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Экзамен ГИА. Тематика общения. Задания по говорению


Пока я был в армии, мои родители продали нашу квартиру и переехали в другой район. После армии я перевелся в другой университет на совершенно другую специальность. Сейчас я учусь на втором курсе, параллельно работаю. Летом собираюсь ехать по студенческой программе в США. О наркотиках вспоминаю редко. Хотя иногда не вспоминать не получается. Я болен гепатитом C (стало известно совсем недавно) + еще куча осложнений. А об этом забыть трудно. Да, и нередко приходиться вводить внутривенно маме лекарства от сердца (сердце заболело после переживаний из-за меня). Ставлю капельницы моей старенькой бабушке. Вот и все. Я надеюсь, что у меня прекрасное будущее. Я надеюсь, что у меня родятся здоровые, красивые дети. И они никогда в жизни не попробуют то, что пробовал Я. Очень часто, гуляя по улицам нашего города, я встречаю молодых людей (юношей бледных, со взором горящим) и снова, как и раньше, испытываю чувство сострадания. СОСТРАДАНИЯ без ОТВРАЩЕНИЯ, в отличие от того, что было РАНЬШЕ.


P.S. Я хочу сказать огромное спасибо своим родственникам, МАМЕ, ПАПЕ и всем тем, кто поддерживал меня в черные дни.



Экзамен ГИА. Тематика общения. Задания по говорению.

1. Межличностные взаимоотношения в семье.

Give a talk about doing housework. Remember to say:


- What kind of chores and housework people do round the house

- Whether or not you do chores, why / why not

- What you (would) prefer: cooking or cleaning, and why


2. Межличностные отношения с друзьями и в школе.

Give talk about having friends. Remember to say:


- What we need friends for

- If it’s important to have a best friend, why / why not

- What you prefer: having many friends or having a few good friends, and why

3. Внешность и характеристики человека.

Give a talk about knowing people of different ages. Remember to say:


- Why it is important to know people who are older and younger than you

- What you learn from each other

- How people of different ages are different or similar to you


4. Досуг и увлечения (спорт, музыка, чтение, посещение кино/театра, дискотеки, кафе). Молодежная мода.


Give a talk about libraries. Remember to say:

• what we need libraries for

• whether you use your school library, why/why not

• what you prefer: using libraries or Internet resources, why

Give a talk on teenage fashions. Remember to say:

- if both teenage boys and girls pay attention to fashion, why;

- what fashion style you prefer;

- if you would recommend to introduce a fashionable school uniform, why / why not.

Give a talk about clothes and fashion. Remember to say:

- Why fashion is important to some people

- How important is appearance to you, why

- What you prefer: wearing comfortable clothes or latest fashions, why

Give a talk about sport. Remember to say:

· whether teenagers should do sports, why

· whether you prefer doing or watching sports

· what you do to keep fit


Give a talk about exercise routine. Remember to say:

· why it is important to have an exercise routine

· whether you have an exercise routine, and why / why not

· what would you prefer: exercising in a gym or exercising outdoors, and why


Give a talk about free time. Remember to say:

· what you enjoy doing in your free time;

· whether you prefer spending your free time with your friends or alone, why;

· what you would do if you had more free time.


Give a talk about hobbies. Remember to say:

· why it’s good to have a hobby

· what sort of hobbies interest you and why

· what you prefer: doing hobbies on your own or doing them with friends and why


Give a talk about art galleries and museums. Remember to say:

- What purpose art galleries and museums serve

- Whether you go to art galleries and museums, and why / why not

- What you prefer: seeing objects in a museum / gallery or reading about them, and why


5. Покупки. Карманные деньги.


Speak about money. Remember to say:


- what today’s teenagers usually spend their pocket money on

- whether you have ever thought about taking a job; why it can be a problem for a student

- what you would do for your town/city/village, if you had lots of money


Give a talk about shopping. Remember to say:

- Whether you like shopping, why / why not

- How often you go shopping and what kind of things you buy

- What you prefer: going to shops or shopping online, why


6. Переписка.

7. Школьная жизнь. Изучаемые предметы и отношение к ним. Каникулы. Школьные обмены.

Give a talk about your school. Remember to say:

· when your school was founded;

· what clubs and sports facilities the school has;

· whether there is anything special about your school.


- what your school is like;

· things you like most about your school;

· things you dislike about your school, what you would like to change.


