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Make up and act out a dialogue between George and Harris cooking the stew.


1. Study the Vocabulary Notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in bold type:

A. 1. Of an evening Barbara would have a good gossip with the neighbour over the garden fence. 2. Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. (proverb) 3. "I decided to have her up here, for a time at least, and let the gossips do their worst," said Beatrice. 4. "Who's talking gossip now?" said cousin Rachel. 5. While playing under her mother's eye, she felt a wind-up toy. 6. It was becoming stuffy in the compartment of the train. I wound the window down and got my pipe out. 7.1 braided her hair and wound it round her head. 8. If one only could peel her, as one peels an onion, of pretence and in­sincerity. 9. I saw him with great clarity, from the pleased smile to the peel of sunburn on the top of his bald head. 10. Carefully she broke all the twigs from the branch, so that it became an almost straight stick, and as she walked, she peeled the bark from the wood until it was stripped clean. 11. Scrape your muddy shoes with this old knife. 12. "Hi!" cried Nick, scraping some snow from the sledge and flinging a snowball which hit George full in the ear. 13. All the trivial sounds of the room re-echoed maddeningly about him— the scraping of chairs, the coughing. 14. You've got to scrape up some courage, some daring. 15. The lane was so narrow that a donkey with panniers could hardly have scrapped its way through. 16. It was so slippery that if he had not steadied me, I should have fallen. 17. The fog came steadily over us in waves and it was extremely difficult to see where one was on the road. 18. She looked at me again with that peculiar steady gaze. 19. She heard the steady beat of her heart: "Get up! Go out! Do some­thing!" 20. These eyes, when he raised them, were extraordinarily steady and inquiring. 21. Tom was charming and unscrupulous. He made a steady income from his friends and he made friends easily.

B. 1. He felt that he was beginning to clear up the mess into which his life had fallen. 2. I've never seen so much mess and disor­der anywhere. 3. It's true that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess. 4. "I saw my father today. I hoped he'd give me a last chance and haul me out of the mess for the time being," said Ben. 5. The driver cracked his whip, and the horses raced off. 6. She raised the window a crack and laid the cold towel on Dottie's forehead. 7. A draught through the cracks in the window-frame stirred the curtains. 8. They had laughed and cracked jokes with John. 9. Bert studied him for several minutes through the crack in the door and then went out into the yard. 10. The tree cracked loudly and fell. Everything was still again. 11. The excellent conditions provided for the experiment contrib­uted greatly to its success. 12. Her honesty contributed to the gen­eral regard for her good sense. 13. His melancholy was comparable with Bracey's, no doubt contributing to their mutual understand­ing. 14. The bombing succeeded in neither suppressing the fight­ing spirit nor in deranging the economic life of the country. 15. Ev­idently his dreamy fancies had not interfered with either his spirits or his appetite. 16. The child was healthy and high-spirited, and it was impossible to keep her quiet. 17. He filled the glass with wa­ter and sipped at it cautiously: the taste was terrible. 18. Nobody could deny she had taste, though sometimes a little bizarre. ' > 19.1 can apologize again for my ill taste in what I said. 20. Bill won­dered whether he would ever taste fresh oranges again. 21. If you don't scrape the dust away, everything you eat will taste of it. 22. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 23. Her fine figure and tasteful clothes always attracted attention. 24. She sipped at the tea, taste­less, unrefreshing.

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

A. 1. The Browns were glad to drop in of an evening for a cock­tail and a chat. 2. He chuckled at the thought of how successfully they had deceived the people who were fond of spreading rumours in the small colony. 3. Ann made Tom do whatever she wished him to do. 4. It's time he ended his speech. 5. She hates taking the skin off potatoes. 6. Put the towel round your shoulders or you'll burn and your skin will come off. 7. The silly boy is always getting into trouble. 8. Clean the soles of your shoes thoroughly before you go into the cottage. 9. It took the boys much time and effort to collect the money they needed. 10. He is a young man who is regular in his life and work. He turned out to be an industrious worker. 12. He was not bad-looking and had a good regular job. 13. The table was shaky, as one of its legs was broken. 14. The rain is pouring con­stantly down all the time

B. 1. After he had finished packing, the room was in a state of disorder. 2. But for your carelessness you would not have got into trouble. 3. But even he must have known that he had done the job badly. 4. There is a slight break in the vase. 5. He's fond of making jokes. 6. Poor as they were the workers were ready to give money to their common cause. 7. He regularly writes poems for our news­paper. 8. He came to lunch in a particularly jolly mood. 9. He did the job with such energy that he accomplished a shining success. 10. After supper everyone was in a better mood. 11. When he is ill, he does not touch food for days. 12. The soup has a flavour of on­ions. 13. It is impossible to explain why different people like dif­ferent things. 14. What do you know of his likings or dislikings? 15. After our quarrel even my favourite dish seemed unsavoury.

