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Read the interview and decide which answer (A, B or С) best fits each space.


Interviewer: The recent scandal involving your finance minister has done little to restore public confidence in the government.

Minister: (1)….., I think the “scandal”, as you call it, has shown us to be a very moral party. The minister concerned resigned his post and showed great contribution for what he had done.

Interviewer: (2)…., a scandal is a scandal.(3) …., a senior minister accepts a large donation on behalf of his party from the entrepreneur Robert Tivwell, then five weeks later, Tivwell’s company, which (4)…. just happens to be nearly bankrupt, wins a contract with the government worth millions of pounds.

Minister: Well, I say, the minister has resigned,(5)…. I should point out that there is technically nothing illegal about what he did.

Interviewer: Yes, there is, minister. It’s called bribery.

Minister: Well you can call it that if you want. I prefer to call it “sharp practice” (6)….. But it happens, it’s always happened, and I’m sure it’ll continue to happen.(7) ….., we will not condone this kind of financial dealing and will continue to stamp down on it.

Interviewer: This is pure double task!

Minister: No, that’s not true. (8) …. We take such matters extremely seriously. But we are realistic enough to know that we can’t eliminate them altogether. You see, there is nothing to stop people or companies making donations to parties – (9)…… if we didn’t have such money, we wouldn’t be able to survive. It’s just that the timing of such payments can be unfortunate. So each case has to be investigated on its merits. But (10)…., this practice is causing less controversy than it has done under previous governments.


1) A Incidentally B First of all C On the contrary

2) A Even so B As a matter of fact C Hence

3) A By and large B Consequently C First of all

4) A In contrast B Incidentally C at any rate

5) A despite B although C whereas

6) A anyway B furthermore C to be honest

7) A Having said that B Moreover C To make matters worse

8) A As a result B As a matter of fact C To some extent

9) A although B thus C indeed

10) A in contrast B in addition C broadly speaking



2. Read the text and decide which answer best fits each space:


Starting your own business could be the way to achieving financial independence.!)…. It could just as well land you in debt for the rest of your life. (2)….., that is the view of Charles and Brenda Leggat, a Scottish couple, who last week saw their fish farm business put into the hands of the receiver. “We started the business at the time when everyone was being encouraged by the banks to borrow money. (3)…., we fell into the same trap, and asked for a big loan. (4)…., at the time we were sure that we could make it into a going concern,” said Charles Leggat, a farmer from the Highlands. “The bank analysed the proposals we put forward and they agreed that it would be a highly profitable business.” Sure enough, within five years the Leggats were exporting trout and salmon products to hotels all over Europe, and (5) … they took on over fifty staff. (6)…, with the advent of the recession, they began to lose ground as orders dried up. “(7)…., said Brenda Leggat, “the business has now been valued by the bank at a fraction of its true worth. If they had left us to work our way out of our difficulties, (8)…. Virtually bankrupting us, I am sure that we could have gone back into profit. As it is, we have been left without a livelihood, and the bank has not recovered what it lent us.” The Leggats both felt that their banks had not treated them fairly. “…., they were falling over themselves to lend us the money initially, (10) ….. now they are doing very little to keep the business going, and fifty local people in work.” A spokesman for the bank concerned refused to comment.


1) A Moreover B On the other hand C As well as

2) A At least B However C To make matters worse

3) A Incidentally B At any rate C As a result

4) A To put it another way B Nevertheless C In contrast

5) A what’s more B on the other hand C to tell the truth

6) A Hence B Consequently C However

7) A In contrast B Whereas C To make matters worse

8) A as opposed to B as well as C in addition to

9) A However B To tell the truth C As a result

10) A as well as B whereas C on the other hand



3. Put one suitable word in each space:


a) …. conclusion, I would like to than you all for your help.

b) …. It’s too late to finish the work today, we’ll come back tomorrow.

c) The flight was delayed…. a result of the high winds.

d) This radio is expensive, but …. The other hand it has very good reception.

e) First …. Al, I would like to welcome you to our annual dinner.

f) John is a hard worker. As …. as this, he is completely reliable.

g) Science has not entirely changed the way we think. …. instance, we still speak of the “sunrise” although we know it is the Earth that is moving.

h) Although this building project seems attractive, in my….. it would be a mistake to spend so much money on it.


4. Underline the most suitable word or phrase in each sentence:


1) Our local supermarket no longer opens every day, as/ on account of very few people live in our village.

