The attitude of people to a person depends on many things: his character, his mind, manners, behaviour, abilities and appearance. If a person is good-looking he (she) feels more confident. Unfortunately, to be pretty or handsome doesn’t mean to be happy. Very often beautiful people are stubborn, stupid and arrogant. And unattractive people can be intelligent, kind and generous. That is why people say: “Don’t judge by appearance”. I have many friends but Sasha and Ann are my special friends. Sasha is tall and lean. Ann is of medium height. She isn’t slim, she is pretty plump. Sasha is strong and well-built. As for Ann, she doesn’t care about her figure. She is never on a diet and hates going in for shaping or swimming. She never goes to the gym. That’s why she often puts on weight. Sasha took after his father in appearance and character. His complexion is dark. His forehead is broad and high. He has large deep-set eyes. They are steel-gray. People remember his eyes because they are curious. His nose is straight. His chin is square. His cheeks are hollow. He has got thin lips. He has got chestnut straight thick hair. Ann resembles her mother. She is a blue-eyed girl. She has got thick long curving eyelashes. Her eyebrows are penciled. Her nose is small and turned up. Ann has plump cheeks with dimples in them. She never worries about her hairstyle because she has got long, thick, wavy hair. 1. Synonyms. Найдите синонимы к данным словам в тексте: 1) snub; 2) auburn; 3) to look like; 4) hairdo; 5) curly; 6) inquisitive; 7) with blue eyes; 8) to get fat; 9) best friend; 10) doesn’t like. 2. Antonyms. Найдите антонимы к данным словам в тексте: 1) strong; 2) plump; 3) to lose weight; 4) fair; 5) bulging eyes; 6) hooked; 7) thick hair; 8) wavy; 9) ugly; 10) intelligent. 3. После ознакомления с текстом, согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями (True or False Statements): 1. Sasha is short and lean. 2. Ann is very sorry that she is plump. 3. She doesn’t go to the gym. 4. Sasha resembles his father. 5. Sasha has got full lips. 6. Ann’s hair is thin. 7. Ann has got blue eyes. 8. Ann’s eyebrows are bushy. 9. Ann’s nose is snub. 10. Ann cares about her hairdo little. 4. Используйте лексику текста в данных предложениях: 1. Attractive, ___________ - _______________ people feel more confident. 2. Donkeys are the most __________________ animals. 3. When a person is neither short nor tall he is said to be of ________ __________. 4. Sportsmen are always handsome, muscular and ____________ - _____________. 5. Excluding fats and carbohydrates (sugar) from the diet will help to avoid _____________ _____ _________________. 6. Dark _________________ is typical for people who live in southern regions. 7. “___________________ killed a cat” (an English proverb). 8. Mary didn't take after her Mother, only her manners _____________ her Mother's. 9. I couldn't hear her, but I read by her ______________ that everything was OK. 10. You never cut your hair! Don't you want to change your _______________? 5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту: 1. What does the attitude of people depend on? 2. Beautiful people are always friendly and likeable, aren't they? 3. What height are the friends? 4. Do the friends care about their figures? 5. What does Ann hate doing? 6. Ann always goes to the gym, doesn't she? 7. Who did Sasha take after? 8. What are the most outstanding features in his appearance? 9. What does it mean “penciled eyebrows”? 10. What is Ann's hairstyle? 6. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, употребив активную лексику урока: 1. Он хорошо сложен. 2. Ее заботит собственная фигура, поэтому она часто ходит плавать. 3. У него круглое лицо и близко посаженые глаза. 4. Он высокий красивый молодой человек. 5. У нее курносый нос и ямочки на щеках. 6. Она блондинка с зелеными глазами. 7. У нее темный цвет кожи. 8. Я помню ее красивые волнистые волосы. 9. У него квадратный подбородок. 10. Не судите по внешнему виду. 11. Раньше она часто ходила в фитнес-центр, а сейчас набрала вес. 12. Многие привлекательные девушки заботятся о своей прическе. 13. Моя подруга очень упряма, а в глазах у нее всегда любопытство. 14. Я думаю, что поведение зависит от внешности человека. 7. Appearance of people and things. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу:
8. Speaking 1. Обсудите в паре пословицу: “You should not judge people by the clothes they wear.” Найдите русские эквиваленты пословицы. 9. Speaking 2. Опишите свою внешность. Используйте активный словарь в конце учебника. 10. Speaking 3. Опишите двух своих друзей, сравните их внешность. Используйте активный словарь в конце учебника и данный план. 1. Your friends’ full names. 2. Their age and some background. 3. Your first friend’s appearance. 4. Your second friend’s appearance. 5. What you think they are similar. 6. What you think they are different. 7. What they do to improve their image.