Example: Speak from the following cues and say which cue you liked most of all and why
Cue 1
Cue 2
Cue 3
Cue 4
An important type of activity in teaching to speak is socialization. Socialization is actual experience of oral communication with empathy, personal interactive contact, support-seeking and care-giving communication. It is spontaneous, relationship based, unplanned, private and supportive. Socialization can be trained in activities that help developing in learners social skills. These skills are necessary to develop learner interaction in the classroom. Example: Consider the following techniques to develop social skills in learners and say what social skills can be developed with their help:
THREE-PHASE FRAMEWORK THREE-PHASE FRAMEWORK OF TEACHING TO SPEAK CONSISTS OF THE PRE-SPEAKING, WHILE-SPEAKING AND POST-SPEAKING ACTIVITIES. SAY WHAT ACTIVITIES BELONG TO PRE-, WHILE- AND POST-SPEAKING (IN THE TABLE): Pre-speaking activity is to prepare the participants for the main speaking activity. Questions, pictures and texts can be used to these ends. Brainstorming is an activity used to generate ideas in small groups before the main speaking activity. The purpose is to generate as many ideas as possible within a specified time period. Motivation of participants can be enhanced when they clearly see the communicative problem and the ways to resolve it. While-speak ing the participants actually resolve the communicative problem and produce its resolution as a result of the role-play, problem-solving, socialization or communication game. Post-speaking can provide opportunities for the learners to re-visit the language and ideas produced and to think of the ways to make communication more effective. An important part of the post-speaking activity is the development of integrated communicative skills, i.e. reading-and-speaking task, listening-and-speaking task, speaking-and-writing task etc.