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История Владимирского края с древнейших времён

Current issues for the poultry industry.

Dear colleagues, comrades, companions. Welcome to the international forum of poultry farmers "Baikal 2015". We are gathered here to discuss the current situation, to address topical issues, to highlight topical issues in our common...hard but very important for the development of the country's agriculture industry – the poultry industry.

Poultry farming is one of the largest livestock industries in our country – it develops through concentration, specialisation and intensification on the basis of inter-farm co-operation of poultry farms, mechanized kolkhoz and sovkhoz farms. Increasing the production of eggs and poultry is based on a considerable increase in the productivity of poultry with a simultaneous increase her livestock at high paying forage ingredients and increase productivity.

The development of production on an industrial basis gives you the opportunity to get a lot of high quality products in short time with effective payment of feed products.

Best modern laying hens egg breeds lay more than three hundred eggs per year (record – 365). Find use also the entrails, feathers, and other byproducts. Chickens are also bred as laboratory animals, and in chicken embryos can be grown agents of many diseases, especially viral, to examine or receive the vaccine.

One of the main components of an effective business Economics is the use of high-quality breeding material.

In recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the share of domestic poultry breeding, especially in broiler production. The reason for the low competitiveness of domestic brood production is associated with poor material and technical base of tribal enterprises. In addition, breeding plants with their small livestock are not able to supply large quantities of breeding material modern large poultry holdings. For example, breeding farms BFF PPV "Ptichnoe" the Russian agricultural Academy, Moscow, Pervomayskoe village, Ptichnoe, Central manor, D. No. 1. The company was transferred to the AGENCY together with the land and are still legal showdown on earth. The same happened with the poultry farm of the Bolshevik near PETRODVORETS D. Rubbereva,
Lomonosovsky district,Leningrad region, and in its place built a cottage village.

In recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the share of domestic poultry breeding, especially in broiler production. The reason for the low competitiveness of domestic brood production is associated with poor material and technical base of tribal enterprises. In addition, breeding plants with their small livestock are not able to supply large quantities of breeding material modern large poultry holdings. For example, breeding farms BFF PPV "Ptichnoe" Another key component of effective economy poultry enterprises is a full biological protection of the health of poultry. Experience world domestic poultry shows that to achieve high productivity is possible only from healthy birds. The level of veterinary-sanitary and ecological well-being of poultry farms is determined by the systemic interaction of all production units, especially the veterinary and zootechnical services.

In the majority of farms are strictly performed veterinary and sanitary measures aimed at protecting businesses from the introduction of infectious diseases.

However, some poultry farms have a low level of technological and veterinary culture, largely in the absence of competence of managers that the poultry industry has learned that it is profitable and come with bags of money to launch them to obtain the maximum profit, hence the bankruptcy.The history of the institution of bankruptcy in Russia from the Petrine era to the post-Soviet period. The mechanism of bankruptcy of enterprises in modern Russia. Customized bankruptcy-acquisitions through bankruptcy. How to prevent bankruptcy and acquisitions. The non-payment to suppliers with annual litigation in the modern judicial system and the enforcement of court decisions. So the main case of poultry, there is associated with diseases that have long been known to veterinary specialists. Nearly half of infectious diseases colibacillosis is – 42%, 13% – salmonellosis, 9.8 percent coccidiosis, 7.2% by pasteurellosis, 3% – pulloroza.

An important task of the veterinary service is to control the quality and safety of products imported from abroad. However, unfortunately, with any rigor veterinary measures, inevitably, we are importing and new pathogens. For example, the import of the Colorado potato beetle from the U.S. and weed Yves Xanthifolia USA.In recent years, recently introduced a variety of weeds in our country, began to create problems,author: O. M. Aleksandrova.(The website is temporarily closed - passes cleaning the site from NEOBRAZOVANNOI INFORMATION. We bring our deepest apologies!!!) Other sites work (pornographia), and these are all clean.
Source: http://5fan.info/otrbewqasrnaatyujg.html

The main risk of introduction of infection to poultry companies associated with the acquisition of hatching eggs and the final hybrid day old Chicks.
It should be noted that the domestic market of veterinary drugs is not organized and only partially controlled by the Ministry of agriculture and Rosselkhoznadzor by managing the procurement and control of exports. The current system does not preclude the implementation of a large number of counterfeit and substandard drugs – the risk of their utilization is very high, especially when using live vaccines.

