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IV. Vocabulary Work


1. Work in pairs. Explain what the following words mean. Let your partner guess the word.

Mouse, joystick, click, double-click, drag, LCD, pixel, resolution, lightpen.

2. a) Check yourself. Match these words with the correct definitions.


a) mouse b) LCD   c) joystick   d) click e) lightpen f) drag   g) pixel   h) double-click i) resolution 1. to pull 2. the maximum number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions of the screen. 3. a small input device with a ball underneath that is rolled by the user. 4. to press a button on a computer mouse twice. 5. the smallest element of a display surface. 6. an input device with a vertical lever used in computer games to move the cursor. 7. a highly sensitive photo-electric device which uses the screen as the positioning reference. 8. a device which uses a grid of crystals.   9. to press a button on a computer mouse.


b) Find three more terms and write definitions for them.

j) ………. k) ………. l) ………. 10) ………. 11) ………. 12) ……….


3. Complete the sentences so that they make sense.


1. Input devices are the pieces of hardware which ___________.

2. The mouse is designed ___________.

3. To obtain a permanent copy of the results, we use ___________.

4. The cathode ray tube of the monitor is ___________.

  1. An LCD uses ___________.
  2. Laser printers are ___________.


4. Find the English equivalents to the words in brackets.


1. Input devices include (клавиатура), (мышка) and (световое перо).

2. (Графопостроители) do no text at all, but only drawings, graphs, maps or pictures.

3. Inside (электронно-лучевая трубка) there is an electron which scans the screen.

4. An LCD uses (сеть кристаллов) and polarizing filters to show the image.

5. One common type of non-impact printer is (струйный).

V. Speaking


Study the table and speak on the printer you’d like to have. Give your reasons.


  Dot-matrix Ink-jet Personal laser Colour top-quality
Advantages Low cost, wide carriage. Noiseless, photo printing, good printing quality, rather low cost in comparison with laser printers. Noiseless, top printing quality, comparatively not very high cost. Excellent printing quality, top-quality colour reproduction.
Dis- advantages   Printing quality is worse in comparison with ink-jet printers, noise, unsatisfactory colour reproduction. Comparatively high cost of a copy, blurred printing is possible. Monochrone, no photo printing. High cost, large size, low speed, high cost of a copy.
Speed   100-300 characters per second (cps) 2-4 pages per minute. 10-25 pages per minute (ppm) Solid ink, thermal wax – 1 ppm; thermal dye – one page per several minutes.
Cost   $100-300 $100 – 300 $350-1500 $2,000 – 10,000
Data medium   Punched or sheet paper.   Sheet paper, film, labels, envelopes, photo paper. Sheet paper, film, labels, envelopes. Film, special paper, sometimes ordinary paper is possible.
Size and noise   Printers with a narrow carriage can be placed on a desk, rather noisy. Compact and rather noiseless. Compact and noiseless. Rather large, high frequency noise is possible.

The following expressions might be helpful:

* A variety of ……. * Similarly….

* For example ….. * In comparison with ….

* As well as ….

* I’ve decided to choose …………….for the number of reasons.

VI. Writing


Read the advertisements bellow and write you advertisement of a new Viewsonic VE910B monitor. Use the following technical specification:

display type – LCD monitor; maximum resolution - 1280x102; unit dimensions - Wx1xD - 16.3”x16.0”x8.6”; cabinet colour – black; COLOUR INK-JET ....................................... Stunning Plug & Play colour printer. Brilliant photo quality (up to 720 dpi) and fast-drying ink. Produces 8 pages per minute in plain text and 4 ppm in colour. 150 pages paper tray. Fast, friendly service. .........       $ 210

unit weight - 11.9 lbs;

contrast ratio -550:1;

horizontal viewing angle 160 degrees; vertical viewing angle 160 degrees; power consumption - 35 W.     The ColourScan XR from Sunrise is a flatbed scanner with 600 dpi of resolution and 9”x 15” of scanning area. Think of the possibilities. You can enter data and graphic images directly into your applications – word processors or databases. You can get crisp, clean scans for colour compositions, video and animation work. It comes complete with its own image capture software which allows for colour and grey retouching. And it’s easy to use. What more could you want for only $616? It couldn’t be cheaper. In the field of flatbeds, the ColourScan XR is a clear winner.  
  ColourScan XR


(advertisements taken from www.wikipedia.com, www.yandex.com)



Unit 5




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