With a spirited competition among liberals and conservatives, re­formers and traditionalists the elections in Iran are important because part of the power of the government is going to transfer to the people.

7. China's repeated failure to sustain economic reform and its persis­tent unwillingness to become a status quo power accepting the constraints of interdependence are all failures sustained by a mistaken belief in the correctness of the 1949 revolution (Gerald Segal).

8. He is having to exercise his persuasive powers fully, to prevent the negotiations from falling too far behind the time-table.

9. The balance of power in Europe, maintained for many years, had been shattered in six weeks.

10. The power to gather and disseminate data electronically is grow­ing so fast that it raises an even more unsettling question: in 20 years' time, will there be any privacy left to protect?

11. Last week, friendly talks between the two companies broke off, reportedly over an inability to agree on a power-sharing arrangements between the chief executives.

12. As the last government witness nears the end of his testimony, it is increasingly clear that the government's antitrust case against Microsoft Corporation is an indictment not only of the business practices of the world's dominent software maker but also of its corporate character.

13. The urgency with which the Americans are pressing the case for seaborne deterrent is explicable in terms of the coming Presidential elec­tion campaign.

14. The minister doubtless has in mind demands from the employers that, in the case of wages, strong action should be taken if the board de­nounces any particular claim.

15. Brazil had been a test case for a new global «financial architecture» that the US President proclaimed to the world last fall.

16. In any case, what the interpreter is after is the reasoning, the se­quence of arguments, starting with the premises and leading up to the conclusions.

17. The Foreign Secretary and the Government will, as was the case with the previous Government, stir up a hornet's nest if they attempt to interfere with these cost-of-living agreements.

18. The British Government declares that it is going to resist the im­plementation of these plans. However, this is not the case. The deeds of Britain's ruling circles in any case up to the latest time attest to the con­trary.

19. Once again logic must defer, in this case, to the vanity and power-hunger of national politicians.

20. But in concentrating their efforts on the most egregious cases in­volving the suspected illegal confinement of servants, federal agencies have skipped over others that fall short of that standard, even when they include apparent violations of federal labor, immigration and tax laws.

21. The Labour government was accused of publishing the names of informants who tipped off British police about those responsible for a racist murder.

The case has caused a massive round of national soul-searching over the treatment of minorities.

22. The government's case seems persuasive. Yet as the trial has plodded since October through cross examinations of witnesses, with both sides presenting mountains of documents, there is certainly room for doubt.

23. On March 19th Mr Clinton invited a few key senators over to the White House to press his case for intervention [in Yugoslavia].

24. Far from getting rid of a headache by giving the Scots a parlia­ment, Labour ministers in London have found that the first stages of devolution have given them a kingsize migraine. The row over tuition fees for university students is a perfect case in point.

25. Private debt, for both house holds and corporations, has been growing at an impressively rapid rate, and while the trade deficit shrank at the end of last year, it nonetheless set a record for the year as a whole.

26. Sheffield has a proud record of progressive politics. There is no doubt that this is the reason behind the progressive rehousing ideas.

27. The Labour Party is on record as saying that if any industry is failing the nation or its workers, then the Labour Government will take steps to bring it under public control.

28. Ms Dunn has a solidly conservative voting record. But while she is a fiscal conservative, her mixed voting record on abortion has angered some conservatives.

29. Many senators were already on the record opposing intervention, on the ground that America should on principle avoid getting embroiled in civil wars, or that the president has exceeded his prerogative by plan­ning for war without consulting Congress first.

30. That candidate's record shows what can be expected from him: a redbaiter, character assassin and a labour-hater.

31. Many member states are now on record as favouring this ap­proach, which was first formally presented at the general debate of the 19th session of the General Assembly.

32. The US President spoke as the State Department released in Washington its annual human right report to Congress. The timing put him in the awkward position of defending China — and his policy of en­gagement with the communist giant — at the same time that his Admini­stration reported a sharp deterioration in that country's human rights rec­ord.

33. Trade, Taiwan and security have all caused protests between the two countries and the US Secretary of State faces an even tougher task after the US Senate resolution, which urged that the UN condemn China's rights record.

34. When I got to Detroit and tried to board the Traverse City flight, the gate agent told me my «ticket» was not a ticket. She then looked in her computer and told me, quote: «Well, there's no record that you are here.» «But I am here,» I pointed out.

