Студопедия — Speech Practice
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Speech Practice

24. Look through the dialogues given below and make up your own dialogue on the following situation: a foreign student wants to know as much as possible about the system of higher education in Russia.


– My name is Dmitry. I study at the Omsk Technical University.

– By the way, are the graduates of Russian universities or institutes given a degree?

– No, they are not. The system of scientific degrees in our country is different. The graduates are given diplomas, which are actually the same as the British first degree (degree of bachelor).

– Do students in Russia pay tuition?

– No, almost all forms of education in our country are free (of charge). Students of higher and secondary specialized education establishments get grants. Though nowadays there are a lot of new educational forms where tuition is paid by the students.

– What’s the course at Russian universities, institutes and academies?

– In most of higher education establishments it’s 5 years.



– Is there a system of further education in Russia for those adults who work after leaving school?

– For these people almost every university and institute has evening and extramural departments.

– Do such students attend lectures and if so, how often do they come?

– Students of the evening departments attend lectures four times a week. As to the extramural students, they have classes before examinations.

25. Discuss the following problems in two groups, one of them supporting the statements given below, the other – disproving them. Read pros and cons in the tables. Think of some more, which are important in your opinion.

1) It is necessary for a future engineer to study a foreign language.

For Against
Can read foreign scientific journals as soon as they are published. Can speak to foreign colleagues if necessary. Can read foreign books. It’s interesting to speak to people using another language. Can find out more about the world. It takes a lot of time to study it. Sometimes the results are rather poor. You can wait till interesting articles are translated into your native language. You can turn to a translator if it is necessary. It is not interesting to study a foreign language.

2) If a young man has a family of his owns he had better enter an extramural faculty, not a full-time one.

Full-time faculty Extramural faculty
For For
A lot of time to take part in an experimental work (in the labs etc.). The opportunity of self-study with the help of qualified teachers. Time to take part in sport activities. Some experience combining work with study. The possibility to get a salary enough for a growing family. Prospects of promotion.
Against Against
The grants are not enough for a growing family. Too many subjects to study. No time for studying after work. Much time and effort to work on one’s own.




To express your opinion:

I think…; Speaking for myself…; I believe…; I suppose…; I’m sure; In my opinion…

To agree with somebody:

Yes, I agree (with you); That’s true; I think so too; You are quite right.

To disagree with somebody:

On the other hand…; I don’t agree (with you); It’s not (entirely) true; I don’t think so.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 638. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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