1. Restore the sentence in full: 1) Start when ready. 2) Though intelligent, he was very shy. 3) If necessary, we’ll take drastic measures to settle down the conflict. 4) He was snoring while asleep. 5) Leave the chicken in the oven until cooked. 6) Whether safe of unsafe, the bridge will be crossed. 7) Whatever his problems, he has no right to behave like this. 8) Mistakes, if any, should be corrected. 9) He wanted to take no risks, however small. 10) They’ll pay you next month, if at all.
2. Translate the following sentences:
1) If anything, the prospects for economic reform have been deteriorated further in the past few months. 2) Another harsh reality is that few if any US firms manufacture many key products. 3) No one thought a private secretary, however peeved, might go public. But he did and published a book about the Princess of Wales. 4) No longer does Ireland suffer from a lack of confidence or excessive touchiness about Britain. Instead, it has become like any other well-off European country, with reasonable if not outstanding growth prospects. 5) Walking through the Arbat, a pedestrianised street in the centre of Moscow, has become much easier – if less interesting. 6) Economic recovery in Europe will happen slowly next year, if at all. 7) A safer, if more expensive alternative, is to hire a private jet. 8) The creation of the EU’s single market is going ahead, and if anything, is accelerating. 9) The US president may choose war, but if he does so today it will be despite widespread, if largely silent, dissent. 10) There is no good model for whether to expect great changes in the top team. President Reagan made very few new appointments going into his second term. President Clinton, after a largely disastrous first term, all but cleared the decks. 11) We think that the American people are entitled to know what we would do to grow our prosperity if elected. 12) Lithuania faces real problems in dealing with its substantial;, if secretive, Soviet defence establishments. 13) Mothercare’s three stores provide an easy, if not expensive, option for shopping for babies in the city. 14) This trend, if neglected, points toward a situation in which the United States could ultimately stand alone in an adverse world. 15) Rarely if ever does a mainstream Hollywood figure like Mel Gibson turn to the Vatican for support. 16) If anything, the EU’s weakness in the face of a global downturn has underlined the need to strengthen the economy’s growth capacity. 17) We shall act selectively and borrow beforehand and, if needed, we shall accumulate the funds for future debt payments. 18) US officials say that the World Bank should represent the economic weight of its shareholders and that, if anything, Washington is underrepresented given its share in the global economy. 19) Systematic gender discrimination is a serious charge and, if true, deserves to be taken seriously. 20) Observers outside the United States are curious if not bewildered that such a controversy over teaching evolution occurs in one of the most scientifically and technologically advanced countries in the world. 21) National governments like the European Commission weak, and even the voters do not want hyperactivity in Brussels. Nor should they: if anything, it should have less money to spend in future, not more. 22) New patterns of economic development have brought material affluence to the oil-rich countries of the Middle East. In contrast, poverty has, if anything, become more deeply entrenched in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. 23) In Hungary, Poland and Russia communist parties, now embracing if with differing degrees of conviction, the principles of social democracy, have made an electoral comeback. 24) His greatest skill lies in enticing and reassuring those who are not enemies and who might, if handled correctly, become friends. 25) What, if anything, did the President bring from Beijing? Above all, the event itself, the fact, that it took place.
3. Translate into English:
1) Во всяком случае, его предложение небезынтересно. 2) Если и имеются возражения против этого плана. Они должны быть немедленно представлены комитету. 3) Если рассматривать проблему с этой точки зрения, то она кажется не такой уж сложной. 4) Это решение, хотя оно и необычно, может помочь справиться с ситуацией. 5) Можно было подумать, что экономика зайдет в тупик. Вовсе нет – случилось чудо. 6) Почти ничего нельзя было сказать в пользу этого решения. 7) Это нечто иное как резкое изменение политического курса, 8) Нам придется примириться с создавшейся ситуацией, какой бы болезненной она ни казалась. 9) Если оставить ситуацию такой какая она есть, дела могут приобрести дурной оборот. 10) Потребуется много времени, чтобы люди привыкли к новой системе отношений – если это вообще когда-нибудь произойдет.