The experts know that in poultry for many years for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases was widely used feed antibiotics. Prolonged use has led to decreased effectiveness of these drugs. In turn, the reduction of the growth of action of antibiotics contributed to the accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract of poultry antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms. We offered Vasoprotective salmonellosis in chickens. UDC: 636.2:577.12 Kitely.P.,Prigorje.In.
Kursk state agricultural Academy. Homeopathic immunomodulatory drug "Alar-1".Journal: the pet industry, No. 8-9 September 2005.Prior A.V., Thick T. S., Dugin A. V., Pugachev S. M., E. G. Gembitsky

Russian market of antibiotics is growing steadily: it has increased in 2-3 times. Despite the fact that in our country while there is no ban on these drugs, their use in enterprises gradually begins to decline. Advanced economy instead of antibiotics implement alternative feed additives such as probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotic that not only ensure the improvement of the safety of poultry, the improvement of body weight gain and feed conversion, but also contribute to the normalization of microflora in their gastrointestinal tract, while remaining safe for people's health.
Increasing of the volume of poultry is impossible without ensuring animal health and well-being of the farm, the assessment of which are the indices of the productivity and safety of the birds and to ensure the confidence of the buyers guaranteed safety and biological value of foods – an indicator of the quality of dietary protein. This task is particularly relevant in relation to the establishment of the Customs Union.

Already now it is necessary to more actively engage in the promotion of domestic products for export to Arab countries, it wisely engages us deeply respected President of AGROPROM Shabaev Sergey, this is gold country, which lies beneath our feet. Agricultural markets of some countries for many years were closed to Russia, and especially important this issue has become after the introduction of sanctions against our country.
This gives us the opportunity to expand the market in the territory of our country, but it is necessary to provide a decent quality product and comply with veterinary requirements, which in some countries are stricter than in Russia.
One of the main areas is the increase in the production of meat of turkeys, geese, ducks, Guinea fowls and quails. The complete production of balanced feed based on local ingredients. Offer to pay attention to the feed complex for birds Wetkit aimed at protection of birds body from various toxins, stress, significantly affecting the productivity and, consequently, on the economy of production. This product is stated as mycotoxicoses a broad-spectrum drug with high selectivity and specificity, and the link to mainly mycotoxins has nalavade dosage.

Table 1.
Stated sorption of mycotoxins, %

Name Declared sorption of mycotoxins, %
Aflatoxin Ochratoxin T-2 toxin Vomitoxin (DON) Zearalenone Fumonisin
Vetohit 98,2 % 80,1 % 82,8 % 77,2 % 75,7 % 97,6 %
Tokaut Maxi (Davien BV, the Netherlands) 95%          
Pentax advance (Lipidos Toledo S. A., Spain) 95%          
Toxin (Kemin Europa N. In., Belgium)            
Clinoid (Zeuzem, Slovakia) 95 % 96 % 62 % 61 % 71 % 90 %
Fungistat GIC (Alist, Russia)            
Mycosorb (Alltech, USA) 85% 47% 56% 51% 67%  
Amigo (AgroBalt trade, Russia) 71%       95% 95%
TH (France)            


ENERGY in the diet of broilers and laying hens.
Energy is a complex of natural biologically active substances that increase the energy and nutritional value of the basic ration has a pleasant odor and taste, improve appetite and feed consumption. Is intended to optimize the conversion of feed into products with simultaneous maintenance of health.

The poultry industry is based on the use of balanced nutrition, providing physiological needs of the birds in key nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as on optimization of the conditions of her detention. However, in industrial conditions it is very difficult to avoid the various feed and processing stresses, which lead to decreased immunity and increased susceptibility of individuals to various diseases with simultaneous deterioration of the productive and reproductive qualities. The power supply – no guarantees,disabling, blocking the life of the company (the examples You are aware of). Prospects –solar panels, visor, stand-alone hydropower.
Us at the time we developed the drug on the basis of phenobarbital in aerosol form, but restructuring has violated all deeds and plans. Overall, the majority of nutrients and biologically active substances in one way or another are involved in the maintenance of an effective immune response, and insufficient or excessive consumption may have a negative impact on the immune status and susceptibility to various pathogens.
In the area of highly productive feeding birds requires solving a number of problems, in particular, its enrichment of the diet with minerals. Domestic and foreign scientists recommend feeding birds is more efficient to use organic minerals. They can be used to improve the uptake of iodine, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, more accurately normalize these trace elements, as well as to increase the natural resistance of the birds, to improve its productive and reproductive qualities. Furthermore, the use of organic minerals can significantly reduce environmental pollution by reducing the concentration of harmful substances in the litter. Kursk

LTD Tandem-industry" offers hygienic dryer:
1. Quadrasorb+
the source of the comfort and health of the substitution, instead of the drug "Mistral" production of France.
2.Essential amino acids meanin, lysine, organic-plant origin which are blends of phytochemicals with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is equivalent in its effect on the organism of animals and birds biological
activity of synthetic DL-Methionine and L-Lysine.
3.Complex enzymes for all types of animals and fish.

