Feed as factor of maintenance and strengthening of health. Physiological norms of feed
A feed is one of the most active and important factors of environment, that renders various influence on the organism of man, provides his height, development, maintenance of health, ability to work and optimal life-span. All of it is provided by the daily, managed eating, including the certain set of food products. Study quantitative and quality parties of feed man under various conditions to his life and activity (comes true by the doctors of any profile). Development of events on the increase of full value of feed and enriching of foodstuffs bioactive substances: by vitamins, amino acids, полиненасыщенными by fat acids of and other by preparators (comes true by technologies of food industry on presentation of doctors-specialists in area of hygiene of feed). Medical and preventive feed - this feed also of healthy man, but every day being under influence harmful factors on a production, and setting of such feed the same, what rational, but it pursues an aim to weaken the action of harmful substances entering organism of worker yet. Physiological norms — it is scientifically-reasonable norms feeds fully covering the power spending of organism and providing him all substances in the proper amounts and in the most advantageous (optimal) correlations. 1. In the physiological norms of feed distinguish 2 sides: 2.quantitative, i.e. calorie content of ration; 3.quality - where the structure of calorie content is decrypted, i.e. what food substances calorie content is provided due to. According to the now operating physiological norms of feed, an adult able to work population depending on weight of labour activity is subdivided into 5 groups for men and 4 groups for women. 1 group. Workers of mainly mental work:leaders of enterprises and organizations; technical and engineering employees, labour of that does not require substantial physical activity; general (except the doctors of surgical profile) practitioners; teachers; science workers; literati; cultural and educational workers; workers of planning and account; secretaries and clerks; controllers and workers of control stands. 2 group. Workers busy at easy manual labour:technical and engineering employees, labour of that is related to some physical efforts; workers busy on the automated processes; workers of radio electronic industry; швейники; agriculturists and animal technicians; veterinary workers; medical sisters and junior nurses; salespeople of general stores and sphere of service; workers of connection and telegraph; teachers; instructors of physical culture and sport, trainers. 3 group. Workers of middle on weight labour:machine-operators; locksmiths; adjusters and tuners; doctors of surgical profile; chemists; textile workers and обувщики; drivers of transport vehicles; workers of food industry; workers of коммунально-бытового service and public food consumption; salespeople of food stuffs; brigadiers of transport and field-crop brigades; railroaders and water-transport workers; machinists of lifting-transport mechanisms; полиграфисты. 4 group. Workers of hard physical work:building workers; bulk of agricultural workers and mechanization experts; miners on dayworks; workers of petroleum and gas industry; metallurgists and foundry hands; workers of целлюлозно-бумажной and woodworking industry; стро-пильщики and riggers; carpenters; workers of industry of building materials. 5 group. Workers busy at especially hard physical work: miners on underground works; steelmakers; вальщики of the forest; masons and concrete workers; navvies; longshoremen. In each of these groups differentiation is distinguished on age: 18-29, 30-39 and 40-59. IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats. V. Literature: In Russian: 31. the main: offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005. 32. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009 33. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006 34. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005. 35. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004. 36. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009. Additional: 16. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007 17. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006. 18. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005. 4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008. 5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis: scitist and technology, 2007. 6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health. Higher school, 2005. Electronic resources: 26. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009 27. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009 28. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006. 29. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010 30. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008 VI. Коннтрольные вопросы:
