Студопедия — III. After you have read. 3.1. Say what is true and what is false
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III. After you have read. 3.1. Say what is true and what is false

3.1. Say what is true and what is false. Correct the false statements:

1. We study at the Orel State Technical University.

2. Our University was founded in 1955 as an educational (training) and tutorial station.

3. Our University trains students on three levels of the higher education: Bachelors, Specialists and Masters.

4. The academic year begins as a rule at the beginning of October and ends in July.

5. Classes at our University begin at a quarter to eight in the morning and are over at ten minutes past two p.m.

6. The students study also philosophy, the Russian History, a foreign language – English, German or French.

7. The students study at our University four years.

8. Those graduates who have keen interest in research are recommended for further study abroad.

9. Students have many opportunities to self-development.

10. They take part in festivals, competitions, contents to all-Russian and international competitions, conferences for students, post-graduate students and young scientists.

3.2. Make up sentences from these words:

1. It, a, unique, is, dynamically, and, science, education, production, complex, in, Russia, developing.

2. credit, tests, term, ends, with, and, examinations, take, which, in, place, and, June, Each, January.

3. At, course, defend, of, the, training, end, all, prepare, graduates, their, projects, diploma, or, the, a, thesis.

4. These, specialists, developments, are, constantly, educational, improving, process, the, and, level, preparing, at, a, high.

5. at, University, our, at, a quarter, minutes, afternoon, past, eight, in, morning, and, Classes, are, the, over, at, ten, past, begin, three, in, the.

6. Those, who, study, graduates, have, courses, keen, in, interest,
research, are, for, recommended, further, at, post-graduate.

3.3.Complete the sentences:

Model: This cat is..., but that cat is... (fat).

This cat is fat, but that cat is fatter.

1. This milk is …, but that milk is … (hot).

2. This woman is … than that woman (beautiful).

3. This classroom is … classroom in my school (large).

4. Your new idea is … than the last one (interesting).

5. London is … city in Great Britain (large).

6. It's a … mistake I've ever made (bad).

7. This boy is …, but that boy is … (lazy).

8. I drive a car … than you do (well).

9. This book costs … than I thought (little).

10. It’s … car I’ve ever driven (nice).

3.4. Complete the sentences using as … as, not so... as. Translate into Russian:

1. I am... busy today I was yesterday.

2. Has this author published... many books this year... he published last year?

3. Is your room... clean... always?

4. We should do this work … soon … possible.

5. Is this mobile telephone... expensive... it was some months ago?

6. My cousin is … beautiful... she was a few years ago.

7. The weather is … nice today... it was yesterday.

8. This boy is...... strong... his elder brother.

3.5. Put the verb to take part into the correct tense-form. Pay attention to the words given in the brackets:

Our students take part in various all-Russian and international competitions (every year, last year, next year, nowadays, from March till April next semester, the whole month, last semester).

3.6. Сhange the Indefinite tenses to the Continuous ones adding necessary adverbs or time attributives:

1. I prepare for examinations in the library.

2. The plant will install the new safety system.

3. My sister works at her thesis.

4. The students study new words at the lesson.

5. They will show a new TV program next week.

6. The engineer will test the new equipment on Monday.

7. The workers built a new metro line last year.

8. We discussed a very important problem last week.

10. The scientist spoke about the discovery.

11. They will listen to the lecture tomorrow.

12. Tomorrow we shall have a laboratory work.

3.7. Put the sentences into the interrogative and negative forms:

1. They are still discussing the first report.

2. The secretary is looking through the morning mail.

3. He is carrying out an experiment.

4. We are leaving the town tonight.

5. You are having a rest now.

6. The secretary was typing the report all the morning.

7. People were hurrying to the station.

8. We were packing our things when he came.

9. He was waiting for us at 5 o’clock.

10. I was having visitors at this time yesterday.

11. We will be playing chess for half an hour.

12. They will be still discussing our proposal when we come.

13. I will be writing a report at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

14. The laboratory assistant will be taking readings of the apparatus
from 5 to 7 p.m.

15. Tomorrow at this time you will be sailing across the English

3.8. Put the verb in the brackets into the necessary tense form:

1. What you (to do) from seven till nine yesterday? I (to read) a new article in the scientific journal.

2. What she (to learn) now? She (to study) new words in German. She (to learn) new words every day.

3. Max (to draw) a complex scheme for his term paper when I saw him. He (to work) on it from 13 till 15 p.m.

4. What students (to stand) at the window now? I (not, know) them.
I guess they (to be) freshmen from the Institute of Transport.

5. The students of this group (to get) books from the library two
days ago.

6. What they (to discuss) at the moment? They (to discuss) a program for the students’ party.

7. It (to rain) when I left my house in the morning.

8. This group (to have) workshop now? – No, it (to participate) in the conference.

9. Our group (to work) in the reading room on the new project the whole morning tomorrow.

10. Whom they (to speak) about when I (to enter) the room? They
(to speak) about our new monitor.

11. My friend (to look) for his Handy at the moment.

12. My parents (to buy) me a new iPad next month.

13. Helen (to chat) with her she-friend while I (to translate) this article.

14. My friend (not, attend) classes at the university every day. He (not, to be) hard working.

15. Classes at our university (to start) at 8.15. Sometimes I (to be) late because there (to be) traffic jam at this time.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 560. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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