Scientific support of the poultry industry at the present stage of scientific institutions in accordance with the program of fundamental and priority applied research RAAS for scientific support of development of agrarian and industrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2015.

Developed resource-saving ecologically safe technology of poultry production, processing chicken manure for fertilizer engaged in missile forces Colonel Smirnov Vacheslav V. G. Kursk (developed rocket fuel, the weight-loss-web participant of the liquidation of the tragedy under the leadership of major - General Nikolai Tarakanov D.) is now engaged in goat farming. Farms LLC "Birches"Kursk. Create new competitive breeds and crosses of poultry by improving their selection and genetic potential, productive and reproductive qualities (action VNITIP, VNIGRI, vniipp, Siberian NIIP, North Caucasus SOSP, Mari research Institute of agriculture).
Our country is a strange trend of destruction of science, reduced ŌTAKE, scientists at the defense advanced degrees, have to drive for its own account or for the account of the strike, not to mention their meager salary.
From all the above we can conclude that the main poultry products are eggs and meat. Their production is largely dependent on genetically determined productivity, fertility and viability of birds, changing under the influence of environmental conditions.

Under the influence of breeding and regulation of feeding and, as a result of initiatives to combat disease, increase egg, meat productivity and viability of birds, which is very important to increase the production of eggs and meat with the lowest cost of labor, feed and other means.
Poultry farming is the oldest form of agriculture, many of the most prominent minds of our predecessors and teachers, the shock worked it, developed it, developed the technology, thus creating for us in her present form.
Unfortunately, not all of them can be here today, but the fruits of their labors are reflected in scientific papers, agricultural literature in their proposed innovative ideas, which to this day are for us the Rosetta stone. And that is mindful of them, about the great people, the pioneers of this industry, which is no longer with us, I would like to honour their memory with a moment of silence.

In memory of those great people who are with us and who will always be in our hearts.
KOROVIN Rudolf Nikolaevich.Years 01.06.1937–10.02.2005
Rod. in Ust-Koksa the Gorno-Altai Autonomous region Graduated from the Leningrad veterinary Institute (1960). Doctor of veterinary science (1989), Professor (1990), academician of the RAAS (1997). A prominent scientist in the field of the pathogenesis of neoplastic diseases of birds. After graduate school (1963-1967) Junior, senior research fellow (1967-1970), head of laboratory (1970-1978), Deputy Director on scientific work (1978-1983), Director (since 1983) All-Russian research veterinary Institute of poultry farming.
Is the developer of diagnostics, interventions, and specific prevention, improvement of veterinary-sanitary measures on the elimination of infectious diseases of birds. Deals with the problems of veterinary Virology, epizootology, mechanism of pathogenesis, peculiarities of the associated current of the disease, including neoplastic, diseases of birds, including leukemia-sarcomas group.
Laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers (1986). Awarded the gold medal. S. N. Soil science and agricultural chemistry (1999), medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Honorary doctor of the Moscow and the St. Petersburg state Academy of veterinary medicine. Member of the scientific Board of the world Association for the poultry industry, the world veterinary poultry Association and others Published more than 300 scientific papers. Has 7 patents.
Lit.: Neoplastic diseases of birds / et Al. V. P. Zelensky. — M.: Kolos, 1984. — 223 p.
Laboratory diagnosis of avian diseases: Ref. / Et al.: V. P. Zelensky, G. A. Grosheva. — M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. — 256 p.
Adenoviral infections of poultry: a library of practical. vet. physician / et Al. I. K. Rozhdestvensky. — L.: Agropromizdat. Of Leningrad. -DEP, 1990. — 79 p.
Advice to poultry farmers / et Al.: A. B. Baidevlyatov, B. F. Bessarabov. — Kiev: Vintage, 1997. — 416 p.
Scientific support effective veterinary-sanitary protection of poultry farms // Strategy of development of animal husbandry of Russia — XXI V. M., 2001. Part 1. S. 492-49
Since September of 1949 on the basis of Lennui graduate school was established on the epidemiology, Microbiology and Parasitology, and then in 1965 it was reorganized to the Institute of post-graduate courses numbered 53 and 5 post-graduate trainees and researchers. Training of researchers through post-graduate studies and was one of the important merits of the Director of the Institute V. F. Guseva. The new Director of the Institute go for the nomination in the heads of the majority of the newly created scientific and research units scientists, Ph. D. dissertation, namely: R. N. Korovin, V. I. Sionna, L. S. Kolansky, F. S. Kireeva, L. L. Pogrebnyak, A. N. Borisenkova, etc.

Sysoev, Alexander Yurievich. Doctor of biological Sciences Professor of Military veterinary Academy date of birth: 3 July 1919. Date of death: November 26, 1983 (64) S. Hanawa Mogilev province Awards

Alexander Yurievich Sysoev (July 3, 1919, p. Hanowa Mogilev province — November 26, 1983) — Soviet scientist-physiologist. Teacher. Doctor of biological Sciences (1963). Professor. The rector of the Kursk agricultural Institute (1962-1973). Public figure.
Biography From the peasants. A graduate of the Leningrad military veterinary school, after which he worked as head of the veterinary point.
The participant of the great Patriotic war. From 1938 to 1948 in the Soviet Army, served as a military veterinary paramedic artillery battery of the 52nd cavalry regiment.
In 1945 he graduated from the Military veterinary Academy (now the Moscow state Academy of veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after K. I. Skryabin).
Discharged from the army between 1948 and worked in the medical and veterinary institutions of the Moscow region, was a senior researcher at the all-Union Institute of experimental veterinary medicine (VIEV).
From 1953 — candidate of biological Sciences (thesis on "Allergy during pregnancy in cattle").
From 1957 he lived and worked in Kursk. He was the first head of the Department of physiology and "zoohygiene" since its founding in 1957 until the end of life (1983), Dean of zootechnical faculty of the Kursk agricultural Institute, the chief of regional management of agriculture.
For several years he worked as a counselor in Korea and China, a UN expert on higher education.
A. A. Sysoyev was a Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the 7th convocation, Kursk oblast Council. Under his leadership defended 2 doctoral and 7 master's theses.
From 1962 to 1973, the rector of the Kursk agricultural Institute, Professor. In 1963 he became a doctor of biological Sciences (thesis on "the Physiology of the reproductive system in cows").
Scientific activity
• A. A. Sysoev, a prominent scientist in the field of reproductive function of animals. The author of 150 scientific works, including a textbook on the physiology of farm animals, 14 books and monographs, 3 workshops on the physiology of farm animals. Awards Order of the red banner (twice), the Order "Badge of Honor",the Order of the State banner of the DPRK, medals of the USSR.
Urban Valery Petrovich. Academician of the Russian Academy of agricultural Sciences, honored scientist of Russian Federation, doctor of veterinary science.

Chiriaev Fedor Sergeevich (13.10.1935, D. Braniewo now Kovylkino R-RM), a scientist, a veterinarian. Doctor of veterinary science (1985), Professor (1986). Laureate of the State prize of the USSR (1990).

Worked in the all-Russian state research Institute for control, standardisation and certification of veterinary preparations

Article: the Importance of the normal microflora of the digestive tract of birds for their body Authors: N. Pavlov, F. Chiriaev UNIVAP, St. Petersburg, R. Lapinskaya, Institute of biochemistry, Vilnius, opublikowany.09.2012..

Lobanov Vladimir Ivanovich-head of the Department of military pharmacist Vladimir Ivanovich Lobanov was head of the Department of pharmaceutical and forensic chemistry Kursk medical Institute

Vladimir Ivanovich has published a number of original works on extraction and microcrystalline acid poisons, studied the complexation of aliphatic alcohols, proposed a method for determination of ethanol by enzymatic method. The great contribution made by Professor V. I. Lobanov in the theory and practice of interferometric analysis in the differential interferometry the interferometry colored solutions. In 1974 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Some theoretical issues interferometry and its applications in pharmaceutical analysis". One important area of his research was the creation of dosage forms with high bioavailability. Students Lobanov V. I. are employees of the Department: Professor, D. SC.N. V. K. Shormanov, associate professors: K. f.N. B. V. Kuzmin, PhD.N. N. D.Gnewikow, Phys.N. A. V. Nesterov. Teach in other departments associate Professor, candidate of Phys.N. N. D.Afonina, senior lecturer, candidate of Phys.N. T. A. Shulga. In practical pharmacy employs Phys.N. M. Y. Markelov, in private business is a candidate of Phys.N. A. A. Zavolokin. Associate Professor, candidate of Phys.N. E. P. Durisin headed the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry, Voronezh medical Academy, candidate of Phys.N. Lipanova R. I. - the Dean of the pharmaceutical faculty of the Yaroslavl medical Academy, Department of pharmaceutical chemistry Pyatigorsk state pharmaceutical Academy operates the former target graduate student and now a senior lecturer N. In.Pinchuk

History of the Department

The beginning of the history of the Department dates from August 1968, when it created the Department of pharmaceutical and forensic chemistry. Material and methodological equipment of the Department under the guidance of Professor V. I. Lobanov was engaged teachers V. L. Bazaar, A. H. laipanov, M. D. Vanin, E. V. barkalaya, L. N. Gorbunov, L. D. Agibalov And A. M. Il'in, N. D.Afonina, G. F. Golubenko, senior assistant M. S. Korolkova, technicians R. P. Lykov, E. S. Goryainova, K. L. Shapovalov.

The head of the Department of military pharmacist Vladimir Ivanovich Lobanov was head of the Department of pharmaceutical and forensic chemistry Kursk medical Institute, 1968) retired from the armed forces. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of pharmaceutical Sciences on the topic "the Search for new chemical reactions for the qualitative detection and quantitative determination of derivatives of barbituric acid in pharmaceutical and forensic chemical analysis", V. I. Lobanov performed while serving in forensic chemistry Department of the Central laboratory of the group of Soviet forces in Germany.

Hasenson L. B Ministry of health of the RSFSR, Leningrad research Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology them. Pasteur, Institute of Cytology, USSR Academy of Sciences

Federal research centre of epidemiology and Microbiology named honorary academician N. F.Gamaleya
Bondarenko Victor M. produced five doctors and 30 candidates of Sciences. He RANS and RAMES, laureate of the prize named after M. P. Chumakov RAMS, was awarded the badge "Excellent health", the medal "In commemoration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow".
Doctor of medical science, Professor
October 11, 2014 at 74, the year I left the life of a famous scientist, an outstanding specialist, microbiologist, head of the laboratory of genetics of virulence of bacteria, the doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Bondarenko.
In 1965, Victor M. was sent to graduate school at the Department of Microbiology 2nd state medical.N. And.Pirogov, then headed by academician V. D. Timakov under whose supervision was made in 1968 and she defended PhD thesis on intracellular forms of the causative agent of typhoid fever. In the same year he enrolled as a Junior researcher in the Department of medical Microbiology held them.N. F.Gamal, V. G. Peter, under whose in 1977 he had completed his doctoral dissertation on the genetic control of the synthesis of lipopolysaccharide O-antigen of Shigella flexneri. In 1986, Victor M. headed the laboratory of genetics of virulence of the bacteria, which was led until the last days of his life.
V. M. Bondarenko is a major specialist in the field of medical Microbiology and microbial ecology of man. The main direction of its activity – molecular genetic basis of pathogenicity of bacteria and microecological disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
Viktor is the author of more than 300 scientific works, including 20 copyright certificates and patents, nine monographs. His work is well known in our country and abroad. Obtained data about the genetic control of the synthesis of lipopolysaccharide O-antigen of Shigella flexneri was included in the 9th edition of the Manual on the taxonomy of bacteria Bergi. In 1994 he published unique variant of the map of the chromosome of Shigella flexneri showing regions associated with pathogenicity. Discovery of new plasmid – determining microbial synthesis of lysozyme, antilysozyme factor controlling the cytotoxic activity, aggregation adhesive activity, the ability to inactivate secretory IgA. The methods of preparation of attenuated mutants of pathogenic bacteria. Received vaccine strains of Shigella flexneri 2a Shigella sonnei, Salmonella typhimurium. The latter has received a high estimation of experts who.
Victor M. produced five doctors and 30 candidates of Sciences. He RANS and RAMES, laureate of the prize named after M. P. Chumakov RAMS, was awarded the badge "Excellent health", the medal "In commemoration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow". V. M. Bondarenko was the Chairman of the Committee of medical immunobiological medicines of the Ministry and for the past 15 years – Deputy chief editor of the "Journal of Microbiology, epidemiology and Immunobiology".
The bright memory of Victor Mikhailovich will forever remain in the hearts of the members of the Institute.

Salmonella centre Moscow, Kilesso Sofa Shaina doctor of medical Sciences Professor.

The candidate of veterinary Sciences,
from 1971 to 1991, Dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine
Kursk agricultural Institute – Kursk state agricultural Academy named after Professor I. I. Ivanov


Kitely Yuri Pavlovich was born April 4, 1932 in the village dvorichna there Dvurechenskii district, Kharkiv region in a working class family.
In 1955, after graduating with honors from the Kharkov veterinary Institute of Kitely Yuri Pavlovich worked as a veterinary doctor in the farms of the East Kazakhstan region.
From 1955 to 1956 – veterinarian training experimental farm of the Kursk agricultural Institute.

From 1958 to 1961 – assistant of the Department of physiology of farm animals, from 1962 to 1963 – Department of veterinary science of the Kursk agricultural Institute.
In 1966 he graduated from the graduate school at the Microbiology Department of the Kharkov veterinary Institute.
In 1971 he defended his thesis. 1971 – senior lecturer of the Department of veterinary medicine, 1973 – associate Professor, since 1974 – Deputy Dean of the veterinary Department.
Since 1971, Yuri Pavlovich was appointed Dean of the newly formed Department of veterinary medicine. In this position he worked for 14 years.
Yuri Pavlovich, Kitely directly participated in the creation of modern training and production facilities for the training of veterinarians at the new faculty. They were chosen scientific-pedagogical skilled staff, created new departments, set production footage with the veterinary service of the region, Biofactory and enterprises of processing industry.
Yu Kitely conducted scientific and applied research on improved methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, other infectious diseases of animals in the Kursk region and other areas of CCZ. He is the author of over 50 scientific papers in the field of infectious disease, including teaching AIDS for veterinary Microbiology and immunology.
Together with scientists-veterinarians Academy received the copyright certificate on the invention of staphylococcal one toxoid, proposed 11 innovations.


Awarded the title "Honored worker of higher school of the Russian Federation" (2000)

the candidate of veterinary Sciences, associate Professor of epidemiology and Microbiology of the Kursk agricultural Institute – Kursk state agricultural Academy named after Professor I. I. Ivanov



Plekhanov, Boris p. was born 3 November 1925 in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region.
In 1949 he graduated from Trinity veterinary Institute. After graduating, he worked as head of the Ivanovo regional veterinary clinic in the Amur region, and then two years as a veterinarian Obligtory. From 1952 to 1963 he worked as head physician of the region, head of production Department, epizootology Bredinsky district of Chelyabinsk region.
Since 1963 Plekhanov B. P. – senior researcher, then head of the laboratory of Kursk ONES, September 1976 – assistant Professor of epidemiology and Microbiology of the Kursk agricultural Institute. In 1969 he defended his thesis. Since 1976 he has been an assistant from 1982 to 1992 – associate Professor of the Department of epizootology and Microbiology Kursk agricultural Institute.


The authors of the patent for invention toxoid vaccines for specific prophylaxis of Staphylococcus birds

The invention relates to Microbiology, in particular to obtain a toxoid vaccine for specific prophylaxis of Staphylococcus birds
The purpose of the invention is the simplification of technology and the increase in the activity of the target product. The method consists in the cultivation of staphylococci on a nutrient medium and inaktiverade them with the detoxification of the toxin in toxoid with formalin. Summary of the invention is that the suspension of staphylococci isolated from patients with staphylococcosis birds, after cultivation in liquid nutrient medium with 5-7% of sodium chloride and glycerin for 7-10 days to a concentration of 5-7 billion.microbial cells W 1 ml sterilized at 85-1 WITH°With B turning of 1.0-1.5 h with detoxification Aksoy endotoxins 0,6-0,8% formalin solution during exposure for 7-10 days. Use aerosol. I, l |XL With



Medal "For victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945", a number of commemorative medals.
Medal "For development of virgin lands".
Jubilee medal "For valiant labor. In znamenovanie-th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin".

Babanin Nikolay Alekseevich (born in 1946, Kursk, Russia) - candidate of veterinary Sciences, docent, Professor of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences.

