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II. Reading. We study at the State University - Education-Science-Production Complex (State University - ESPC), the former Orel State Technical University


We study at the State University - Education-Science-Production Complex (State University - ESPC), the former Orel State Technical University. Our university was founded in 1954 as an educational (training) and tutorial station. Now it is one of the largest higher schools in Orel. It is a unique and dynamically developing education-science-production complex in Russia which integrates qualitative education, perspective science and effective production. At present the University comprises branches in Livny, Mtsensk, Karachev, educational institutions, faculties, a lot of departments and various scientific and research, educational, innovative, consulting and other subdivisions.

As for institutes and faculties of University they are following:

Institute of Law, Institute of Finance and Economics, Institute of Technology, Institute of Information Technologies, Institute of Architecture and Construction, Institute of Transport, Institute of Additional Professional Education, Faculty of Natural Science and Humanities, Faculty of Finance, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of New Technologies and Production Automation, Faculty of Physical Training and Sports, Faculty of Distance Learning, Faculty of Evening Courses and others.

The University has several buildings for training and laboratory works, a computer center, a scientific and technical library, a canteen, several hostels, a camp for physical recreation and sports and a health center.

Our University trains students on three levels of the higher education: Bachelors, Specialists and Masters. The students are trained by expe-rienced professors and tutorial staff. There are more than 80 doctors of
science and members of different academies, more than 300 candidates of technical, economical, juridical, physical-mathematical, biological, chemical and other sciences. The use of the state-of-art equipment for educational purposes allows improving the quality of the education and more effective work of teaching personnel of our University.

The academic year begins as a rule at the beginning of September and ends in June. The academic year has two terms: the autumn term and the spring term. Each term ends with credit tests and examinations, which take place in January and June.

The students go the University every day except Sunday. Usually they have three or four lessons a day. The students attend lectures, seminars and tutorials (practical classes). Classes at our University begin at a quarter past eight in the morning and are over at ten minutes past three p.m.

In the first and second years of studies students take general engi-neering subjects such as Technology of Materials, Computer Graphics,
Descriptive Geometry, Strength of Materials, Machine Elements, Theoretical Mechanics, some other special subjects as well as Higher Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. They study also Philosophy, Russian History, a foreign language – English, German or French.

The students study at our University four or six years. At the end of the training course all graduates prepare their diploma projects or defend
a thesis. Those graduates who have keen interest in research are recommended for further study at the post-graduate courses.

The important advantage of getting education in the State University ESPC is the use of stat-of-art educational instruments in education process that are based on IT-technologies: multimedia, interactive educational courses, electronic workshops, business games. These developments are constantly improving the educational process and preparing specialists at
a high level.

High level of the education in the State University– ESPC is achieving through the special knowledge and orientation of educational process to practice. The graduates are strictly oriented on the modern market demands and have a wide range of demanding professional competences. High professional qualification, active participation of specialists-practitioners in educational process, application of modern educational technologies allow State University - ESPC to train competitive professionals that can work within their specialty in Russia and abroad after graduating from the University.

The students’ life in the State University - ESPC is a fascinating world of activities that make education more interesting and memorable. Students have many opportunities to self-development from participation in festivals, contents to all-Russian and international competitions, conferences for students, post-graduate students and young scientists.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 629. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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