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Defining/ Non-Defining Relative Clauses


Defining Non-Defining
I. Gives necessary information and is essential to the meaning of the main sentence. It is not put in commas The teacher who teaches computers is ill. Gives extra information and isnot essential to the meaning of the main sentence. The relative clause is put in commas. Mr Jones, who teaches computers, is ill.
II. Compare: The tourists, who had valid passports, were allowed into the country (all the tourists had valid passports) The tourists who had valid passports were allowed into the country (not all the tourists, only those whose passports were valid)
III. Who, which, that can be omittedwhen used as the object: Here’s the report (which/ that) he brought yesterday. But: She’s the woman who/ that was promoted to Sales Manager last week.(“who” as a subject cannot be omitted) Who, which cannot be omitted. That cannot replace who or which: David, who works really hard, has got the a promotion.


1. Fill in appropriate relative pronoun or adverb:

Mary Spencer, …. is 65, has an amazing job. She works at a leisure centre, … she teaches stage performance at classes … attract women of all ages. Mary, …slim figure and fashionable hairstyle make her look younger, first attended a drama class 45 years ago …. she was a student.

Then she heard about a class ….. needed an instructor. That’s … she started her career. Mary’s classes, … last two hours, include dance and step exercises. Mary has some tips for those… wish to stay young and active. “Do exercises,… are good for you. Watch films, …. you enjoy. Try to spend time in places … there is fresh air. Talk to young people, … ideas can open your eyes.” Mary will only stop teaching stage performance … she is too old to walk. But, as she says, “I want to delay that day. That’s the reason …. I look after my health.”


2. Join the sentences as in the example:

1) My boss has a large collection of paintings. Many of them were painted by well known artists.

2) There are some beautiful houses in the town. Some of them are more than two hundred years old.

3) He met lots of people at the party. A few of them happened to be his old acquaintances.

4) I spoke to a man. He was very polite.

5) I’m working on a new project. It will be submitted to the manager next week.

6) That’s the office. We’re going to rent.

7) That is the country. We’re going to make contract with.

8) The company has three hundred employees. Most of them work part-time.

9) Here’s Mr Smith. I got all the information from him.

10) Mr Brown is the manager. I’ve received a letter from him.



3. Fill in the relative pronouns and put commas where necessary:


1) The food … I like best of all is fried chicken.

2) John … brother is ill has just gone out.

3) The building …. next to the supermarket fell down.

4) My father … brother is also a doctor works at the local hospital.

5) The school … I finished has closed.

6) Mrs Jones is the woman … is in charge of the company.

7) Mr Smith … runs our company is in hospital.

8) The book … I’m reading is about cross-cultural communication.

9) Mervin… family live in New York has just returned from Boston.

10) The children …. my sister baby-sits for are twins.

11) The car… I bought last year is Rolls Royce.

12) The supermarket…. is near our house is open day and night.

13) The writer … I most admire is Chekhov.

14) The products…. are manufactured by our company are of best quality.

15) The country… my parents were born is at war.

16) There are some questions …. I cannot answer.

17) The man … wallet was stolen is at the police station.

18) My friend’s dog …. is York terrier has had three puppies.

19) The barmaid … works at the café “Two sticks” spilt coffee on a customer.

20) The building …. I work caught fire yesterday.


4. Find the mistake and correct it:


1) I saw a TV program about old people which go jogging every morning.

2) There is a door which leading to a secret passage at the end of the hall.

3) She’s friendly with the two children whose their mother is the headmistress.

4) Sam works in Switzerland that is not in the European Union.

5) While on holiday I met a lot of people, some of which were very boring.

6) Do you know the name of the film which it won seven Oscars at last year’s Academy Awards?

7) When I was in Minsk, I visited my uncle which I hadn’t seen for years.

8) Mr Collins is the man from who I bought my apartment.

9) That match about that you were talking ended in draw.

10) They didn’t have that I asked for.

11) I wasn’t sure what to address the letter to, so I put “The Manager”.

12) Most of the participants of the conference turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise.

13) Whoever that he spoke to last was probably the person who murdered him.

14) The book I bought for his birthday is one where I enjoyed very much myself.

15) There’s a chance that I may be late, in that case I’ll phone you.

16) Everyone admires her. She’s the kind of person whose everyone looks up to.

17) No one knows who he is. He is the only member of the gang who the identity remained a secret.

18) Lynn is the only person in my circle of friends, which is married.

19) I couldn’t remember that house I had to deliver my parcel to.


5. Make one sentence from the sentences given:


1) We eventually caught a train. It was one that stops at every station.

2) Susan slammed the door behind her. Her father had given her a car as a present. She drove off in it.

3) At the end of the street was a building. The street was crowded with people. I hadn’t noticed the building before.

4) I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go in. This turned out to be a mistake.

5) Everyone expect the Conservative party candidate, Fiona Campbell, to win the election. She has announced that she will cut income tax by 10% if elected.

6) I listened to the lecturer until he started dwelling upon the past economic crises. At that point, I fell asleep. The lecturer didn’t like it.

7) The customs officer asked me questions. I had to reply to them.

8) The boss rushed out of the room. He was shouting at the top of her voice. This was typical.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1554. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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