№7 I.Тheme:Methods of hygienical control after a feed and his organization in the organized collectives. Modern problems of feed of man. Genetically modified products. Enriched foodstuffs. Bioactive additions to food. II.Aim: to acquaint with the methods of hygienical control after a feed and his organization in the organized collectives, modern problems of feed of man. III. Theses of lecture: IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats. V. Literature: In Russian: 37. the main: offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005. 38. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009 39. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006 40. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005. 41. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004. 42. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009. Additional: 19. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007 20. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006. 21. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005. 4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008. 5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis: scitist and technology, 2007. 6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health. Higher school, 2005. Electronic resources: 31. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009 32. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009 33. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006. 34. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010 35. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008 №8 I.Тheme:Features of feed of population resident in the conditions of the technogenic changed radiation background. Trophonosiss and their prophylaxis. II.Aim:to acquaint students from the особенностиями feed of population resident in the conditions of the technogenic changed radiation background and by trophonosiss and their prophylaxis. III. Theses of lecture: Disorders of feed of organism are the sickly (pathological) states arising up from a defect or surplus of acting with food energy or food substances. Depending on a degree and duration of violations of valuable, balanced feed of disorder of feed of organism can be expressed: 1.\u0009in worsening of metabolism and decline of приспособительных possibilities of organism, to his resistibility to the unfavorable factors of environment; 2.\u0009in worsening of functions of separate organs and systems on a background a metabolic and decline of приспособительных possibilities of organism disturbance, clinical symptoms here маловыражены; 3.in the clinically expressed display of disorder of feed - trophonosiss (from the Latin word - alimentas is food).Классификация болезней неправильного питания 1.I.Illnesses of complete starvation and general malnutrition (alimentary dystrophy of and other) 2.II.Illnesses of partial insufficiency of feed 3.1.Illnesses of albuminous-power insufficiency: alimentary marasmus, квашиоркор, alimentary hop-o'-my-thumb, "послегрудная диарея", anaemia, hepatocirrhosiss of and other 4.2.Illnesses of vitamin insufficiency: insufficiency of ascorbic acid (scurvy), retinol (chicken blindness, ксерофтальмия, керотамаляция), Thiaminum (бери-бери), nicotinic acid (pellagra), riboflavin (арибофланиноз), calciferol (rachitis of and other). 5.Illnesses of mineral insufficiency: insufficiency of iodine (endemic goitre), fluorine (tooth decay), iron (микроцитарная гипохромная anaemia), calcium (rachitis of and other) 6.Illnesses of insufficiency of полиненасыщенных of fat acids 7.9Illnesses surplus (excessive feed) 8. Illnesses of surplus feed (obesity of and other) 9 Illnesses of surplus albuminous feed (gout of and other) 10 Illnesses of surplus feed (atherosclerosis of and other) 11.Illnesses of surplus vitamin feed 12.Illnesses of surplus mineral feed (fluorosis of and other) IV.\u0009Illnesses of wrong combination of food products (gastritises, enteritises and др-) V.\u0009Illnesses of wrong diet (gastritises of and other) Disorders of feed of organism arise up not only from initially-alimentary (food) violations. They can be caused by the diseases of organism, defiat overcooking of food and suction of food substances by a step-up the expense of the last, deteriorative their mastering cages and fabrics. IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats. V.Литература: In Russian: 43. the main: offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005. 44. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009 45. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006 46. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005. 47. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004. 48. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009. Additional: 22. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007 23. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006. 24. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005. 4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008. 5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis: scitist and technology, 2007. 6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health. Higher school, 2005. Electronic resources: 36. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009 37. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009 38. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006. 39. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010 40. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008 VI. Control questions: 1.What the technogenic changed radiation background? 2.Give determination "alimentary disease". 3.Name classification illnesses related to the improper feeding. 4.What illnesses of квашиоркор? 5.What are illnesses alimentary marasmus? №9 I.Тheme:Hygienical requirements to placing, planning, equipment and organization of work of of hospitals and child establishment. II.Aim:to acquaint students with hygienical requirements to placing, planning, equipment and organization of work of пищеблоков of hospitals and child establishment. III. Theses of lecture: IVIllustrative material:sliding seats. V. Literature: In Russian: 49. the main: offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005. 50. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009 51. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006 52. