Студопедия — Method of Fruit and Vegetables Preservation
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Method of Fruit and Vegetables Preservation

Drying, salting, cold storage, freezing, bottling and canning are methods used to preserve vegetables and fruit. If foods are kept for a few days in the air, they spoil because of the action of yeasts, bacteria and other types of microorganisms. Food preserving methods destroy these organisms or prevent their re-entry or slow down their growth.

As bacteria need moisture for their development, they cannot grow if foods are dried. Salting, like drying, reduces the moisture content of food, and, in addition, salt destroys certain organisms. Drying and salting have been practised for many centuries. Drying is still used commercially for preserving various fruit, such as grapes, apples, apricots, and vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, peppers and carrots. In some countries fruit, herbs and mushrooms are dried at home. Beans and sauerkraut are often salted, and salt and vinegar are combined in making pickles, such as cucumber pickles.

The first bottling was done about 180 years ago. In bottling and canning the food is heated to destroy spoilage organisms. In canning the container is sealed before it is heated; in bottling it is sealed afterwards. Bottling is cheaper because the bottles can be used again and again, but canned foods are more convenient for storage. At present bottling and canning are used for preserving a great variety of fruit and vegetables.

The canning of fruit and vegetables is very important as this food preservation process does not seriously injure the natural flavour of fresh food.

The first stage in the process consists of preparing the raw ma­terial by removing diseased fruit, and throwing away the waste por­tions such as stalks from plums, cherries or blackcurrants. Vegeta­bles, carrots, potatoes are peeled and washed. Most of this work is done mechanically. Delicate fruits, such as strawberries and raspber­ries are prepared entirely by hand, and filled directly into the cans.

When fruits or vegetables are filled into the cans, brine is added to the cans of vegetables or syrup to the cans of fruit. The syrup is made by dissolving sugar in water, and sometimes a small amount of colouring matter is added.

The filled cans pass through a pre-heating process which removes any gases from the tissues of the fruit or vegetables. After heating during 5 to 12 minutes the cans are supplied with lids and hermeti­cally sealed by a closing machine. They are then ready for sterilizing. Fruits, because of their high acidity, are easily sterilized in boiling water for 8 to 15 minutes. Vegetables, which have little acidity, can­not be sterilized at boiling point, and are heated for about 30 min­utes under steam pressure at a temperature of 240°F. The steriliza­tion is usually done in steel vessels holding about 1,000 cans.

After sterilization the cans are cooled down to a temperature of about 90°F. Then they are labelled by automatic machines which can label 150 cans a minute and are packed into fiber-board cases, either by hand or by automatic machinery (2500).

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Выбор и обоснование направлений использования ферментных препаратов в производстве мучных кондитерских изделий.

Столовая свекла обладает многими лечебными свойствами, что обуславливает ее традиционное использование в питании. Свекла активизирует ферменты, способствующие выделению токсических элементов и радионуклидов. Она содержит радиозащитные вещества. Общее количество сахаров в разных сортах столовой свеклы примерно одинаковое – 8 – 10 % и они представлены моносахарами и дисахаридами, которые легко усваиваются. Клетчатка свеклы, взаимодействуя с холестерином, предотвращает его всасывание в кровь. Она играет важную роль в нормализации кишечной микрофлоры (480).

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