Студопедия — TASK 33. Explain the differences in meaning in the following pairs of sentences.
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TASK 33. Explain the differences in meaning in the following pairs of sentences.

1. to regret

a) I regret to say that we have decided not to offer you the job.

b) I regret saying that I don’t like your new boyfriend.

2. to try

a) I’ve tried to open the bonnet, but it seems to be stuck.

b) Have you tried cleaning the spark plugs?

3. to remember

a) He remembered seeing Jane on the way back from work.

b) She remembered to send her mother a birthday card.

4. to go on

a) The professor mentioned Boticelli, and went on to talk about the Reneissance.

b) He went on talking about himself for hours and hours.

5. to forget

a) I’ll never forget seeing the Taj Mahal for the first time.

b) She was angry with him for forgetting to lock the back door.

6. to stop

a) I think we ought to stop to have something to eat soon.

b) They stopped going out in the evening when they had their first child.

7. to dread

a) I dread to think what he is going to say when he sees what you’ve done to the car.

b) She dreaded meeting her ex-husband even accidentally.

  1. to need

a) Your business is a complete shambles – the whole thing needs reorganizing.

b) I need to have a word in you ear. It’s about your trip to Italy next week.

  1. to mean

a) I meant to write him a letter of condolence, but I never got round to it.

b) If you do join the Navy, it’ll mean being away from home for months on end.

  1. to help

a) Everyone helped to make the village look its best for the Prime Minister’s visit.

b) I can’t help feeling that you are making a terrible mistake.

TASK 34. Read the sentences and choose the right answer.

1. John has stopped to talk to Mary. Is he talking to her at the moment?

a) Yes b) No c) Not clear

2. John has stopped talking to her at the moment. Is he talking to her at the moment?

a) Yes b) No c) Not clear

3. Do you remember putting this cake in the washing machine? Is there a cake in the washing machine?

a) Yes b) No c) Not clear

4. Did you remember to put the cake in the washing machine? Is there a cake in the washing machine?

a) Yes b) No c) Not clear

5. “I’ve got hiccups”. - “Try holding your breath”. Does “try” mean “see if you can do it” here?

a) Yes b) No c) Not clear

6. How long can you hold your breath? Try to hold it for two minutes. Does “try” mean “see if you can do it” here?

a) Yes b) No c) Not clear

TASK 35. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into either the infinitive or the gerund form. Add a preposition if necessary.

1. I’ve always regretted _________ (not to learn) to play the piano at school.

2. He became an MP in 1983 and went on __________(to become) Prime Minister three years later.

3. I dread _________ (to think) what he’s going to say when he finds out I’ve crashed the car.

4. It’s a very beautiful cottage, but it needs __________ (to modernize).

5. The house is a wreck; if you buy it, it’ll mean __________(to live) in chaos for months.

6. I’m sure a good holiday will help __________(to make) you feel more relaxed.

7. I didn’t mean _________ (to cause) you so much trouble.

8. This new job of mine means _________ (to put up) with inconvenient hours of work at first.

9. Did you remember _________ (to thank) your aunt for the present?

10. She has always regretted ________ (not to travel) round the world when she was younger. Now I regret __________ (to tell) you that she is too ill to travel.

11. I’m sorry. I forgot __________ (to post) the letter. – What a shame, I remember __________ (to ask) you to do it.

12. I'm really serious __________ (to buy) this house. The question is if I can afford __________ (to buy) it.

13. I'm ashamed I forgot _______ (to tell) you that he's not capable ________ (to take) responsibility.

14. They are very anxious _______ (to please), but I am afraid I don’t feel qualified _______ (to say) that their proposals are not worth _______ (to consider).

15. My boss omitted _______ (to tell) me that even though I finished _______ (to type) all his post, I still wouldn’t be allowed _______ (to leave) before 5 o’clock.

16. My father needs _______ (to take) our car to the garage because its brakes need _______ (to adjust).

17. Jack wouldn’t even consider _______ (to allow) us _______ (to pay) for ourselves.

18. I really resented his _______ (to say) that to me and I can’t forgive him _______ (to treat) me like that.

19. I have succeeded _______ (to get) in touch with Mr. Philips and asked him _______ (to contact) you.

20. You’d better _______ (to tell) the headmaster the truth before he forbids all of us _______ (to go) to the camp.

TASK 36. Rewrite each sentence so that it included the word in capitals without changing the meaning. Follow the example.

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