1.1. Read the words properly:
Highly-qualified, specialist, citizen, development, progress, architect, lyceum, gymnasium, higher education, Unified National Examination, score, typical, course, available, disabled, Bologna Process, government, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, equivalent, function, preparation, profound specialization, occur, research, completion, to receive, qualification, efficiency, forecasting, requirement, transition, scholarship, investigation, through, equipment, tuition fees, employer, society.
1.2. State the part of speech and translate it into Russian:
Higher, to play, play, important, every, eleventh, each, opportunity, academic, combination, first, to occur, third, to continue, second, scholarship, doctoral, efficiency, their, some, widely, to complain, knowledge, fundamental, science, to decentralize, any, freedom.
1.3. Give the verb for the following nouns:
Development, education, introduction, preparation, training, comp-leting, requirement, participation, transition, concentration, equipment,
investigation, decentralization.
1.4. What do the words have in common? Translate them:
a) citizen, school, education, bill, process, plant, objective, lecture,
b) different, wide, disabled, industrial, secondary, various, scientific, young;
c) choose, complain, go, involve, keep, consider, develop, use, get,
1.5. State the difference:
Pay – to pay, play – to play, use – to use, work – to work, train – to train, function – to function, report – to report.
1.6. Match the equivalents:
1. higher education
| 1. обеспечивать
2. to go on in higher
| 2. высшее образование
3. citizen
| 3. продолжать обучение в вузе
4. to pride
| 4. получить среднее образование
5. to train highly-qualified
| 5. гражданин
6. to get secondary education
| 6. учиться без отрыва
от производства (работы)
7. to take Unified National
(State) Examination
| 7. готовить высококвалифицированных специалистов
8. to study without leaving
their job
| 8. сдавать ЕГЭ
9. to be conducted by
independent examining
| 9. получать высокие баллы
10. to get high scores
| 10. очная форма обучения
11. part-time or evening
| 11. проводиться независимой
12. distance education system
| 12. очно-заочная форма обучения
13. full-time study
| 13. система дистанционного
14. various number
of courses or subjects within
a field of specialization
| 14. поступать в аспирантуру
15. wide range of higher
| 15. широкий спектр вузов
16. disabled people
| 16. принять законопроект
17. within the Bologna
| 17. переход на двухуровневую
систему образования
18. to approve the bill
| 18. в рамках Болонского процесса
19. transition to two-level
higher education system
| 19. защищать диссертацию
20. to go for the doctoral
| 20. люди с ограниченными
21. to carry out independent
| 21. несколько курсов или предметов в области специализации
22. to defend a dissertation
| 22. получить диплом
23. to keep training of
| 23. выпускники медицинских,
военных и технических вузов
24. graduates of medical,
military and technical higher
| 24. проводить самостоятельное
25. to receive the diploma
| 26. продолжать обучение
26. to involve employers
in forecasting of
requirements for education
| 26. недостаточно образованные люди («недоучки»)
27. to raise efficiency of use
of cash means
| 27. вовлекать работодателей
в прогнозирование требований
к образованию
28. half-educated persons
| 28. расширять их участие в финансировании профессионального образования
29. to expand their
participation in professional
training financing
| 29. получать стипендию
30. get scholarship
| 30. углубленные знания
31. to obtain knowledge
in the fundamental sciences
| 31. получать знания по базовым
32. advanced knowledge
| 32. переходный период
33. transitional period
| 33. главные цели реформы
34. he main objectives of the
| 34. децентрализовать систему
высшего образования
35. to decentralize the higher
education system
| 35. считаются одними из лучших
36. are considered to be
one of the best
| 36. широко обсуждаются
в российском обществе
37. there are many problems
we are facing in our higher
| 37. жаловаться
38. to complain
| 38. плата за обучение
39. tuition fees
| 39. увеличить эффективность
использования наличных средств
40. are widely discussed
in Russian society
| 40. мы сталкиваемся
со множеством проблем
в системе высшего образования
1.7. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the different forms of the Passive Voice. Make up negative and question forms if it is
1. The new educational programs are developed by the experts every year. – New educational programs are being developed by the experts nowadays.
2. The new educational law was approved last year. The experts were discussing the new educational law from March till May. The new educational law was being discussed by the experts from March till May.
3. The Unified National Exam will be taken by the students next week. The students will be taking the Unified National Exams from the end of May till the mid of June.
4. The tests were checked by the independent examining boards two hours ago. The examining board was checkingthe teststhe whole mor-ning. The tests were being checked by the examining board from
9 till 11 a.m.
5. What is being done to improve the educational system? New educational standards are being developed at present.
6. The tuition fee is risen at the universities every year but the modern equipment isn’t used in the laboratories. The new laboratory equipment will be installed next year.
7. What issues are being discussed at the meeting now? What issues were discussed last week? What issues were being discussed when we came?