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Such………………… to our appeal that we had to take on more staff.

4) John broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.


Not only……………………….. also injured his shoulder.

5) The police didn’t suspect at all that the judge was the murderer.


Little ……………………..as being the murderer.

6) The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.


In ……………………………responsible for the accident.

7) If the government raised interest rates, they would lose the election.


Were……………………………….interest rates, they would lose the election.

8) As soon as I got home, I realized I’d left my bag in the shop.


No sooner…………………. I realized I’d left my bag in the shop.

9) It was only when I asked a passer-by that I realized where I was.


Not until…………………..where I was.

10) The minister was interrupted just after starting his speech.


Hardly ……………………. he was interrupted

2. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase containing the verb in brackets in an appropriate form:

1) Should …. (need) anything, could you let me know?

2) Were the plane ……(take off), everyone in it would have been killed.

3) Had ……(study) harder, I would probably have passed all my exams.

4) Should ….. (be) in the neighborhood, drop in.

5) Had….. (go) to the doctor immediately, you would not be so ill.

6) Never before …. (spend) so much money on the party.

7) Should….. (feel) hungry, just call room service, and order a meal.

8) Were ….. (offer) her the job, we couldn’t be sure that she would accept.

9) Had ….. (take) the necessary measures, this political crisis could have been avoided.

10) Scarcely …. (get) home, when the police called us with news of Mr Billes.


3. Underline the correct word or phrase:


1) Jane promised that she would never/ never would she tell anyone else.

2) Not until it was too late I remembered/ did I remember to call her.

3) Hardly had we settled down in our seats than/ when the lights went out.

4) Only after checking three times I was/ was I certain of the answer.

5) At no time I was aware/ was I aware of anything out of the ordinary.

6) Only Nary and Kate passed/ did they pass the final examination.

7) Only when Peter has arrived/ has Peter arrived can we begin the program.

8) No sooner had it stopped raining than/ when the sun came out.

9) No sooner had he come/ he came to office than the Stock Market crashed.

10) Seldom have I heard/ I have heard such hypocrisy from the people I have been communicating with.

11) Little did he realize/ he realized that it would be young voters who gave him an overwhelming vote of confidence in the last election.



4. Complete each sentence by using the words listed below:


Rarely have No sooner had Under no circumstances are Not only did


Not only did Under no circumstances will As did Were you Hardly had


Little did Rarely have

1) ………… we arrived at the office, when there was a power cut.

2) ………….. members of the staff to accept gratuities from clients.

3) …………Detective Rowlson realize what he was to discover.

4) …………to pay the full amount now, there would be a ten percent discount.

5) I supposed,…………..most people, that I would be retiring at 70.

6) ………… the doctors seen a more difficult case.

7) …………. Mary win first prize, but she was also offered a promotion.

8) ………...... late arrivals be admitted to the lecture hall before the interval.

9) …………. One missing child been found, that another three disappeared.

10)………….so many employees taken sick leave at the same time.


5. Translate into Russian:


1) To permit the programs of the new administration to be imposed upon the people is to embolden the ultra-right. Should this program be carried out, we shall then face a serious change in the situation that could open the road to a fascist America. If Bonn should decide to buy less gas, it would certainly soften U.S. opposition. But if the Germans conclude they need all the gas they are slated to get, there could be trouble.

2) Should the Tories succeed in finding another candidate, we may yet see the spectacle of the three brands of Tories fighting each other for the votes.

3) Today's talks will certainly lay down guide-lines for a Tory Manifesto should an early election materialize

4) Had the election campaign been still in progress, the wage squeeze might have become an issue.

5) But for import restrictions, quotas and American-imposed embargoes, Anglo-Russian trade would be larger than it is today.

6) But Solana's charm — the perpetual smile on his bearded, be spectacled face, and his tactile Mediterranean manners — would not work if it was entirely insincere.

7) Were it not for circular highway that defines the limits of the capital, it would be impossible to know where Paris ends and Boulogne court begins.

8) Because of Russian and French opposition, the UN Security Council could not agree to a proposal from America and Britain that Iraq be warned of «serious consequences» should it persist in thumbing its nose

9) Such is the speed of history today that, when this is published, so many new and perhaps more shocking developments may have taken place that the events herein detailed may seem even more remote.

10) Nowhere in America or Europe not even among the great liberated thinkers of the Enlightenment did democratic ideas appear respectable to the cultivated classes.

11) Not only does shipping bring the Greek economy more than $1.5 billion in receipts each year but its growth over the last 15 years (with the fleet almost tripling in size) has been almost unparalleled.

12) Not until the 19th century did democratic government make its way in any considerable part of the world — in the great states of continental Europe, in South America, in Canada and Australia, in South Africa and Japan.

13) Of all candidates, the one who comes most closely to the people's interests is the one with the least apparent chance of winning the nomination.

14) For those who see East Asia's crisis primarily as one of panic, these market-reinforcing reforms mostly miss the point. Far more urgent is the need to control the capital flows themselves.

15) For the few that have ruled modern Japan the political struggle that really counted was that carried on among themselves for wealth and power.

16) Since then Poland's political make-up has changed fundamentally.

17) Since 1989 the United States has been, in economic and military terms, the most powerful state in the world.

18) Since his own landslide victory, Mr. Khatami has struggled against conservative rivals who have jailed his political allies.

19) For most of American history, relations with Europe have been cool.

20) For these reasons the dreams of a solution along these lines are empty castles in the clouds.

21) For the French, the biggest beneficiaries of agricultural subsidies, the question concerns not only money but the very character of the EU.

22) However ingeniously information-processing technology is used, what seems certain is that threats to traditional notions of privacy will proliferate.

23) Whether the Prime Minister will be successful in his plea for an early improvement in world payment arrangements is rather doubtful.

24) Whether Japan is a party to this collision is not evident.

25) However venal politicians may be, there is a general, if grudging, acceptance that they are always with us. Under him, and with a strong political will to show Europe as united whatever the cost, Airbus Industry operated in a unique manner, with parts being flown in from Britain, Germany and Spain to be assembled in Toulouse.

26) Coupled with the spending and tax proposals were changes in the federal regulatory process and monetary policy.

27) Far more questionable are the restrictions proposed for the state- financed unemployment benefit programs for the short-term unemployed

28) Less welcome is the harsh political fact that pragmatists have trouble building constituencies, especially in this era of single-issue politics.

29) No sooner had the European Commission resigned than the Prime Minister popped up in the House of Commons to tell MPs that this was no setback but a golden opportunity to push through «root and branch» reform of a Commission whose failings had been tolerated for far too long. Stretching a point, he boasted that it was his lot that had brought the Commission down.

30) For the teachers the inspectors have only praise. Their attitude «is of professional commitment and resourcefulness».



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