Academic degree: candidate of veterinary science.Academic title: loanprotector Russian Academy of natural Sciences.Research area: Veterinary yukirin: Kursk region.Certificate of participation in the encyclopedia "Russian Scientists"
Labor activity Babanin N. And. started in 1964, 29 years devoted to research and teaching in the field of veterinary.
After serving in the armed forces of the USSR, in 1976, he successfully graduated from the faculty of veterinary medicine of the Kursk agricultural Institute named after Professor I. I. Ivanov and joined this UNIVERSITY as an assistant Professor of obstetrics and surgery, where he is currently an associate Professor at the Department of therapy and obstetrics.
For his many years of work he graduated from the graduate school. In 1990 he defended his thesis, doctoral prepared. He is the author of five inventions, three patents, more than ten innovations that provide world novelty of the research scientists of the Academy. Among them: "a Device for making smears of biological media", "Device for examination of internal organs of animals and others. Awarded the medal "Inventor of the USSR". He has more than 45 scientific and methodical works. Under his leadership, has trained more than 50 theses on the problems of obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction throughout their research and teaching, he actively promotes the achievements of science and practice in the field of veterinary medicine by providing guidance, guidelines, participation in seminars, speeches, talks and lectures before wespecialize at the Institute of ATF, city and district veterinarians, lemonjenny, the Hippodrome and the employees of the livestock during visits to farms to provide advice and practical assistance.
Scientific and practical development Babanina N. And. widely used in educational process for students of the Academy. Currently Babanin N. And. successfully continues active scientific, educational, inventive and practical activities.
Babanin N. And. enjoys well-deserved reputation in the team of the Academy, among veterinary experts of the field, has extensive professional experience, has organizational skills, excellent communication skills and a great capacity for work, for which it was repeatedly encouraged with Honorary certificates, cash prizes and recorded on the wall of Fame Academy.


Botkin Evgeny Ivanovich was born on 8 February 1924 in Vologda.
In 1949 graduated from the Moscow veterinary Academy. More than 5 years as a senior state veterinary inspector in Union worked gosvetinspektsiey of Vologda. From 1954 to 1957 he studied at the postgraduate at the Department of epizootology Moscow veterinary Academy. In 1958 he defended his thesis in 1975 doctoral dissertation "learn the writing of immunity when pasteurellosis birds"...
He worked as head of epidemiological Department of Irkutsk, and then from may 1960 – head of the Department of diseases of birds of Kursk scientific research veterinary stations. In 1961, Evgeny Ivanovich has been tested and put into production a new vaccine against pasteurellosis birds.
From September 1963 working in the Kursk agricultural Institute, first as a Professor of veterinary medicine and biochemistry, and then in 1974 as head of the newly organized Department of epidemic and Microbiology. In conjunction with the Dean, he did a great job on equipment and material equipment of the laboratories, recruitment of lecturers and lab staff, their training in new specializations.
Basic research is reflected in the 150 publications devoted to the development of methods of struggle against the most dangerous infectious animal diseases (brucellosis, pasteurellosis, tuberculosis, etc.). I. I. Batkin co-author of three editions of a textbook for technical schools "Epizootiology with Microbiology", the author of the monograph "Pasteurellosis birds", etc. He did a lot of work on the preparation and certification of scientific personnel, worked in the dissertation Council for doctoral and candidate dissertations.

Awards: Medal "For victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war 1941-1945" (1945) and a number of commemorative medals.

Chiriaev Fedor Sergeevich (13.10.1935, D. Braniewo now Kovylkino R-RM), a scientist, a veterinarian. Doctor of veterinary science (1985), Professor (1986). Laureate of the State prize of the USSR (1990).

All - Russian state research Institute for control, standardisation and certification of veterinary preparations (Malakhov, Y. A., Schuster, B. Y., S. V. Linev); UNIVAP (F. S. Chiriaev

Article: the Importance of the normal microflora of the digestive tract of birds for their body Authors: N. Pavlov, F. Chiriaev UNIVAP, St. Petersburg, R. Lapinskaya, Institute of biochemistry, Vilnius, opublikowany.09.2012..
Numberical Mikhailovich, doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor, Department of physiology and chemistry. Kursk Agricultural Academy

the candidate of agricultural Sciences, Professor
the Department of private zootechnics faculty Zooengineering
Kursk state agricultural Academy

Born in 1937 in the village of Anna Anninsky area of the Voronezh region. After graduating in 1954, Anna high school he studied at the Voronezh state zootechnical-veterinary Institute. He then worked in Prentice-the farm "Bolshevik", 1961 – in endoecological the industry "Second five-year plan" of the Voronezh region.
In 1968, elected to the position of assistant Professor of small livestock and poultry Kursk agricultural Institute.
In 1971, co-published the book "trace elements in animal production" (S. I. Vishnyakov, Inozemtsev V. S., A. N. Apukhtin. Trace elements in animal production. Voronezh: C – H publishing house, 1971.).
From 1978 to 1992 - Dean Zooengineering of the faculty, and from 1975 to 1992 – rector on educational work of the Kursk agricultural Institute.
Together with the specialists of the regional trust "pricefrom" Vladimir Stepanovich Foreigners participated in the organization of the poultry industry in the Kursk region.
1992-present – Professor at the chair of private animal science.
Jubilee medal "For valiant labor. In znamenovanie-th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin".
Badge "Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation".
The sign "excellence in higher education".

