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Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian. Soviet power was in retreat both domestically and internationally; standards of morality; to pass its first series of major tests with ease; it brought about

Soviet power was in retreat both domestically and internationally; standards of morality; to pass its first series of major tests with ease; it brought about the expulsion of Iraqi forces; to tackle international crises; the linchpin of the hoped-for new world order was the USA; the pursuit of national interest; a piece of historical engineering; to sustain its global role; an upsurge in isolationism; it promotes internal cohesion; to unleash centrifugal pressures; the world being policed and orderly; to be typified by lawlessness and inaction; less predictable conditions.

Fa. 4. Translate from Russian into English

Падение коммунизма; предусматривать; всеобщее признание международных норм; решать конфликты мирным путем; со­кратить военные арсеналы; справедливое обращение с местным населением; путем уважения прав человека; присоединение (ан­нексия); переименовать; одно (двух) полярный мир; братство; маскировать; среди (между); охранять интересы государства; со-\ранить господство США в экономике; относительный спад в жономике; возрождение экономики Японии; хотя и; взаимная нраждебность.

Кх. S. Fill in the gaps in column 'A' with the topical vocabulary units from column 'B\ making all necessary changes

'A' 'B'

1. The island... for about seven a. to come into existence




b. to extend

The word 'politics'... in Ancient Grece, literally meaning city-state.

с to a certain extent, vice versa

During the Cold War, the West defined itself,., through antagonism towards the East and

to contradict, to reconcile

Collapse of communism in

Eastern Europe... with the Soviet

power retreat both domestically

and internationaly.

to appeal, to resist, threat

The heart of politics is often

portrayed as a process of conflict

resolution, in which rival views

first... each other, but then...

f. to coincide

Peace advocates... to all

realistically minded politicians to

... any... to peace.

g. to ally

All peace seeking countries... in

the UN right after the II World



The policy of the Cold War soon

... to the policy of detente.

9. 10.
to give way to offer, resistance

His opponent... but slight...

The noun 'epoch' means...


Ex. 6. Learn the following synonyms of the noun «threat», give their derivatives and make up sentences with them

• A threat - a warning, pending evil (he threatened to retaliate);

• A danger - likelihood (of falling on ice);

• A menace - a danger (but of hostile character);

• A jeopardy - extreme danger;

• A peril - imminent great danger;

• Hazard - a risk, a chance (uncontrollable) of danger; occupational hazard - профессиональный риск.

Ex. 7. Find the words with the prefixes «multi», «uni», «bi» in the text, learn them and look up some other words with the same prefixes

Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with 'pojsex!, 'fbxce!, 'strength!

1. The USA, the only... with the military capacity and political authority to intervene 'was playing the role of the worlds' police...


2. Preponderant nuclear... does not always translate into effective military capacity.

3. The super... era was marked by the East-West rivalry that extended across the globe.

4. As communism collapsed in Eastern Europe, Soviet... was in retreat both domestically and internationally.

5. The broad western and Islamic alliance brought about the expulsion of Iraqi... from Kuweit.

6. The... of the political party lies in its unity.

7. The USA-USSR super... period may have passed, but a new and stable world order has yet to come into reality.

S. There are also doubts about the capacity of the USA to play the role of the world's police...

9. It is questionable whether the USA has the economic resources to sustain its global role, though it has, no doubt, gathered enough...

10. The linchpin of the hoped-for new world was the USA on the... of its beeing the only... with the military capacity and political authority to play the role of the 'world's police...'

11. The central question is whether a new world order will come about through cooperation or whether it will be imposed through military...

12. International small and medium-sized enterprises will need a partner who knows mainland China well and this fits in perfectly with Hong Kong's...

Kx. 9. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences, using the topical vocabulary

1 The issue of piling u p nuclear weapons was considered by the

participants of the conference. They definitely denounced it as

the main menace to peace. 2. The UN Charter came into force in 1945. 1 The orator was right to a great degree but I could not say that

his main conclusions reflected mine. I The country occupies a vast territory spreading over hundreds of

kilometers from the North to the South. i. The rebels failed to sta, nd against well-trained and well-armed

military units and finally yielded. (>. I n many respects, the resolution was calling Jq reason. 7. The UN Security Council called on the warring groups to put

an end to the hostilities. V All the members of the union demonstrated complete unanimity

of views, their reactions to the draft treaty being very much the



9. The World Health Organisation (WHO) provMes poor countries with the basic medicine and medical equipment.

10. The UN is a voluntary union of world countries struggling for a lasting universal peace.

Ex. 10. Watch the meaning of the verb 'must!, translate the sentences into Russian

1. The delegation must be at the airport two hours before the plane's departure.

2. You must be very careless if you forgot to warn them about that.

3. The conference must consider the problems of the post -Cold - War world.

4. They must he considering the question of resisting potential threats to peace now.

5. Their opinions m u st h ave coin cided as both of them spoke for the resolution.

6. These consumer goods must be supplied to the hot spot without any delay.

7. They must have been extending the expiration date of my visa till I finally arrived.

8. The UN sanctions against Iraq must have been brought about by Iraq's annexation of Kuwait in 1990.

9. We must know that the existence of an external threat promotes internal cohesion and gives societies a sense of purpose and identity.

10. You must know nothing about it, if you say that the USA has no economic resources to sustain its global role.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 1382. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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