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The British Council (Moscow) RESPONSE Project


“The World of Information”, materials on reading, speaking and writing has been created by a team of English teachers from Samara State Aerospace University. It grows out of the ESP course and teaching experience of the participants and caters for the needs of information science students.

Based on the eclectic approach, all the activities in the book are designed for intermediate level students and are zeroed on the following objectives:


· to foster students’ reading skills, so that they can read technical texts more effectively and efficiently;

· to improve students’ speaking skills by providing frequent opportunities for meaningful interaction related to the students specialism;

· to encourage students to improve their writing skills by exposing them to writing activities relevant to the topics studied;

· to provide students with a variety of learning strategies, thus facilitating language learning;

· to enlarge the students’ technical vocabulary on the most essential computer science topics by providing them with various vocabulary exercises.


The materials have 5 units. Each unit contains an informative text on one of the following topics: “Computer Application”, “Computer Components”, “Microprocessor”, “Input/Output Devices”, “Storage Devices” and provides students with content based tasks. All the activities are grouped into the following sections:

· Pre-Reading

· Reading

· Post-Reading

· Vocabulary Work

· Speaking

· Writing


The warm up activities in the Pre-Reading section get the students ready to further exploring the topic by arousing their background knowledge in a stimulating way. This section also focuses the students’ attention on the topic raised in the text by encouraging speculation about its content.

In the Reading section the main focus is on practicing different reading skills and comprehension of main ideas.

The Post-Reading section develops students’ further understanding of the content of the text. Here, students’ overall comprehension and the ability to look for main ideas and supporting details are stressed.

In the Speaking section students are introduced to the task stimulating them to work in pairs or small groups. Helpful expressions enable students to better communicate ideas using appropriate functional language.

The Writing section contains tasks aimed at developing students’ writing skills.

The Vocabulary Work section zeroes in on specific topical vocabulary to be learnt and activated. The exercises involve demonstration of a word’s meaning by various ways, such as: putting it into correct context, choosing synonyms, working out definitions, using the word actively, etc.

These materials can be helpful for those who want to concentrate on technical English, namely on computer science topics.

This project work could not have been done without the support and assistance of our colleagues.

We would like to thank our tutors Gulnara Dudnikova, Elena Shemshur and Svetlana Suchkova for guiding through this amazing and challenging course, for their encouraging and giving valuable practical suggestions for change of these materials.

Our heartfelt thanks go to Natalia Anshakova who organized this project for us.

We are very grateful to our boss, Ludmila Merkulova, who made attendance of such a useful course possible for us.

Unit 1


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 468. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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