Объективные факторы возникновения конфликтов _____________ 5
Law is the whole set of rules that are supported by the power of government and that control the behaviour of members of a society. It safeguards the rights of individuals, regulates their dealings with others and enforces the duties of government There are two main kinds of the law - public and private (civil). Private law concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another. The system of law consists of different categories of law. There are laws which enable citizens to take legal actions against the state. These actions are part of constitutional law. Many countries face similar social, economic and political problems. Nations have always made political and economic treaties with each other. International law is created to regulate relations between governments and also between As well as defining the powers of government, most constitutions describe the fundamental rights of citizens. These usually include general declarations about freedom and equality but also some specific provisions. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was first adopted in 1950 and has now been signed by every country of Western Europe. Individual citizens of these countries have the right to bring a complaint before the European Commission if they think their government has broken the Convention. But despite the development of legally binding national and international conventions, millions of people in the world still do not enjoy human rights.
4. Задайте вопросы к следующему предложению: The European Convention on Human Rights was first adopted in 1950 and has been signed by every country of Western Europe.
Комитет общего и профессионального образования Ленинградской области Автономное образовательное учреждение "ЛЕНИНГРАДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ имени А.С.Пушкина" Лужский институт (филиал) Высшего профессионального образования Факультет экономический Реферат На тему "Причины возникновения конфликтов" Выполнил работу: Студент 1 курса 111 группа Иванов Д.С. Проверил работу; Яромчик С.Е
Луга 2013г.
Содержание Введение _______________________________________________________ 3 Причины конфликтов _________________________________________ 4 Составляющие причины конфликтов _________________________ 4 Объективные факторы возникновения конфликтов _____________ 5