Студопедия — С. В. Березин, К. С. Лисецкий
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С. В. Березин, К. С. Лисецкий

1. Berger R. Nature Therapy – Developing a framework for practice. A Ph.D. University of Abertay, Dundee: School of Health and Social Sciences, 2009.

2. Berger R. & Lahad M. The healing forest – Nature Therapy and the integration of arts for the care of children after crisis. Kiryat Tivon: Akh Publications (Hebrew), 2011.

3. Berger R. and McLeod G. Nature Therapy – A theoretical and practical framework. Social Work Journal. 2007, 46, P. 42-31 (Hebrew).

4. Beringer A. and Martin P. On adventure therapy and the natural worlds: Respecting nature’s healing. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoors Learning, 2003, 3, P.29-40.

5. Garst B., Scheider I. & Baker D. Outdoor adventure program participation impacts on adolescent self-perception. Journal of Experiential Education. 2001, 24 (1), 41-50.

6. Kaly P.W. & Hessacker M. Effects of a ship-based adventure program on adolescent self-esteem and ego-identity development. Journal of Experiential Education. 2003, 26 (2), 97-105.

7. Kinder D. W. Nature and psyche - radical environmentalism and the politics of subjectivity. Albany: University of New York, 2002.

8. Kuhn J.L. Toward an ecological humanistic psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2001, 41: 9-24.

9. Lahad M. Creative supervision. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2002.

10. Neill J. T. & Heubeck B. Adolescent coping styles and outdoor education: Searching for the mechanisms of change. In C.M. Itin, (Ed.). Exploring the Boundaries of Adventure Therapy. International Perspectives. USA: Association of Experiential Education, 1998.

11. Pilisuk M. & Joy M. Humanistic psychology and ecology. In Schnedier, K.J., Bugental, J.F.T. and Pierson, J.F. (Eds.). The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. P. 101-114, 2001.

12. Price R and DeBever M. The Windana therapeutic community's action adventure program. In C.M. Itin, (Ed.). Exploring the Boundaries of Adventure Therapy International Perspectives. USA: Association of Experiential Education, 1998.

13. Roszak T. The voice of the earth. Grand Rapids: Phanes Press, 2001.

14. Roszak T., Gomes M. E., Kanner A.D. Ecopsychology: restoring the mind, healing the earth. San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 1995.

15. Simpson C.A. and Gillis L. Working with those who hurt others: Adventure therapy with juvenile sexual perpetrators. In C.M. Itin (Ed.) Exploring the boundaries of adventure therapy. USA, Association of Experiential Education, 1998.

16. Taylor E. Transpersonal psychology: Its several virtues. The humanistic psychologist. 1992, 20 (2 & 3), 285-300.

17. Totton N. The ecological self: introducing eco-psychology. Counseling and Psychotherapy Journal. 2003, 14, 14-17.

18. Whitaker P. Groundswell - The nature and Landscape of Art Therapy. In Moon, C.H. (Ed), Materials and media in art therapy: Critical understandings of diverse artistic vocabularies. New York: Routledge, 2010.


С. В. Березин, К. С. Лисецкий.

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