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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

The measure of ionizing radiations is a dose of radiation

For quantitative description of ionizing ability of radioactive radiation the concept of display dose was before used.

To the measures of defence during work with the sources of ionizing radiations in open kind belong:

1.Organizational events are organization of three classes of works of dependence on the group of radiation danger of радионуклида at an internal irradiation and activity of nuclide in the workplace. The most strict requirements are produced to works on A-one.

2.Plan events - works on A-one can be conducted in the special isolated corps having the three-zonal planning with obligatory sanitary пропускником and sluice; works can the second class be conducted in isolated to part of building, and on the third class - in separate apartments having a drawing closet, i.e. ordinary chemical laboratories.

3.Sealing-in equipment and zones, that is arrived at by correct sanitary -техническим arrangement of laboratories and workplaces, systems of ventilation and sewage system.

IV. Illustrative material: tables and sliding seats.

V. Literature:

In Russian:

67. the main:

offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005.

68. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009

69. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006

70. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005.

71. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004.

72. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009.


34. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007

35. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006.

36. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005.

4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008.

5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis:

scitist and technology, 2007.

6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health.

Higher school, 2005.

Electronic resources:

56. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009

57. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009

58. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006.

59. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010

60. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008

VI. Control questions:

1.What ионирующее radiations?

2.Give description to the sources of ionizing radiations.

3.What kinds an ionizing radiation do you know?

4.What radio-activity?



I.Тheme: Health as criterion of adequacy of child's organism with an environment. A value of hygiene is in a guard and strengthening of health of children and teenagers. Hygienical bases of process are in child's preschool establishments and schools.

II.Aim: to acquaint students with hygienical bases process in child's preschool establishments and schools.

III. Theses of lecture:

A hygiene of children and teenagers is prophylactic medicine, studying the terms of habitat and activity of children, and also influence of these terms on a health and functional state of growing organism and elaborative the scientific bases and practical measures, sent to maintenance and strengthening of health, support of optimal level of functions and favourable development of organism of children and teenagers.

Setting of norms is in the hygiene of children and teenagers - this scientifically reasonable determination of those parameters (or to that intensity) of affecting organism factors that render favourable or harmless influence. Thus a hygienical norm such are considered intensity and duration influences of factor, that provide maintenance of health of children and teenagers, their timely and harmonious development.

Hygiene of children and teenagers as educational discipline consists of next basic divisions: 1) health of children and teenagers; 2) hygiene of учебно-воспитательного process and mode of day; 3) hygiene of P.E; 4) hygiene of labour education, educating and of trade education of students; 5) hygiene of feed of children and teenagers; 6) hygienical bases of planning, building, equipping with modern amenities and equipment of establishments for children and teenagers; 7) hygienical educating and education. Bases of forming of healthy way of life of children of иподростков; 8) medical and sanitary-epidemiological providing of child's and juvenile population.

A basic method in the hygiene of children and teenagers is a method of natural hygienical experiment. In addition to him the method of laboratory experiment is usually used.

IV. Illustrative material: sliding seats.

V. Literature:

In Russian:

73. the main:

offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005.

74. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009

75. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006

76. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005.

77. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004.

78. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009.


37. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007

38. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006.

39. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005.

4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008.

5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis:

scitist and technology, 2007.

6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health.

Higher school, 2005.

Electronic resources:

61. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009

62. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009

63. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006.

64. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010

65. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008

VI. Control questions:

1. That does study the article of hygiene of children and teenagers and aim, tasks, research methods?

2. Name hygienical principles of accordance of the educational loading.

3. Name principles of providing of optimal terms of educating.


I.Тheme: Hygienical requirements to placing and planning of ЛПО. Prophylaxis of ВБИ.

II.Aim: to acquaint students about object hygiene of ЛПУ, aim, tasks and профилактиа ВБИ.

III.Theses of lecture: the Hospital hygiene develops norms and requirements to placing, planning and санитарно- hardware of лечебно- of prophylactic establishments with the purpose of creation of optimal terms of stay of patients, effective realization of curative process and favourable terms of labour of medical personnel.

Modern больница- it is a difficult complex of building, providing the most different functions. Last years a tendency is clearly traced to complication of structure and functions of hospitals.

Hospitals began to build as a complex of small building (pavilions), consisting of large залов- chambers with bilateral illumination, abundance of a sun and air. In these hospitals, except chambers, there were some sanitary and economic utility rooms. This type of hospitals had pre-eminences before a barrack

VI. Контрольные вопросы:

1. Какова цель и задачи больничной гигиены?

2. Дайте характеристику системам планировки ЛПУ.

3. Назвовите основу, структурные подразделение больницы?

4. Какова профилактика ВБИ?


I.Theme: Bases of organization of sanitary-hygenic events in a war-time. Occupational in parts of forces of general-purpose health and luing-ins of troops.

II. Aim. to acquaint students the terms of labour and to placing of squads and subdivisions in military small town.

III. Theses of lecture: military Efficiency of military specialist is description of possibility of man to decide an urgent task, conditioned by the functional state of organism, train and technical equipped.

Under efficiency of battle work of military specialist it is necessary to understand the degree of success of achievement to them those battle aims on the complex of armament or object of military technique, for that they are intended.

Under reliability of work of military specialist probability of the faultless flowing of working process of man is understood in the set terms of втечение of certain interval of time, with the set speed of processing of information, type of reacting etc.

A capacity is ability ofman to execute certain

In Russian:

79. the main:

offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005.

80. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009

81. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006

82. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005.

83. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004.

84. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009.


40. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007

41. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006.

42. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005.

4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008.

5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis:

scitist and technology, 2007.

6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health.

Higher school, 2005.

Electronic resources:

66. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009

67. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009

68. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006.

69. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010

70. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008

VI. Control questions:

1.Give hygienical description of territories to military gorodkis.

2.Give description to the field military hygiene.

3.Which is a primary purpose of military occupational health?

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