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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Physical description of noise

Arising up because of fluctuating motion bodies an increase and decompressing of air alternate certain number of one times in time unit. The number of these full-wave accomplished during one second is named frequency of vibrations (f). For unit of frequency a hertz (Hertzs) is taken is one oscillation in a sec. Frequency of vibrations determines subjective perception of height of sound. What more vibrations, the higher tone of audible sound.

Classification noises. By the nature spectrum:

broadband with a continuous spectrum breadthways more than one octave;

-voice-frequency, there are the expressed discrete tones in the spectrum of that; voice-frequency character of noise is set by measuring in the третьеоктавных stripes of frequencies on exceeding of level in one stripe above nearby no less what on 10 дБ.

On temporal descriptions:

-permanent, the sound-level of that for a 8-sentinel working day (shiftwork) changes in time more than on 5 дБА at measuring on temporal description of шумомера "slowly";

-inconstant, the sound-level of that for a 8-sentinel working day (shiftwork) changes in time more than on 5 дБА.

In turn inconstant noises are divided by:

-hesitating in time, the sound-level of that continuously changes in time;

-irregular, the sound-level of that changes (on 5 дБА and more) step, thus duration of intervals during that a level remains permanent, 1 makes with and more;

-impulsive, consisting of one or a few Originally:

mechanical noises (under the action of shots and friction);

are aerodynamic noises (exhausts, motions of stream of gases);

are hydraulic noises (motion of streams of liquid). of noise on the organism of man

Simptokomlex of changes developing in an organism under act of noise, determine as noise illness.

"Noise illness" is this common disease of organism for that the primary defeat of ЦНС and auditory analyzer is characteristic.

Clinical displays arising up in an organism under influence of noise are divided by specific (changes are in an ear) and heterospecific (changes are in other organs and systems).

The result of influence of noise on an auditory function is development of professional hearing loss and deafness.

From heterospecific changes what be going on under act of noise, it should be noted violations from the side of systems of organs of breathing, system of organs of sight, vestibular vehicle, digestive system, ductless, metabolism, system of blood of and other glands

The characteristic feature of noise illness are violations on the type of астеновегетативного and астеноневротического syndromes development of that passes ahead the defeat of auditory function considerably.

IVIllustrative material sliding seats.

V. Literature: In Russian:

61. the main:

offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005.

62. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009

63. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006

64. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005.

65. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004.

66. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009.


31. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007

32. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006.

33. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005.

4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008.

5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis:

scitist and technology, 2007.

6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health.

Higher school, 2005.

Electronic resources:

51. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009

52. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009

53. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006.

54. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010

55. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008

VI. Control questions:

1. What biological factors?

2. That does belong to group of biological factors?

3. What productive physical factors?

4. What productive noise, vibration and dust?

5. What productive chemical factors?



I.Тheme:Sources of ionizing radiations and their description. Providing of radiation safety of personnel and population.

II. Aim:to acquaint students with the methods of safety of guard of personnel during work with the sources of ionizing radiations.

III. Theses of lecture: Radiation hygiene - special branch of hygienical science, distinguished to the sign of radiation of operating factor (ionizing radiations). Explain* it the special meaningfulness and variety of sources, kinds and ways of influence of different radiations and nuclides on a man, by high specificity of action, large complication of problem. In medicine ionizing a radiation and radioactive substance of применяютс by the most different aims:

1) diagnostics (рентгеноскопия, sciagraphy, fluorography, сканнирова-ние is statistical сцинтиграфия, ренография is dynamic сцинтиграфия, computer tomography of ренгенокимография, research of exchange processes and speed of blood stream with to the apartment of isotopes and other;

2) of treatment (теле-гамма-терапия, short-distance рентгенотерапия, радиоапп-ликационная therapy, внутриполостная\u0009and внутритканевая radio-therapy);

3) scientifically - research (method of autoradiography, method of radioactive marks, at that any substance it is possible a radioactive mark and to trace all way in an organism, all transformations, etc.).

Radio-activity - this spontaneous transformation of kernels of atoms one the elements in other, attended with emitting of ionizing radiations.

Ionizing radiation - any radiation, except for вивдимого light and ultraviolet co-operating of that with an environment results in her ionising, i.e. to formation of charges of both signs. All types of ionizing radiations divide conditionally into electromagnetic or wave (totality brake and characteristic radiations) and corpuscular (а-, в- neutron proton, mesonic etc. radiations).

Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 405. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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