General description of
Earth contains an about 16 milliard of км3 water, that makes the 0,25% masses of planet. But 13 milliards of км3 water are dispersed and reliably laid-up in deep layers making a mantle. Greater part of water enters in the complement of mountain breeds and minerals, composing the earth's crust, 1,45 milliards of км3 make the hydrosphere of Earth. Undoubtedly, basic part of hydrosphere, water shell of our planet is an ocean. It is known that the stake of the World ocean from different data makes about 94,0% - 96,5%, other part is on underwaters, glaciers, soil moisture, pairs of atmosphere and on river waters. If to talk about the volumes of fresh water on a planet, then she (Авакян of А.Б. and other, 1999) is concentrated mainly in glaciers (68,7%), underground sources (30,9%) and least - in the rivers (0,006%, table.4.1). Analogical data over were before brought by other scientists. On their information, a hydrosphere makes about 1460 million км3, from them there is about 90 million км3 on waters of dry spell, or 6,1%, and on waters of atmosphere - 13-15 thousands Yet hard persuasion dominated quite recently, that humanity will fully have water on all visible future. But as clear evidently from the stated, the supplies of water on earth far are not infinite, and in connection with rapid development of industry, agriculture in many places of water failing even. All sharper today a question gets up about the lack of clean water. Integrity of the world system supposes the integral system of measures on his maintenance and further evolution. Exactly in such understanding conception of steady development, that was proclaimed at conference to the UNO on an environment and development in Рио-де- of Жанейро (1992), signifies becoming of the new thinking of humanity. The supplies of water resources of РК make about 539 км3, including 190 км3 is contained in lakes. The water resources of the rivers and storage pools make, accordingly, 100,5 км3 and 95,5 км3, age-old supplies of glaciers - 95 км3, and prognosis resources of underwaters - 58 км3. Only 58% of surface-water of Kazakhstan is formed on territory of republic, other act from territory of the contiguous states. In connection with the variety of relief of Kazakhstan internal waters are up-diffused unevenly. In deserted and semideserted zones small lakes and rivers, and in steppe and forest-steppe zones of them considerably anymore. Internal waters of republic are divided by four types: lakes, rivers, underwaters and glaciers. There are more than 48 thousand great and small lakes on vast territory of Kazakhstan. Except such large, as Caspian, aral Sea seas and lake Balkhash, small lakes prevail (94%) by an area less than 1 км2. Almost all lakes unrunning and reserved. They differ in sharp fluctuation of water level. Water in most lakes is salt, thus, many of them самоосадочные and salts serve for a booty. In Kazakhstan there is a 21 lake by an area more than 100 км2. They occupy 60% of general area of lakes of republic. In many rural and municipal settlements for a water-supply underwaters are used. Actually underwaters contain all elements of the periodic system Д.И. Mendeleyev, up to rare-earth. Therefore they can be the source of valuable chemical raw material. It is known that as early as the XI century common salt was obtained by evaporation of underground brines. Now from underwaters get practically all iodine and greater part of bromine. IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats. VLiterature: In Russian: 13. the main: offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005. 14. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009 15. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006 16. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005. 17. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004. 18. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009. Additional: 7. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007 8. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006. 9. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005. 4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008. 5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis: scitist and technology, 2007. 6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health. Higher school, 2005. Electronic resources: 11. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009 12. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009 13. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006. 14. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010 15. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008 VI. Control questions: 1. Which physiological and hygienical value of water? 2. Give description to the водоисточникам. 3. What hygienical требованиепредъвляются to the drinking-water? 4. Which epidemiology value of water? 5. Name contaminating the sources of water. 6. What methods of water treatment do you know? 7. What events conducted on the guard of water?
№4 I.Тheme:Hygienical value of soil. Events on a sanitary guard soils. II.Aim:to acquaintstudents sanitary-hygenic and epidemiology to the value. III. Theses of lecture: Soil, on determination of В.В.Докучаева, founder of studies about soil, is the special body arising up as a result of modification of epiphase of the earth's crust different factors. Почвообразующие maternal breeds, climatic influences, hypsography, vegetation, soil organisms, temporal factor, influence of man, behave to these factors. Component part of soil are also soil air and water. Soil air in the epiphases of soil (0,2 м) on composition near it to atmospheric. As far as the increase of depth in him maintenance of oxygen diminishes and the concentration of carbon dioxide increases. However even on a depth a from 3 to 6 m the concentration of oxygen in soil air yet suffices (14,2-16,8%) for aerobic oxidization of organic pollutants (Е.И.Гончарук, 2006). The table of contents of carbon dioxide already on a depth 1м increases to 1%, and 4-8% arrives at on a no-bottom (3-бм). At the considerable decline of concentration Soil water executes various functions. Foremost, she is a factor necessary for the vital functions of soil flora and fauna. Being the universal solvent of different connections, from one side, water supplies to the plants necessary chemicals, on the other hand, - all chemical and biochemical processes aleak in soil come true in a water environment. However not only necessary to the soil organisms substances but also chemical and biological pollutants move with water, that promotes possibility of widespread contamination of soil and underwaters. From maintenance of water in soil thermal properties of soil, her airing and capacity, depend also for self-wiping.