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Task 9. Use the table below to make sentences, as in the example

jobs qualities reasons
politicians teachers firefighters telephone operators actors doctors brave confident patient persuasive understanding polite give people information make people believe in them help people to learn things listen to people’s problems perform in front of people face dangerous situations

Example: Politicians need to be persuasive because they have to make people believe in them.

Task 10. Work in pairs. Describe the personal qualities required for the job you would like to do or any of the following: doctor, technician, scientist, fireman, businessman, sportsman.


Organized, brave, strong-willed, understanding, courageous, ready to give advice, to do training, to enjoy reading, to be good at maths, to make decisions about things, to take risks, to have lots of ideas, to think deeply about things, to be the centre of attention, to work in a team, to plan in advance, to observe rules and timetables, to be determined, be careful.

Example: An economist is very good at maths. He usually plans everything in advance. He thinks deeply about things. Economists are very good with money.

Task 11. Read the assay and say if you agree with the first sentence:

Text: Appearance and character

Beauty may have fair leaves, but bitter fruit. As I see it, this is about appearances and characters.

To my mind appearances sometimes may be deceptive, but not always. Of course, practically everyone has met at least someone whose character and appearance differ radically. And still we are captivated by stereotypes. When we watch films we expect positive heroes to be tall, well-built and handsome, with bright eyes, a straight nose, high forehead, and thick brown hair. They are supposed to be brave, strong-willed and confident in character. Positive heroines should be beautiful slender young ladies with delicate features, blue eyes under thick eyelashes, plump lips and long blonde wavy hair.

Negative characters should be weak and small, with pale eyes and thin or balding hair, with an ugly face. Wicked cinema females are practically always skinny brunettes with ugly irregular features – a hooked nose, pointed chin, close-set eyes and thin lips. They display their character as cunning and selfish.

In ordinary life intelligent, kind, generous and cheerful people do not necessarily have good looks. Similarly, stupid, stubborn, mean, impolite and dishonest people are not necessarily unattractive. Nature likes to play tricks on us, and we may consider it as a present on the part of nature. Life becomes not a boring routine, but a brilliant kaleidoscope of characters and appearances which often clash.



Task 12. Match these adjectives with the questions and then characterize your partner:

honest, hard-working, to have a sense of humor, shy, polite, clever, friendly, lazy, superior, selfish.


questions adjectives
1. Do you always smile and say hello when you meet someone?  
2. Do you always do your homework and spend extra time on schoolwork?  
3. Are you afraid to speak to people you don’t know?  
4. Do you dislike working hard?  
5. Do you seldom boast or say that you are the best?  
6. Are you only interested in yourself?  
7. Do you always say the truth?  
8. Do you like making jokes?  
9. Do you always say «Thank you» and «Please»?  
10. Were you good at subjects at school?  

Task 13. Read and translate the dialogue:

Дата добавления: 2015-06-12; просмотров: 1475. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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