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Stationary power-driven machines are any stationary power-driven machine that is used to shape or form parts made of metal or other materials. The shaping is accomplished in four general ways: by cutting excess material in the form of chips from the part; by shearing the material; by squeezing metallic parts to the desired shape; and by applying electricity, ultrasound, or chemically active substances to the material. The fourth category covers modern machine tools and processes for machining ultrahard metals not machinable by older methods.

A machine tool is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining, which is the selective removal of metal. The term machine tool is usually reserved for tools that used a power source other than human movement, but they can be powered by people if appropriately set up. Many historians of technology consider that the true machine tools were born when direct human involvement was removed from the shaping or stamping process of the different kinds of tools. The earliest lathe with direct mechanical control of the cutting tool was a screw-cutting lathe dating to about 1483. This lathe "produced screw threads out of wood and employed a true compound slide rest".

The first machine tools offered for sale (i.e. commercially available) were constructed by one Matthew Murray in England around 1800.

Machine tools can be powered from a variety of sources. Human and animal power is options, as energy is captured through the use of waterwheels. However, machine tools really began to develop after the development of the steam engine, leading to the Industrial Revolution. Today, most are powered by electricity.

From the simplest to the most complex, most machine tools are capable of at least partial self-replication since they are machines, and produce machine parts as their primary function. Because of the precise dimensional requirements of the parts and the heavy cutting forces exerted on the cutting tool, machine tools combine weight and rigidity with delicate accuracy.

Machine tools may be classified under three main categories: conventional chip-making machine tools, presses, and unconventional machine tools. Conventional chip-making tools shape the workpiece by cutting away the unwanted portion in the form of chips. Presses employ a number of different shaping processes, including shearing, pressing, or drawing (elongating). Unconventional machine tools employ light, electrical, chemical, and sonic energy; superheated gases; and high-energy particle beams to shape the exotic materials and alloys that have been developed to meet the needs of modern technology.

B. Guess the meaning of these words in your own language. Translate the text "Stationary power-driven machines".

Stationary power-driven machines; to form metal parts; to employ sonic energy; cutting excess material; corrosive chemicals; a form of chips; power source; human movement; variety of sources; waterwheels; precise dimensional requirements; heavy cutting forces; delicate accuracy; to meet the needs of modern technology; unwanted portion; the Industrial Revolution.


Exercise 5. Translate orally.

Поддающийся механической обработке; штамповка; to exert force; unconventional machine tools; high-energy particle beam; съем металла; pressing; сверхжёсткие металлы; резьботокарный станок; волочение; electrically driven; desired shape; станок с механическим приводом; обрабатываемая деталь; to exert force; водяное колесо; отрезание


Exercise 6. Insert the words from the list below to the following sentences.

Conventional chip-making tools; chips; offered for sale; machine tool; unconventional machine tools; steam engine; commercially available; a screw-cutting lathe.


1) One of the ways the shaping is accomplished is cutting excess material in the form of _______ from the part.

2) The first machine tools _________________ were constructed by one Matthew Murray in England around 1800. (2 variants).

3) Machine tools may be classified under three main categories: conventional chip-making machine tools, presses, and ______________.

4) Machine tools really began to develop after the development of the____________, leading to the Industrial Revolution.

5) __________________ is a powered mechanical device, typically used to fabricate metal components of machines by machining.

6) __________________ shape the workpiece by cutting away the unwanted portion in the form of chips.

7) The earliest lathe with direct mechanical control of the cutting tool was a ________________ dating to about 1483.


Exercise 7. Complete sentences of your own using given words and word combinations:

Commercially available; power-driven machine; to exert force; unconventional machine tools; shaping parts; exotic materials; chips.


Exercise 8. Answer the questions to the text "Stationary power-driven machines".

1) What is a stationary power-driven machine?

2) What is a machine tool?

3) What was the earliest lathe with direct mechanical control?

4) When did machine tools begin to develop?

5) What is the primary function of the machine tools?

6) Why do the machine tools combine weight and rigidity with delicate accuracy?

7) Under what main categories can be machine tools classified?

8) What is the operating principle of conventional tools?

9) What shaping processes do presses employ?

10) What do the unconventional machine tools employ?


Exercise 9. Combine simple sentences to make a composite asyndetic sentence. Translate them.

Model: The most important elements in ordinary steel are iron and carbon. Carbon is chemically combined with iron. - The most important elements in ordinary steel are iron and carbon; the latter is chemically combined with iron. - Наиболее важными элементами в обычных сталях являются железо и углерод; последний входит в химическое соединение с железом.


1) Unconventional machine tools employ light. They also employ electrical, chemical, and sonic energy and also superheated gases.

2) Machine tools may be classified under three main categories. These categories include conventional chip-making machine tools, and presses, and unconventional machine tools.

3) One of the categories of shaping covers modern machine tools. And it also covers processes for machining ultrahard metals not machinable by older methods.

4) Most machine tools are capable of at least partial self-replication. They are also capable of producing machine parts as their primary function.

5) The shaping is accomplished in four general ways: by cutting excess material in the form of chips from the part, and shearing the material, and squeezing metallic parts to the desired shape.

6) Computerized numerical control (CNC) machines could precisely repeat sequences. They could also produce much more complex pieces than even the most skilled tool operators.

7) The term machine tool is usually reserved for tools that used a power source other than human movement. Machine tools can be powered by people if appropriately set up.


Exercise 10. Translate sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the Lesson.

1) Металлорежущий станок с ручным управлением – это машина для обработки заготовок путём снятия стружки.

2) Станок – это механическое устройство, которое в основном используется для обработки металлических деталей.

3) Один из способов фрезеровки - обработка детали путем среза излишек метала.

4) Металлорежущие станки могут быть классифицированы на три основные категории: металлорежущие станки с ручным управлением, прессы и специальные станки.

5) Прессы включают целую ряд процессов формовки детали, такие как прессование, отрезание, волочение.

6) На сегодняшний день большинство металлорежущих станков работает на электричестве.

7) Для обработки сплавов и материалов с необычными свойствами используются разные виды энергии.


Exercise11. Speak on.

Make up your own dialogues/monologues using the information you got from the text.

Speak on machine tools and their classification.


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