Студопедия — Role-Playing.
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Mrs. Alia Cordon— a discussion leader. A writer, aged 40, has been a member of various hiking tours, knows their advantag­es and disadvantages.

Mrs. Jane Wilson — a scientific research worker. A lot of time in the library, laboratories. An experienced hiker. Hiking is her hobby

Mrs. Margaret Drew— a teacher, rather advanced in years. Used to be a devoted hiker in her youth.

Mrs. Pauline Jenkins — a librarian, aged 25, a bit shy. Wishes to have a lot of friends. Is a bit tired of her everyday routine. Feels rather lonely.

Miss Ann Thompson — a very experienced psychologist. The­oretically believes that hiking can be of some help to her patients but thinks that it can hardly be regarded as an ideal way of spending a holiday.

Miss Helen Green — a romantic girl of 20. Loves nature. Tries and sees beauty everywhere. Writes poems about nature, sunsets, seasons of the year, birds, flowers, etc. Is not in good health. Thinks hiking can help.

Mrs. Katherine Morrow — a housewife. Has a large family. Is knee-deep in children having four of them. Very busy at home. A bit tired of cooking and the rest of housework.

Miss Diana Hubble — a student, goes on a hike every other weekend. Has been to various places. Is fond of independence and freedom of choice.

Mrs. Morris Cardew— a journalist, travels much by air, by train, by car, by sea. Always pressed for time. Very seldom has a possibility to walk. Doesn't think it necessary.

[1] Mrs. Alia Gordon (opening)

When the people of the future will turn their attention to the twentieth century, they will surely choose the label "legless peo­ple" describing us, people of the 20th century. Don't you think hik­ing is certainly a way out of this dangerous situation and thus a splendid way to have a holiday. People of the 20th century are al­ways in a hurry; they are short of time, travel at high speeds. Very often we are deprived of the use of our eyes. In our hurry we fail to see anything on our way. Hiking seems to be the ideal way to see everything with our own eyes, to touch everything. Certain incon­veniences. Lack of great comfort. Dependence on weather and oth­er things. But a lot of advantages. So, the pleasure one gets from hiking is worth the trouble taken.

2.Mrs. Jane Wilson

1) 20th century people forget how to use their legs. Men, wom­en, children move in cars, buses, etc. from a very early age. In houses— lifts, escalators to prevent people from walking. Hiking — a superb thing in this respect. (Ask for Mrs. Margaret Drew's opinion.)

2) Inconveniences are not great, though they exist. Modern camping sites are well equipped with hot and cold running water, shops, even dance floors. Tents — comfortable. Portable furniture is light. Gas stoves — excellent coffee and tender steaks. (Ask for Pauline Jenkins's opinion.)

3.Mrs. Margaret Drew

1)Hiking — an ideal thing but only for the young. A lot of in­conveniences, significant for those not already young. Mosqui­toes, packing and re-erecting a tent, many heavy things to carry. No real comfort. Is it a kind of a holiday of relaxation to overcome lots of difficulties and inconveniences?

2)Agrees that hiking is cheap. But you get what you pay for. When hiking you don't pay much and you don't get much.


4.Mrs. Pauline Jenkins

1)Hotels provide more comfort, greater variety of food. But re­mote strained atmosphere of hotels, cold and unfriendly formal greetings between the residents. Hiking — enormous opportunity to meet different people, share your pleasures, make friends.

2)Hiking provides you with a real change from everyday liv­ing. You get up earlier, go to bed earlier, develop a hearty appe­tite. (Ask for Mrs. Katherine Morrow's opinion.)


5Miss Ann Thompson

1)Ideal way of spending a holiday is getting relaxed and away from other people. Camping sites are crowded. Many people go on a hike. You must meet a lot of people, get acquainted with them. Making friends is not an easy task for everybody. Even if a place is beautiful, all the beauty is gone because of the number of people. (Ask Helen Green's opinion.)

2)A person on a hike is quite helpless. Something goes wrong, help is required. Where to go? What to do? (Ask Diana Hubble or the hostess of the discussion.)


6.Miss Helen Green

1)Nothing can spoil the beauty of nature. Walking is the best way to enjoy nature. Can explore beautiful distant places which cannot be done in a car, or sitting in front of the "one-eyed" monster — TV set.

Being in the open air is an advantage in itself. You improve your health, you train your body, you develop your senses.


7.Mrs. Katherine Morrow

1)Hiking is not a real holiday for the family. No real rest. Wife has to cook, to do washing up under primitive conditions. No change'for her. You sit in front of TV, you see beautiful places, you read a book, you live wonderful lives and you have a real hol­iday. Hotels also provide rest and freedom for everyone in the family.

2)Much depends upon the weather. Rain, drizzle, dull weather, erecting a wet tent are not enjoyment in themselves.


8.Miss Diana Hubble

1)Hiking is an ideal way of spending a holiday. You are free to choose. You don't like the place or it is too crowded, you can sim­ply get up and go or stay as long as you like. You're the boss, have tremendous mobility.

2)A person seldom goes on a hike alone, in isolation. Telephone booths, people eager to cooperate. Hiking has other advantages. The cheapest way of spending a holiday. Don't think much about the clothes. Any clothes will do.


9.Mrs. Morris Cardew

1)Hiking seems to be ideal, though hardly is. The 20th century is the time of great emotional stress. Trying to escape from crowds, from everyday routine people put themselves into the circum­stances they are not used to. Strain in itself.

2)In the 20th century a lot of information is required. Even on a holiday you must see many things, must move fast, be able to get to many places. Hiking, walking can hardly be of any help.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 267. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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