Учебно-методическое пособие для дистанционной формы обучения
Москва ФГБОУ ВПО «РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова»
УДК 811(075.8) ББК 81.2я73 М545
Материалы печатаются в авторской редакции
Английский язык. Лексика. Модуль 2: учебно-методической пособие для дистанционной формы обучения / сост.: К.В. Тростина, О.Б. Марнат – