Студопедия — UNIT 7. CHARACTER
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


When we first meet a man we make our judgement mostly by his appearance: his manners, behaviour and appearance. But be careful! Don’t judge by appearance always.

I would like to tell you about my friend, Liza. When we met, she seemed a bit unfriendly at first, but now I’ve got to know her I realise she’s very warm and kind. She is very shy when you first meet her because she finds it difficult to talk to unfamiliar people and make conversation with strangers. But when she knows people quite well she is much more self-confident. I know she looks reserved but in fact she is very emotional like anyone else. I think the weather influences her a lot: when it’s sunny she feels more cheerful and optimistic; but when it’s cold and raining she gets very miserable.

Liza is very tense at the moment because of her exams, but she’s usually quite relaxed and easy-going about most things. She usually tells what she thinks straight in the eye because we are close friends. Sometimes it is very insensitive of her, but at least she is honest, I suppose.

1. Используйте лексику текста в данных предложениях:

1. When we write to _______________ people, we greet them:”Dear Sir/Madam”.

2. Thin lips can mean that the person is ____________________.

3. The weather often influences __________________ people.

4. Nobody wants to answer personal questions if a __________________ asks them.

5. Mark is an ___________ - _______________ person. He is always optimistic.

6. Wet and dirty, hungry and thirsty: the kitten looked ___________________.

7. Close friends never keep secrets, they say everything _____________ ____ _____ ___________________.

8. “Forgetting to visit a sick friend is very _________________ of you”, - Mother said to her son.

2. После ознакомления с текстом, согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями (True or False Statements):

1. Always judge by appearance.

2. Liza seemed very friendly at first.

3. Liza could easily talk to unfamiliar people.

4. She looks reserved.

5. She is emotional like everyone else.

6. She likes rainy weather.

7. She never tells what she thinks straight in the eyes.

8. Liza is a sensitive person.

3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What does the author say about Liza when she first met her?

2. What is difficult for Liza to do?

3. When does she become self-confident?

4. Is she reserved or emotional?

5. What happens with Liza when it is cold and raining?

6. She feels relaxed at exams, doesn't she?

7. How does she tell what she thinks to her close friends?

8. Is Liza always honest?

4. Совместите слова и выражения из левой колонки их переводом в правой колонке:

a) cheerful; b) a good sport; c) hypocrite; d) to bear smb ill-will; e) witty; f) chatter-box; g) split-personality; h) coward; i) tactful; j) to be capable of (doing) smth; k) generous; l) awkward. 1) человек, играющий честно, по -спортивному; 2) относиться к кому-либо недоброжелательно; 3) быть способным на что-то; 4) болтушка; 5) противоречивый характер; 6) тактичный; 7) трус; 8) веселый; 9) остроумный; 10) лицемер; 11) неуклюжий; 12) щедрый.

5. Describing people. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу:

Bald patch, impulsive, shy, have the sense, courage, on a diet, spiteful, look my best, curly hair, parting, upset easily, lose my temper, extrovert, piercing eyes, very proud, speak openly

1. She's always going ___________________________ because she has a complex about not being slim enough.

2. Unfortunately she gets _________________________ so be careful what you say.

3. He had medium-length grey hair with a ___________________________ down the middle.

4. As I meet a lot of people in my job, I try to ___________________________ which means I spend quite a lot on clothes every year.

5. She's very ______________________ so she keeps doing things she regrets later.

6. As he's tall, you don't notice the ________________________ on top of his head.

7. He was so ___________________________ that at parties he never spoke to people unless he had been introduced to them.

8. It takes _______________________ to stand up to somebody who's bullying you.

9. I can ___________________________ to her. I don't have to hide my feelings.

10. She had a perm because she thought ___________________________ looked fashionable.

11. He's a great ______________________. He loves going out and meeting people.

12. She had _________________________ which seemed to look right through you.

13. She's ________________________ of her son and never stops talking about him.

14. I hope they'll ________________________ to lock the doors and call the police.

15. It was very ___________________________ of him to deliberately try to make a fool of her.

16. I'm afraid I seem to ___________________________ more often these days, especially when I get bad service.

6. Descriptions. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу:

1. Please be____________ to the customers.

a) polite b) gentle

2. You have to be _____________ to survive the army.

a) hard b) tough

3. You'll get on well with her. She's really _______________.

a) sympathetic b) likeable

4. He got a medal for being so ____________.

a) brave b) nice

5. Michel is really _____________ about fresh food.

a) difficult b) fussy

6. Have you ever taught really _____________ children?

a) lively b) vital

7. Long skirts are the _____________ fashion.

a) newest b) latest

8. He's not very clever; in fact, he's a bit ____________.

a) dull b) dim

9. She's very______________ with her money.

a) large b) generous

10. Tina is a very ____________ woman.

a) pretty b) tasty

11. They had a very _____________ life together.

a) glad b) happy

7. Describing people. Расставьте слова и выражения в таблице. Добавьте другие слова и выражения, которые могут пригодиться вам при описании внешности и характера людей, с которыми вы знакомы:

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