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Грамматический тест № 1


Навчальний посібник

для студентів напряму підготовки 6.051701

«Харчові технології та інженерія», спеціалізація:

«Технологія в ресторанному господарстві»

заочної форми навчання


Технічний редактор О.І. Шелудько



Зведений план 2012 р., поз. №

Підписано до друку 2012 р. Формат 60*84/16. Папір офсетний.

Гарнітура Тіmts New Roman. Друк - ризографія. Ум. друк. арк.

Обл.-вид. арк. Тираж прим. Зам. №



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давничої продукції ДК № 3470 вид 28.04.2009 р.


Лексический тест № 1

I. Заполните пропуски правильным вариантом ответа:

1.The company will be interested in reducing the number of workers,...new machines can be used in the production.

a) as to b) that is c)if d) provided e) as

l. a/d/e 2. a/b/e 3. b/e/d 4. c/d/e 5. a/b/c

2.People have to choose the way of living provided the... situation in the

country is unfavourable.

a) economic, economical b) economical, economic c) economic, economic.

d) economical,'economical e) rational, economic

l.c/d 2. a/b 3. d/e 4. b/e 5. a/c

3.One of the important tasks of a firm is to obtain tire maximum amount of a commodity using any given quantity of...

1. input 2. commodities 3.costs 4. revenues 5. outputs


4. Some branches of economy suchas agriculture-greatly...climate.

1. depend on 2. include 3. impose on 4. rely on 5: influenced by


5.It is known that... consumers prefer to buy less goods but of higher quality.

a) particular b) some. c) the same d) both c) total

1. b/c 2. c/e 3, a/b. 4. a/d 5. d/c

6.In some industrial countries producers don’t... the government regulation and make all decisions themselves.

a) depend on b) impose c) supply d) affect on c) rely on

1, a/b : 2. c/d 3. b/d. 4. c/e 5. a/e

7.The money a producer... should compensate for all his expenses and leave him with some profit.

a) rises b) owns c) allocates d) earns. e) obtains

l.c/d 2. d/c 3. a/e 4. b/c 5. a/b

8.…restrictions…regulations in the economy are the main characteristics of a command economy.

1. As …or 2. So…a 3. As…as 4. -, as well as 5. Such…so

9.Increasing output by one unit we shall have the increase in the... cost known as marginal cost.

1. particular 2.normal 3.some 4. high 5. total

10.The of goods consumed by an individual is restricted by the total... of money he earns.

1.amount, quantity 2. quantity, quantity 3. quantity, amount

4. amount, amount 5. number, amount

Грамматический тест № 1

1. Укажите предложения, содержащие «цепочки существительных», в которых одно существительное выполняет функцию определения другого:

a)During the economic crises consumers’ expenditures usually decrease and it greatly affects the business activity and supply decisions of all market sellers.

b)The quantity demanded by all consumers at a particular market is the total quantity of a good that they want and are able to buy.

c)The theory of consumer choice is based on individual utility.

d)In a mixed economy the role of the government is restricted by a number of laws.

e)The theory of marginal utility was worked out by Alfred Marshall

1. c, d 2. b, e 3. a, c 4. d, e 5. a, b

2. Укажите, при переводе каких предложений следует употребить слова «состоит в том,чтобы»

a)OPEC decisions are of great importance for the oil exporting countries rt well as for most European countries importing oil.

b)The main assumption of the supply and demand theory is to maintain constant level of utility.

c)A lot of factors are to be studied in agricultural production, especially climate

d) Oil output was reduced by OPEC for the period of six months.

e) The purpose of government regulations is to allocate scarce resources rationally.

l. a, d 2. b, e 3. a,b 4. c, e 5. c, d

3. Укажите, в каких предложениях следует употребить причастие "suppiled”:

a)Direct producers... goods regularly to the market do not impose too the market do not impose too high prices.

b)Companies... substitute goods are interested in their high quality.

c)Increases in the quantity of one good have to be followed by reductions in the quantity... of the other good.

d)In a free market economy commodities... can greatly differ in their quality.

e)Mass production is characteristic of industries where the product... is highly standardized.

1.b,c,e 2. a, c, d 3.a,b,d 4. a, b, e 5.c, d, e.

4. Укажите, какие английские предложения соответствуют переводу: «На требуемое количество товара повлияло увеличение цены»:

a) On the. quantity demanded of the good was affected the increase in its price.

b)The quantity demanded of the good has been affected by the increase in its price.

c)The quantity demanded of the good affected the increase in the price.

d)The higher price affected the quantity demanded of the good.

e)The higher price was affected by the quantity of the good demanded. 1. b, d 2. a, c 3. c, d 4.a, e 5. b, e

5. Укажите, в каких предложениях опущен союз «который»:

a)The amount of goods a particular consumer can buy depends on the income he earns.

b)When economists say there is excess demand they really want to say the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at this price.

c) Studying the theory of consumer choice that is based on several assumptions economists often start with the problem of consumer tastes;

d) In a planned economy the government offices make all the main economic decisions companies, factories and workers are to realize in practice.

e)The utility decreases as the quantity consumed grows

1. c,e 2. a, d 3. b,c 4. a. d 5.b,e

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