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Parts of a lathe

A lathe may or may not have a stand (or legs), which sits on the floor and elevates the lathe bed to a working height. Some lathes are small and sit on a workbench or table, and do not have a stand

Almost all lathes have a "bed", which is (almost always) a horizontal beam. At one end of the bed (almost always the left, as the operator faces the lathe) is a "headstock". The headstock contains high-precision spinning bearings.

Rotating within the bearings is a horizontal axle, with an axis parallel to the bed, called the "spindle". The spindle is driven, either by foot power from a treadle and flywheel or by a belt drive to a power source.

Woodturning and metal spinning lathes have "banjos", which are flat pieces that sit crosswise on the bed. The position of a banjo can be adjusted by hand; no gearing is involved. Ascending vertically from the banjo is a tool post, at the top of which is a horizontal "tool rest".

Woodworking lathes are the oldest variety. All other varieties are descended from these simple lathes. An adjustable horizontal metal rail - the tool rest - between the material and the operator accommodates the positioning of shaping tools, which are usually hand-held.

In a metalworking lathe, metal is removed from the workpiece using a hardened cutting tool, which is usually fixed to a solid moveable mounting called the "toolpost", which is then moved against the workpiece using handwheels and/or computer controlled motors.

These (cutting) tools come in a wide range of sizes and shapes depending upon their application. Some common styles are diamond, round, square and triangular.

In metal spinning lathes, a disk of sheet metal is held perpendicularly to the main axis of the lathe, and tools with polished tips (spoons) are hand held, but levered by hand against fixed posts, to develop large amounts of torque/pressure that deform the spinning sheet of metal.

Metal spinning lathes are almost as simple as woodturning lathes (and, at this point, lathes being used for metal spinning almost always are woodworking lathes). Typically, metal spinning lathes require a user-supplied rotationally symmetric mandrel, usually made of wood, which serves as a template onto which the workpiece is moulded (non-symmetric shapes can be done, but it is a very advanced technique).

Rotary lathe is a lathe in which softwood logs are turned against a very sharp blade and peeled off in one continuous or semi-continuous roll.


Exercise 10. Find the English equivalents in the text “Lathe”:

Токарный станок по дереву; деревообрабатывающий станок; высокоточный; духовые музыкальные инструменты; маховое колесо; шлифование песком; подсвечник; ручной; применение; острое лезвие; резцедержатель; стекольное производство; станина токарного станка; гончарный круг.


Exercise 11. Look through the sentences and say if they are true (T) or false (F):

1) Lathes are used in woodturning, metalworking, metal spinning, and glassworking.

2) Every lathe has a stand (or legs).

3) A «bed» of a lathe is almost always a vertical beam.

4) Especially woodwind instruments are produced on a lathe.

5) A metalworking lathe is the oldest machine tool.

6) A metalspinning lathe has descended from a simple woodworking lathe.

7) A "toolpost" is a solid moveable mounting.

8) A wide range of sizes and shapes of cutting tools depends on their application.

9) In metal spinning lathes, a disk of sheet metal is held parallel to the main axis of the lathe.

10) Lathes being used for metal spinning almost always are woodworking lathes.

Exercise 12. Answer the questions to the text “Lathe”:

1) What is a lathe?

2) Where are lathes used?

3) What are the examples of objects that can be produced on lathes?

4) What is a “stand” of a lathe? Do all lathes have a stand?

5) What is a "spindle”? How is it driven?

6) What is "banjo"?

7) What types of lathes do you know?

8) What is the principle of operation of a metalworking lathe?

9) What do metal spinning lathes require?

10) What is a rotary lathe?


Exercise 13. Match the terms with the definitions below:

Rotary lathe spindle lathe headstock bed

1) A component of a lathe that contains high-precision spinning bearings.

2) A lathe in which softwood logs are turned against a very sharp blade and peeled off in one continuous or semi-continuous roll.

3) A horizontal beam of a lathe.

4) A part of a lathe, driven, either by foot power from a treadle and flywheel or by a belt drive to a power source.

5) A machine tool which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, etc.


Exercise 14. Give definitions to the following word combinations.

Woodworking lathes, rotary lathes, solid of revolution, metal spinning lathes, cutting tool.


Exercise 15. Translate the sentences paying attention to the gerundial constructions.

1) A lathe is a machine tool used to perform cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling.

2) Most suitably equipped metalworking lathes can also be used for shaping pottery, the best-known design being the potter's wheel.

3) Ascending vertically from the banjo is a tool post.

4) The position of a banjo can be adjusted by hand; no gearing is involved.

5) A user-supplied rotationally symmetric mandrel is needed while metal spinning.


Exercise 16. Translate from Russian into English using the non-finite verb form (gerund).

1) Расположение банджо может регулироваться рукой, без использования специального механизма.

2) Станки, используемые для давильной обработки, в основном, являются деревообрабатывающими станками.

3) Станки используются для работы по дереву, металлообработки, давильной обработки и в стекольном производстве.

4) Подставка служит для того, чтобы поднимать станину токарного станка на рабочую высоту.

5) Шлифование песком – одна из операций, выполняемых станком.

6) Зарождение токарного ремесла датируется 1300 г. до н.э.

7) Мотор позволяет станку развить более высокую скорость вращения, что ускоряет производство более качественных деталей.


Exercise 17. Speak on.

Look at the picture below showing the component parts of a lathe from 1911. Describe it, pointing out functions of some details.



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