2) There are a number of objections to the planned motorway. As well as this/ First of all, the new road will destroy valuable farming land. In contrast/ In addition to this, it will bring thousands of vehicles and tourists. As a result/ For example, our peaceful way of life will be destroyed forever.

3) We conducted a survey of accommodation in the town, and came up with some interesting results. The hotels we saw were rather expensive, and consequently/ moreover the actual facilities on offer were not always impressive. Besides this/ In contrast, there were many guest houses, offering just bed and breakfast, which were not only good value but also had much better rooms than the hotels did.

4) Flights are becoming cheaper, although/ however most people are aware of the damage they cause to their environment.

5) Wilson was dismissed from his job, in addition to/ on account of the seriousness of his offence.

6) Students are often not taught to think effectively. However/ as a result, they can become overwhelmed with information, as they cannot see the wood for the trees.

7) Alcohol drinking is strongly associated with the risk of liver cancer. Moreover/ None the less, there is some evidence suggesting that heavy alcohol consumption is particularly strongly associated with liver cancer among smokers.

8) Patience is not passive: on the other hand/ on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.

9) This Marie Smith’s marriage certificate is dated 4 June 1867. Accordingly/ In the same way, she cannot be the Marie Smith born in Liverpool on 12 November 1860.

10) Doctors concluded that the patient’s erratic behaviour was probably besides/ due to the mild concussion she suffered in the accident.

11) There are a number of advantages to consider. In a way/ First of all, there is the lower cost.

12) You could get it photocopied. Alternatively/ Instead, I could scan it into my computer.

13) Everyone attended the meeting, apart for/ from Mr Deacon, who was ill.


5. Complete the text using linking words:


Genetically modified foods are foods from plants (e.g. cotton, maize, tomatoes) which have been modified in a laboratory by inserting DNA from another organism. As a 1)…. of this process, the new plant variety will have some quality (e.g. resistance to certain pests, improved flavour) which makes it, in some 2) …. more valuable. 3) …. all, a GM plant can be specifically developed to suit certain conditions, and although the process produces similar results to normal plant selection to some 4)… genetic modification is quite a different way of creating new varieties of plants, 5) … to the range of possible modifications. 6)… to natural breeding techniques, which take place over a long period and may require thousands of plantings, genetic modifications can be made more efficiently, and targeted precisely at a specific need. 7)… the GM industry has come in for a great deal of criticism. Many people argue, that it is dangerous to release GM plants into the environment on 8) …. of their unusual characteristics. 9)….., critics stress that such plants are unnecessary. They argue that rather than creating potentially dangerous new varieties, we should be distributing food more efficiently. 10)…, as we see, GM foods have both advantages and disadvantages.


6. Rephrase sentences, including the words in brackets:


1) Regular exercise keeps you fit, and it gives you a feeling of well-being. (FURTHERMORE)

2) Although she suffered a serious leg injury in 2010, Henderson has come back to dominate the 400 m this season. (DESPITE THIS)

3) As well as providing lonely people with company, pets have been proved to have a beneficial effect on many common medical conditions. (WHAT IS MORE)

4) Despite lower consumer demand, the company has increased profits by 6%. (HOWEVER)

5) Bicycles are pollution-free and silent, and take up very little parking space. (AS WELL AS THIS)

6) The heater has been tested for safety, but must be used according to the instructions. (NEVERTHELESS)

7) I don’t really like the design of this sofa, and in any case it won’t fit into the room. (BESIDES)


7. Underline the best word or phrase:


What exactly is globalization? To some extent/ Moreover, the term means whatever people want it to mean. In economics, the term usually refers to the way the world has become one market, with free exchange of goods and capital. At least/ However, it is also used to describe cross-cultural contacts. Furthermore/ As well as being part of the same economic system, countries in different parts of the world share entertainment, food, and, in some respects/ owing to, similar attitudes to life. Above all/ Thus, globalization often refers to the way TV and the Internet have created a unified world in which information can be exchanged very rapidly. In fact/ nevertheless, a global economy is only possible as a result of/ however modern information technology. Despite/ Furthermore, politics has also become globalized, creating cooperation between countries. However/ Although, there are many critics globalization who point out that while business has become global, there are still winners and losers: consequently/ nevertheless, the richer nations grow richer, and the poorer nations grow poorer. They also argue that above all/ as a result of the global power of large corporations and international financial institutions, many countries no longer control their own economies.