4. Explain or comment on the following sentences:

A. 1. Charles had planned to see Arthur Brown in Hall and on the side pick up such gossip as was going. 2. You meet other boats there and river gossip is exchanged. 3. He had mentioned that George was attracting some gossip. 4. He gave people pieces of gossip in the same way that he gave them drinks. 5. Bess was an in­curable gossip. 6. Bant marvelled how gossip travelled. 7. At last the town gossips left her alone. 8. Next day, while he was at his of­fice winding up its last tattered affairs, I telephoned Mrs. Skelton. 9. Don't you see that she can wind anyone round her little finger? 10.Bits of the wall peeling, a banister leg was loose. 11. The wallpa­per peeled off in long, broad ribbons. 12. Sitting down and peeling off her gloves, Jane took a mirror out of her bag and looked at her­self. 13. It was quite an undertaking to scrape all the rust off. 14.The lazy boy was lucky to scrape through the exams. 15. John had scraped together enough money for his first year at college. 16.1 ran the risk of getting into some scrapes. 17. "If you don't take care, your friend will get you into a serious scrape, some day," said Carrie. 18. My father and I scraped together the change in our pockets and found enough for breakfast at a diner. 19. Steady! There is a broken step here. 20. He was a steady visitor at their home. 21 He said unsteadily: "I understand, Mrs. Evans." 22. Caro­line repeated the ejaculation not in so steady a tone. 23. The snow was falling steadily out of a tawny sky. 24. He clutched at her to steady himself. 25. He is a steady fighter for peace. 26. "No," said Mary steadily, "he never comes here." 27. He moved forward un­steadily in the darkness. 28. I'm a bit of a philanderer, my dear, you need a steadier chap. 29. He's got a character and steady employ­ment, and he's no fool. 30. "I ain't going," was his steady answer to all her threats and requests. 31. He lost weight steadily.*

B. 1. You've made a mess of the job. I wish you had refused to do it. 2. Why did you leave the table in such an awful mess? 3. Noth­ing to do, but sweep up the mess — and such nice eggs. 4. "Now we've got to clear up this mess," he said. "All I hope is that it doesn't take too long." 5. I thought of the mess he was bound to make of it. 6. This word is a crack-jaw for foreigners. 7. He is a hard nut to crack. 8. He is fond of cracking jokes, but they are not to my taste. 9. A cracked bell can never sound well. (proverb) 10. All is lost that is poured into a cracked dish. 11. His contributions to science are invaluable. 12. Mr. W'infield listened and soon under­stood that he was expected to contribute to the conversation. 13. M.Sholokhov contributed most generously and with great skill to world literature. 14. My own earliest boating recollection is of five of us contributing three-pence and taking a boat on the lake.

14. This is not the right spirit to begin some new work in. 16. We found him alone, spent and spiritless. 17. His spirits rose when the door swung open and he saw Saundra on the threshold. 18. Despite all her troubles she too seemed caught up in the spirit of the occa­sion. 19. Can you taste any pepper in this soup? 20. I don't know that I ever tasted pumpkin pie as good as hers. 21. His tastes did not seem to have changed. 22. The house was handsome, he con­ceded, but it wasn't to his taste. 23. "Your taste in brandy, Doctor, is much better than your taste in music," said Chris. 24. After that, having acquired a taste for the water, I did a good deal of rafting.

5. Choose the right word:

peel — scrape

1. New potatoes are nice to the taste, but I hate... them. 2. I've boiled potatoes in their jackets, will you... them?

steady — firm

1. The chair was not... because one of its legs was broken. 2. The oak-tree stood... in the earth. 3. Mr. Convoy was a... cus­tomer at the bookshop. 4. His decision was....

crack — break


1. The cup..., but the pieces still held together. 2. The ice... and then... under his feet. 3. Brittle things... easily.

taste — flavour

1. The peach has a peculiarly fine.... 2. The fruit looked tempt­ing, but it turned out to have an unpleasant.... 3. I like the lem­on... of the sweets.

6. Give English equivalents for the following phrases:

заниматься сплетнями; заводить часы; сматывать шерсть в клу­бок; задеть локтем за что-л.; работать без передышки; внести вклад во что-л.; дух времени; работать с огоньком; быть горьким на вкус; обвести кого-л. вокруг пальца; попасть в беду; быть замешанным в каком-л. деле; о вкусах не спорят; в хорошем вкусе

