Pharmaceutical education
Грамматика 1. Местоимение § 4 2. Множественное число существительных § 1 3. Времена Continuous Active § 8
I. Предтекстовые упражнения. I.1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в соответствующую форму Continuous в активе. Прочтите диалог по ролям. Phone rings – Nick speaking. – Hi, this is Lena. How are you? – Fine, thanks. – Listen, I (call) you from 2 to 5 yesterday, but your phone (not answer). We (worry) a lot. Weren’t you in? – Sorry, I wasn’t. I (work) till half past five in the library last night. – What you (do) there? – I (brouse) in the Internet in search of some additional materials for my chemistry exam. – I see. Listen, I (ring) to tell you that Olga (give) a birthday party tomorrow, and she asked me to remind you. – Gosh! But I (have) my test in chemistry tomorrow! – Do you mean to say you not (come)? – Of course I (come). But how about the birthday present? I simply shan’t have time to find one for her. – Don’t panic. Any good souvenir will do. – Good idea! I saw one in the store just yesterday. – Till tomorrow then. We (wait) for you till half past nine. – Settled. Bye. Keep your fingers crossed.
I.2. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных. a drug, a patient, a person, a phenomenon, a bacterium, a man, a curriculum, a textbook, a fungus, a foot, a herb, a mouse, a medicine dropper, an over-the-counter drug, a tooth, a virus, an antibiotic, a photo, a hormone.
I.3. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу личными или притяжательными местоимениями. The average British family lives in a semi-detached house with a garden in the south of England. … own … house, which is situated in the suburbs of a large town. On average … have two children and a pet. The children go to a state school which is a few miles from home. A special bus comes to pick … up every day. … are at school from 9.00 to 3.30. The father works in the office of an engineering company for 40 hours a week and earns £ 200 per week. … starts at 9.00 in the morning and finishes at 5.30 in the evening …goes to work by car, which takes … 20 minutes. … doesn’t particularly like … job, but there are chances of promotion. The mother works in a service industry for 3 days a week and earns £ 95. … works locally and goes there by bus. … quite likes … job as … gets her out of the house, … meets people, and … is close to the children’s school.
I.4. Выберите под чертой подходящее по смыслу местоимение для каждого предложения. 1. Don’t add … liquid to this substance. 2. … vitamin is harmful if it is taken in high doses, and for a long time. 3. Should … one take daily supplements of vitamins and other nutritional supplements? 4. … other species of Valerian, e.g. Valeriana dionica possess such active properties as the official plant. 5. … form of vitamin deficiency affects normal functioning of the body. 6. … foods are "fortified" with vitamins not normally present in them (e.g. vitamin D is added to milk). 7. … one who is under great stress, on restricted diet, or ill needs higher amounts of vitamins and minerals. 8. … thing we all deserve is feeling well and leading an active life. 9. … drug is completely safe or nontoxic.