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TASK 16. Complete the sentences using an infinitive or a gerund as objects.

1. They delayed ___________ (to take) the decision until they had read the report.

2. He refused ___________ (to return) the book back to the shop.

3. We'd rather not ___________ (to go) with you. We'll stay at home.

4. It's not worth ___________ (to invite) John to the party. He won't come.

5. I'm really looking forward to ___________ (to go) to the theatre on Saturday.

6. It was kind of Mark ___________ (to see) you home after the party.

7. They were very happy ___________ (to hear) the good news.

8. You had better ___________ (to hurry) or you'll miss the train.

9. Patrick tried to avoid __________ (to answer) my question.

10. Do you really enjoy ___________ (to listen) to this music?

11. I considered __________ (to apply) for the job but in the end I decided against it.

12. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk _________ (to knock) down.

13. Jim is 65 but he isn't going to retire yet. He wants to carry on _________ (to work)

14. I don't mind your _________ (to use) the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

15. Hello! Fancy __________ (to see) you here! What a surprise!

16. I've put off __________ (to write) the letter so many times. I really must do it today.

17. The professor recommends __________ (to use) mnemonics as an aid to memory.

18. Actors say there is no easy way __________ (to learn) their lines.

19. Please don't hesitate __________ (to call) me if you need any help.

20. I'm looking forward __________ (to hear) from you in due course.

21. I haven't managed __________ (to find) a jacket to match my new pair of trousers.

22. Do you dare __________ (to ask) the visiting expert such an impertinent question?

23. Being an actor means _________ (to learn) long texts by heart in a short time.

24. All the way Ted went on _______ (to complain) that he was not used _______ (to travel) in such terrible conditions.


TASK 17. Fill in correct prepositions where necessary and answer the questions about yourself. Then tell your partner about these qualities or skills of yours and enlarge on each of your answers. Begin each phrase with one of the following openings:

· I think…

· I believe….

· I am not sure but most of my friends say that…

· I wish I were not …

· If only I could…

· If only I were …


1. Are you good ____ organizing people and things?

2. Are you used ____ working hard at your majors?

3. Are you fond ____ solving difficult problems?

4. Are you interested ____ dealing with people?

5. Are you bad ____ working with numbers?

6. Are you tired ____ doing endless grammar exercises?

7. Are you keen ____ doing things your way?

8. Are you bored ____ doing routine work?

9. Are you afraid ____ missing your big chance?

10. Are you weak ____ coping with difficult situations?

11. Are you accustomed ____ refusing people?

12. Are you proud ____ being born in Ukraine?

13. Are you persistent ____ doing your work and studying?

14. Are you capable ____ cheating in a test or exam?

15. Are you sure ____ knowing everything about the use of verbals?


TASK 18. Write a 5-paragraph essay about your best friend and compare her/him with yourself, using the verbs given below. Choose between infinitive and gerund. Follow the example. The verbs can be used in a different order.

Example:My best friend enjoys socialising with people that is why she often goes to different parties. She always offers me to come with her, but I refuse to go with her as I am not a good mixer.

1. to enjoy

2. to offer

3. to risk

4. to practise

5. to encourage

6. to appreciate

7. to refuse

8. to prefer

9. can’t help

10. not to mind

11. to consider

12. can’t resist

13. to avoid

14. can/can’t imagine

15. to hate

16. to often feel like

17. to give up

18. to put off

19. to afford

20. to remember


TASK 19. Paraphrase the sentences given below using the necessary form of the gerund or infinitive. Sometimes you will have to change the notional verb and add prepositions.

1. She admitted that she was wrong.

2. The boy confessed that he had lost the money.

3. They suggested that we should take an early train.

4. They finally acknowledged that they had received the letter.

5. I decided that I would stay at home.

6. He denied that he had taken part in the performance.

7. He confessed that he had seen her somewhere.

8. He recommended that I should buy a fur coat.

9. I hate it when someone is giggling behind my back.

10. You must forgive that they intruded on you in this way.

11. Mum hates it when we eat and drink between meals.

12. Dina dislikes when he behaves like that.

13. I don't like it that you come late every evening.

14. Jill couldn’t excuse the fact that Don was rude to her sister.

15. I can’t bear that Derek talks to his granny in that way.

16. Philip doesn't mind if we come to see him.

17. Len laughed at my attempt to eat with chopsticks.

18. Our friends were not happy that we had to leave so soon.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 3547. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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