Give a talk about your school uniform. Remember to say:

· whether you wear school uniform in school or not

· what the advantages of wearing school uniform are

· what the disadvantages of wearing school uniform are


Give a talk about exams. Remember to say:


- Why exams are important

- If you enjoy exams, and why / why not

- What you prefer: having lots of short exams, or one long exam at the end of the year, why


Speak about your school holidays. Remember to say:


- what your favourite school holidays are, and why

- which you prefer: to spend holidays in the city or in the country, and why

- what the best holidays you ever had were


Give a talk about your school trips. Remember to say:

- What school trips are for

- Which school trips you have enjoyed the most and why

- What you would prefer: to visit a museum or a castle, and why


Give a talk about meeting people from other countries. Remember to say:

- If it is important to meet people from other countries and why

- What you can learn from each other

- Who you have met from another country, or who you would like to meet


8. Проблемы выбора профессии и роль иностранного языка.

Give a talk about your dream job. Remember to say:

- what your ambitions are and why;

- why you are sure that you will be good at this job;

- if you would like to work in your country or abroad. Give reasons.

Give a talk about foreign languages. Remember to say:

- why it is useful to study foreign languages at school;

- how many languages you would like to speak; what they would be;

- what you do to improve your English.


- why foreign languages are important in modern society;

· what you do to speak English fluently;

· why you have chosen English as your exam this year.


9. Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Их географическое положение, климат, население, города и сёла, достопримечательности.

Give a talk about the place where you live (about your home town).

Remember to say:

· what your home town looks like;

· whether you have some favourite places in your home town, what they are;

· what you would do for your home town if you were the President of our



10. Страна/страны изучаемого языка и родная страна. Их культурные особенности (национальные праздники, знаменательные даты, традиции, обычаи).

Give a talk about holidays. Remember to say:

· what holidays are the most popular in your country;

· what your favourite holiday is and why you like it;

· how you usually celebrate this holiday.


- What national holidays are for

- What happens on national holidays

- What you prefer: celebrating at home or going out, and why

11. Выдающиеся люди родной страны и стран изучаемого языка, их вклад в науку и мировую культуру.

Speak about a famous person from history.

Remember to say:

- what he/she is famous for

- when and where he/she lived

- whether he/she played a positive or negative role in history, and why

12. Путешествие по странам изучаемого языка и России.

Give a talk about your last trip. Remember to say:

• where you went

• what you enjoyed most of all during your trip

• where you would like to go for a trip in the future and why


Give a talk about travelling. Remember to say:

· why most people like travelling;

· where you would like to go on your holidays;

· what means of transport is the best for travelling, why.


· why travelling has been so popular since the beginning of the 20th century;

· what the best means of transport for travelling is (from your point of view);

· what people like doing while travelling.


· why travelling to different place is a good idea

· where you have travelled in your country and abroad

· where would you prefer to visit: somewhere near or far away, and why

13. Технический прогресс

Speak about important inventions. Remember to say:

- what invention you consider the most important

- what devices you often use and what for

- why it is difficult for people to do without computers and mobile phones


Give a talk about mobile phones. Remember to say:

· whether you use a mobile phone

· what the advantages of using mobile phones are

· what the disadvantages of using mobile phones are


Give a talk about computers. Remember to say:

- Why computers are useful to students

- What you use a computer for

- What disadvantages computers have


14. Средства массовой информации (пресса, телевидение, радио, Интернет).

Give a 1.5-2 minute talk on TV. Remember to say:

• whether you prefer watching TV to other kinds of entertainment, why

• what programmes are the most popular in your family

• whether people should watch TV less or not, and why.


- whether TV plays an important role in the life of today’s teenagers, why/why not

- how TV can help teenagers in their studies

- what negative effects of watching TV you know


Give a talk about newspapers and magazines. Remember to say:

- What we need newspapers and magazines for nowadays

- Whether you read newspapers and /or magazines, and why / why not

- What you prefer: reading news in a newspaper or online, and why


Give a talk about the Internet. Remember to say:

· why the Internet is important in modern society;

· what you use the Internet for;

· whether the Internet can be harmful for users, why.


15. Глобальные проблемы современности.

16. Природа и проблемы экологии. Здоровый образ жизни.

Give a talk on healthy lifestyle. Remember to say:

- What healthy lifestyle is for you

- If it is popular among youngsters and why;

- If you can strictly follow it your everyday life, why/why not.


Give a talk about keeping fit. Remember to say:

- why lots of people try to keep fit;

- what you do to keep fit;

- what sports are popular with your friends.


Give a talk about food. Remember to say:

- what food you like and don’t like

- whether you like cooking and why / why not

- what you prefer: eating at home or going out to eat and why


Give a talk about environmental problems. Remember to say:

· what environmental problems our country has;

· what environmental problem you consider to be the most serious, why;

· what people can do to improve the situation.


- if it is important to take care of the environment and why;

- what the government can do to solve ecological problems;

- what you personally can do to help the environment.


Give a talk about zoos. Remember to say:

- what zoos are and why they are important

- if you enjoy going to the zoo, and why / why not

- what you prefer: zoos or wildlife parks, and why

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Дата добавления: 2015-06-12; просмотров: 5021. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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