8. Replace the underlined words with synonymous ones:


Susan had had a terrific year particularly after she was given a promotion in the summer. She had worked hard all year and, even though she was exhausted, it had been worthwhile. She was happy because she had been given a rise. On the other hand she had a lot more responsibility than before. She didn’t mind the change; besides it was a good challenge. Apart from opposition from one or two of her colleagues, she was really enjoying her new position. As a matter of fact, she had never been happier. Her home life had improved, too. She was now on friendly terms with both her mother and her father. They had come to an agreement and, although her parents still considered her their little girl, she was given more freedom on the grounds that she was, after all, 20!


9. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Я слышал, что зарплату собираются повысить. Значит, и цены вырастут.

2) Народный банк Китая сообщил о своем намерении повысить курс национальной валюты. Следовательно, цены на китайские товары повысятся.

3) Она знает несколько языков помимо французского.

4) С одной стороны, автомобиль удобен, с другой стороны от требует тщательного ухода.

5) В Австралии живет множество редких животных таких как коала и кенгуру.

6) Боюсь, вам не хватает опыта. Более того, вы несколько ленивы.

7) В мире ежегодно умирает множество людей от таких заболеваний как СПИД и рак.

8) В самом деле, если цены на алкоголь повысят, водку пить не перестанут.

9) Пока чиновники обсуждали сложившуюся ситуацию, многие люди стали сами расчищать снег в своих дворах.

10) Борьба с пьянством должна быть повсеместной. К примеру, следует установить единое время запрета на продажу алкоголя.

11) Кроме того, следует ужесточить требования в торговцам, имеющим лицензию на продажу спиртных напитков.

12) Большинство внезапных смертей вызвано болезнями сердца.

13) Удачные примеры изменений в деловом климате обещано распространить на все страну. Тем временем, участники форума заключили контракты на 15 млн долларов.

14) Около 2 тысяч человек погибло на юге Киргизии из-за столкновений на национальной почве.

15) Несмотря на протесты мировой общественности, глава правительства Грузии опроверг обвинения в вооруженном нападении на мирных жителей Южной Осетии.

16) Оппозиция стала оживать, когда ей предоставили возможность самовыражения.

17) Чтобы быть убедительной, оппозиция должна быть зрелой.

18) Успеху парламентских партий способствовал рост протестов среди населения.

19) Мы пытаемся наладить контакт между Францией и Россией не для того, чтобы показать, что в России все плохо, а во Франции – хорошо, сказал Президент Франции. Наша цель – найти общую основу для сотрудничества.

20) Как только человек получил качественную услугу, он хочет, чтобы следующая услуга была еще лучше.

21) Форум «Инновационные технологии в сервисе» вызвал большой резонанс. Дело в том, что сфера услуг – важная часть жизни каждого человека.

22) Не секрет, что традиционные месторождения газа в Западной Сибири постепенно истощаются. Поэтому «Газпром» идет дальше на север – на Ямал.

23) Благодаря уникальным технологиям, сейчас возможны многие сложнейшие операции на сердце.

24) Где бы я ни оказался, я всегда помню о том, что нужно уважать культуру другого народа – как бы она ни отличалась от вашей.

25) Военный суд отменил приказ министра обороны об увольнении троих офицеров. Тем не менее, командующий округом признался, что ему стыдно за своих подчиненных.

26) В этой части постоянно происходили неприятные происшествия – солдаты совершали самоубийства, а недавно, во время учений танк расстрелял командный пункт. В результате погибло два человека.

27) Столики на тротуаре работают на совершенно законных основаниях – нос одним условием: пешеходам должно оставаться пространство в 1,5 метра.

28) Отпуск оплачивается работодателем не менее чем за три дня до начала отпуска. В том случае, если выплата не была произведена в срок, работник имеет право перенести дату начала отпуска.

29) Статистика показывает, что чаще всего молния ударяет в дубы и тополя. Она почти не трогает клен. Однако, следует учитывать, что под любым деревом небезопасно прятаться от грозы. Кроме того, чаще всего молния бьет в высокие предметы, холмы и камни. Поэтому, если вы оказались на открытой местности во время грозы, лучше всего лечь на землю и переждать грозу.

30) Представляешь, в наших парках есть деревья XVIII века! Кстати, мы хотим обнести их оградами.

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