7. Translate the following sentences into English:

A. 1. На всякий случай не рассказывайте об этих делах. 2. «По-мо­ему, в нашем доме мало сплетниц, нам повезло», — сказала Энн. 3. «Никогда бы не подумала, что Джейн будет распространять сплет­ни», — сказала Кейг. — «А ты не слушай», — ответила Дотти. 4. Да­вайте поднимемся по этой винтовой лестнице на верх башни. 5. Что ты делаешь? Это никуда не годится. Разве так разматывают шерсть? 6. Никто не умел так обвести человека вокруг пальца, как маленькая Полли. 7. Положите все эти мелочи в пакет и обвяжите его несколько раз веревкой. 8. Не отдирайте кору с березы, вы повредите дерево. 9. Зря вы так долго лежите на солнце, у вас будет лупиться кожа, да и вообще это принесет вам больше вреда, чем пользы. 10. Зачем вы чи­стите картошку? Для салата картофель лучше варить нечищенным. 11. Кейт иногда удавалось найти временную работу, но на еду опять ничего не оставалось. 12. Что-то пристало у меня к подошве, никак не могу отскрести, должно быть, это деготь. 13. Осторожно! Не заденьте рукой за гвоздь. 14. Не скребите, пожалуйста, вилкой по тарелке, я не выношу этого звука. 15. Он едва-едва сдал экзамены, но, по-мое­му, он понял, что нельзя терять столько времени попусту. 16. Это вполне приличный дом отдыха, но нам очень не повезло с погодой: с утра до вечера, не переставая, шел дождь, 17. В эту минуту я не могла не восхититься ее самообладанием. Твердой рукой она вдела нитку в иголку и продолжала шить, как будто ничего не произошло. 18. Он казался вполне уравновешенным молодым человеком. 19. Давайте подложим что-нибудь под ножку стола, чтобы он не качался.

В. 1. В комнате Джона был ужасный беспорядок, но когда сестра воспользовалась его отсутствием и прибрала там немного, он очень рассердился и сказал, что теперь он не может ничего там найти. 2. Вы опять испортили всю работу. Неужели вам не стыдно так безразлич­но ко всему относиться? 3. Она спутала все мои планы, заставив меня прождать ее четыре часа. 4. Мы услышали, как треснула ветка, кто-то подходил к нам. 5. Как ты небрежна! Треснула машина люби­мая ваза, разве можно было мыть ее кипятком? 6. Сейчас уже небе­зопасно переходить реку: во льду образовались трещины. 7. Краска на подоконнике потрескалась, придется соскоблить ее, прежде чем красить его заново. 8. Регулярная тренировка способствовала его ус­пеху на соревнованиях. 9. Он отказался дать стихи в нашу стенгазе­ту, а теперь уже нет времени просить кого-нибудь другого сделать это. 10. Американский художник Рокуэлл Кент пополнил коллекцию картин музея имени А.С.Пушкина своими произведениями. 11. Он говорил с таким жаром, что никто не остался равнодушным. 12. Как только вы расскажете ему об этом, у него сразу же исправится на­строение. 13. Вы правильно отнеслись к критике, другого я от вас и не ожидала. 14. Я помню, что где-то еще осталось полбутылки клуб­ничного сока. По вкусу его ни с чем на свете не сравнить. 15. Этот не­знакомый нам фрукт сначала показался всем неприятным на вкус, но потом мы привыкли утолять им жажду. 16. Мы все знали ее как женщину с тонким вкусом. 17. Я не люблю вкус моркови. Не кладите еег пожалуйста, в салат. 18. В этом магазине такой выбор товаров, что вы, безусловно, найдете себе что-нибудь по вкусу. 19. Он любит по­шутить, но многие его шутки дурного вкуса. 20. Какая досада! Огур­цы горчат.

8. Review the Essential Vocabulary and answer the following questions us­ing it:

1. What do you call ill-natured idle talk? 2. What do you call the outer skin of fruit and vegetables? 3. What do you call giving mon­ey to a common cause? 4. What do you call the sense peculiar to the tongue? 5. What do you call a person who is fond of talking about other people's affairs? 6. What do you call a person who is regular in life and industrious? 7. What would you say of a person who manages to make others do whatever he likes? 8. What would you say of a room which is in a state of disorder? 9. What would you do with a table which is shaky? 10. What do you do to make sure that there is enough salt in the soup? K. What do you have to do with the saucepan if the porridge gets burnt? 12. What must one do before applying to an Institute for admission? 13. What is sure to happen if you wash a cut-glass vase in boiling water? 14. How do you feel if all is well? If things go from bad to worse?

9. Respond to the following statements and questions using the Essential Vocabulary:

1. Aren't you ashamed of discussing my affairs behind my back? 2. What's the matter with your face? 3. I don't think he did his share of the work. 4. It took you ages to do the room! 5. Why do you look so sullen? 6. Why did you give such a confused answer? 7. Look at the coat I've just brought from the cleaner's! 8. The paint is a bit thick. 9. I should never have thought that you would fall for her promises. 10. What's wrong with the orange? 11. Did he do well at his exams? 12. Which of the twins is Bob? 13.1 hear he was not admitted to the Institute. 14. What's this sound?

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