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005. 53. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004. 54. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009. Additional: 25. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007 26. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006. 27. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005. 4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008. 5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis: scitist and technology, 2007. 6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health. Higher school, 2005. Electronic resources: 41. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009 42. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009 43. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006. 44. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010 45. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008 VI. Control questions: 1. How is организуеться work of feed block in hospitals? 2. How is организуеться work of feel block in child's establishments? 3. What hygienical requirements produced to placing of пищеблоков of hospitals and child's establishments? 4. What hygienical requirements produced to planning of пищеблоков of hospitals and child's establishments? 5. What hygienical requirements produced to the equipment of пищеблоков of hospitals and child's establishments? №10 I.Тheme:Basic concepts and positions of occupational health. System of health events on a production. II.Aim:to acquaint students from physiology of labour and biological productive environments. III. Theses of lecture: Concept about productive factors. Professional harmfulness and health of man. Classification of terms of labour. In the process of labour activity a man is exposed to influence of the different factors, conditioned by the features of technology of productive process, микроклиматическими terms, character of executable labour operations. Many of these factors can stipulate development of specific патагогий - professional diseases, and also to aggravate the flow of diseases of amateurish etiology or become risk of their origin, снижать'сопротивляемость organism factors, to render the unfavorable affecting health of posterity. By development of scientific bases and practical measures on warning of negative consequences of labour activity on an organism; man an occupational health occupies. She studies the factors of productive environment and гпрудового process, their influence on the health of man and on the basis of the obtained scientific data develops events on optimization Under a productive environment understand an environment in that j comes true labour activity of man on a production. To the factors, by means of In that a productive environment renders affecting man, In the factors of productive process, natural and climatic (microclimate) factors, and also factors, belong, conditioned by the общесанитарными terms of labour (inefficient and insufficient M illumination, unsatisfactory domestic terms, planning of and other). Factors of productive process are factors, conditioned by technology of productive process, applied equipment, of and other Fatigue. The state of the lowered capacity, that is subjectively perceived as a tiredness, can come in the process of implementation of work, and objectively estimated as a fatigue Prophylaxis of fatigue. By the important means of prophylaxis of fatigue, the condition of maintenance of high capacity is establishment of the rational mode of labour and rest. Under the mode of labour understand alternation of periods of work and rest. IV. Illustrative material:sliding seats. V. Literature: In Russian: 55. the main: offices. Hygiena: text book. G.I.Rumyanceva. – 2- изд., - –Мedia, 2005. 56. Hygiena: text book. U.I. Кenesariev. –Аlmaty, 2009 57. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: text book. –М., 2006 58. Bolshakov А.М. General Hygiena: book, -2–М.: Мedicine, 2005. 59. Pivovarov U.P., Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book. –М.: Меdicine, 2004. 60. Kicha D.I General Hygiena. Guidance to laboratory employments: Мedia, 2009. Additional: 28. Кrymskaya I.G. Hygiene and bases of ecology of man: book.-Rostov Feniks, 2007 29. Тrushkina L.U. Hygiene and ecology of man: book. -4. –М.: Prospect, 2006. 30. Каtayeva В.А guidance to laboratory practical and independent employments on a general hygiene and bases of ecology man: train aid for students – М: Меdicine 2005. 4. Sharmanov Т. An iodic deficit is in Kazakhstan: the state of problem and way is a decision: Аstana, 2008. 5. Baranovski А.Y. Illnesses are violation of feed. Treatment and prophylaxis: scitist and technology, 2007. 6. Glebova Е.В. Productive sanitation and occupational health. Higher school, 2005. Electronic resources: 46. General Hygiena Torgatova B.К –: 2009- Hygiena book for univer. G.I.Rumyanceva – 2 М:2009 47. Мazaev В.Т. Communal hygiene 1-2: book – Меdia, 2009 48. Reference book of dietitian, Equilibrium, 2006. 49. Кuchma В.R. Hygiene of children and teenagers: book – Меdia, 2010 50. Occupational health N.F.Izmerova – Меdia 2008 VI. Control questions: 1. Give description to the basic types of labour. 2. Name the objects of occupational health. 3. Name basic methods research of occupational health. 4. What physiology of labour? 5. Which is an aim of physiology of labour?
№11 I.Тheme:Physical factors of productive environment and prophylaxis of their unfavorable affecting health of man. II.Aim:to acquaint students with physical, chemical and biological the factors of productive environment. III. Theses of lecture: