IV. Vocabulary Work. 1. Give the Russian equivalents to the words and word combinations.
1. Give the Russian equivalents to the words and word combinations.
2. a) Match the words with their definitions.
b) Give your own definitions for the words from the exercise 1 which were not mentioned. c) Use the words in sentences of your own.
3. In the text, find the synonyms to the following words and word combinations. Continuous (D), number of waves (F), to study (B), to develop (C), set of symbols (B), provisional (D), to send out (F).
4. In groups of four, answer the given questions. The winners are the group that answers the most questions correctly in four minutes.
1. What are the main parts of the CPU? 2. What is RAM? 3. What is ROM? 4. What memory section is also known as ‘firmware’? 5. What information will be lost when you switch off the computer? 6. What is the unit used to measure RAM memory? 7. How can we store data and programs permanently? 8. What is a megahertz? 9. What does the ALU do? 10. What does the abbreviation for ‘binary digit’ mean?
V. Speaking
You are going to buy a new microprocessor. The shop assistant offers you two options (your choice). Discuss their pros and cons and choose one.
VI. Writing
You’d like to buy by mail order new computer system. Describe the computer you are going to buy. Don’t forget to mention:
Unit 4