Kalucki Pavel Vyacheslavovich

Academic degree: doctor of medical Sciences.Academic title: Professor.Research area: Medical science
Certificate of participation in the encyclopedia "Russian Scientists"
Pavel Vyacheslavovich born in 1962 in the city of Kursk. After graduating in 1979 from the high school he entered the medical faculty of ksmi. A student of P. V. kalucki actively involved in scientific research, the results awarded by the diploma of the Ministry of health of the RSFSR. After graduating in 1985, she enrolled in graduate school at the Department of Microbiology. Then he worked at the Department of Microbiology as an assistant, senior lecturer and associate Professor, and since 1997 – head of the Department. In 1997, Pavel Vyacheslavovich successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.The main scientific directions developed by Pavel Vyacheslavovich with the Department staff and their students are exposed to a magnetic field of varying intensity (primarily the geomagnetic field in the region of the Kursk magnetic anomaly) on the biological properties of microorganisms, the status of the anti-infective factors protect the body and the infectious process. As a result, with active participation of research for the first time the effect of the increased intensity of the geomagnetic field in the region KMA on biological properties of microorganisms and the immune status of people. In 1997, following the results of competition the project of P. V. Calussovo "the Influence of the geomagnetic field in the region of the Kursk magnetic anomaly on human health" was awarded the grant of the Administration of Kursk region. He has published more than 180 scientific works, including 1 monograph, obtained 3 patents. Under the direction of Pavel Vyacheslavovich defended 6 doctoral theses.

Hasenson L. B. the Ministry of health of the RSFSR, Leningrad research Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology them. Pasteur, Institute of Cytology, USSR Academy of Sciences

Bondarenko, Viktor Mikhailovich - doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology named honorary academician N. F. Gamalei, Russian Academy of medical Sciences (IEM them. N. F. Gamaleya RAMS), Moscow
Salmonella centre Moscow, Kilesso Sofa Shawna

doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor, head of Department of the Kursk agricultural Institute named after Professor I. I. Ivanovka 28 December 1992 N 1648 the President of the RUSSIAN FEDERATSII conferring the HONORARY TITLE "HONORED DEYATELNAUKI of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION" Vishnyakov Semyon Ivanovich

Leonidov Victor G. Director of Kursk trust pricefrom,
Director Kurskaya poultry, rsue.

SINIAKOVA Mikhail Alekseevich - Director of an integrated poultry farm "Kursk" Kursk region. Promotion:
1.The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.07.1994 1412 n "awarding pocetna titles of the Russian Federation to the worker of agriculture of Kursk oblast"
5 July 1994 1412 N
2.The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.07.1994 N O conferring the honorary title of the Russian Federation of agriculture of Kursk region
for his merits in the field of agriculture and long-term honest work is honorable the text of the document as of July 2011

Chiriaev Fedor Sergeevich (13.10.1935, D. Braniewo now Kovylkino R-RM), a scientist, a veterinarian. Doctor of veterinary science (1985), Professor (1986). Laureate of the State prize of the USSR (1990).
All - Russian state research Institute for control, standardisation and certification of veterinary preparations (Malakhov, Y. A., Schuster, B. Y., S. V. Linev); UNIVAP (F. S. Chiriaev
Article: the Importance of the normal microflora of the digestive tract of birds for their body Authors: N. Pavlov, F. Chiriaev UNIVAP, St. Petersburg, R. Lapinskaya, Institute of biochemistry, Vilnius, opublikowany.09.2012..


Offer for investors:

1. The construction of the sanatorium "STRELETSKAYA STEPPE" reserve,
Treatment and prevention of cancer. Prevention and treatment of cancer environmentally friendly goat's milk. Prevention tea "Caucasian survivor" (the Freshness and vitality of herbs filled with fragrant teas from the "Caucasian survivor". Plants created by nature itself, were collected in the mountain valleys of the Caucasus and the black sea coast, to become a true source of youth and health).

2. The construction of a plant for the production of essential amino acids methionine organic origin.

3. Proizvodstvennaya line for packaging of lonavala for agricultural animals and Farmaceutici Kursk.

4. Plant for processing of waste at the landfill, the payback period for Eco-friendly waste recycling to produce raw materials for metallurgical and chemical industries.



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