35. Bridgestone Corporation, the world's largest tire-maker by reve­nue, said yesterday its net profit last year tripled to a record on strong demand in the United States and Europe, lower prices for raw materials and a weaker yen.

36. Important official records in the UN are issued in the five official languages: Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

37. The Minister played his well-worn record about it being impossi­ble to plan the economy and not plan wages.

38. The pattern has been that African territories have been compelled by colonial rule and by their economic power to serve as raw materials appendages for western industry and western food consumption.

39. New patterns of economic development have brought material affluance to, notably, the oil-rich states of the Middle East and the newly industrialised states of East Asia, South East Asia, and, to some extent, Latin America.

40. Like a kaleidoscope, the patterns of world affairs shift with each spin of the globe.

41. «What we in America regard as most important is that Japan pur­sues policies that will deliver strong domestic demand-led growth and contribute to a more balanced pattern of growth in the world economy,» said an expert in economy.

42. Political fact Number One to most candidates is that it takes money to run for office — great gobs of it. To get this money, the legis­lator must go to people who have some extra cash.

43. The Tory leaders have evidently forgotten that their chief duty lies not towards their party or their personal ambitions, but to the offices they hold and the public they claim to serve.

44. Like armies that quit power in Chile, Pakistan, Argentina and elsewhere, Nigeria's military is seeking protection against retribution for its acts in office or a loss in status.

45. The EU's new Nordic members are far less inclined than the Mediterraneans are — or were — to see high political office as a chance to dole out the patronage and delegate the detailed stuff.

46. The major reason why the people of Africa have taken over the running of their countries is the ambition to lift their homeland out of the category of «economically underdeveloped)) regions, to raise their mate­rial standards of living and provide adequate social and cultural facilities.

47. Education is seen by the council as having a key role to play in in­creasing the economic effectiveness of the West Midlands and it urges the fullest use of the region's facilities.

48. In the field of industry special emphasis has been placed on the heavy industries, such as coal, steel and cement, but consumer goods fa­cilities such as sugar refineries and textile plants have also received at­tention.

49. «Facilities for retraining need to be developed to enable regional industry and the people employed in industry to cope with the technologi­cal and economic changes that are certain to be encountered,)) the report says.

50. The Swiss business community is sophisticated and highly experi­enced in international trade.

51. The first reaction from the financial community abroad to the measures taken by the British Government was cautiously favourable.

52. The National Security Agency officials were worried, said one source monitoring the intelligence community, «that people would take toys (Furbies) home and they'd start talking classified.»

53. The double boom of the explosion could be heard for miles, setting off car and burglar alarms and rattling windows throughout the nearby community.

54. He knows how to handle real power. Most germane of all, he did an impressive job of knocking Italy's indisciplined public finances into more rigorous shape.

55. Capitol Hill is the place people think they know more about than any other place on earth, because everything on Capitol Hill seems to be public. Everyone refers to it as a public place, and it is true that, at times, you can see all the public men whose salaries are paid by the public.

56. Direct democracy enables the public to express their own views and interests without having to rely on self-serving politicians.

57. The majority of the American people must buy power from pri­vately owned utilities and they pay rates two, three, four or more times higher than those paid to a publicly-owned utility.

Publicly-owned power systems aren't perfect in the United States. But there is no question that they are better than privately owned systems. They are run by local, state or federal government, special regional gov­erning bodies, or as cooperatives.

58. The Scottish Films Television Archive has been awarded £377.000 towards cataloguing and restoring thousands of films that have been stored in its Glasgow premises since it began an appeal in 1976 for the public to donate material lying in attics and basements.

59. The Party leader played down reports that the opposition was split over plans to orgarnize a public petition against the proposal to give citizenship to millions of foreigners in Germany.

60. With no satisfactory agreement even close on the budget, perhaps the European Union could ill afford a public falling out among its members.

61. The EU's greatest achievements have been through laws and treaties and eliminating trade barriers; none has arisen through public spending at the supranational level.

62. Although civil society can be distinguished from the state, it nevertheless contains a range of institutions that are thought of as «public» in the wider sense that they are open institutions, operating in public, to which the public has access.

63. Bringing jobs to communities rather than compelling workers to tear up their roots and move hundreds of miles maintains social cohesion.

64. The United States has already destroyed one facility in Sudan in its attempt to target chemical weapons.

65. Washington has imagined no serious challenge to American power until the distant future.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 816. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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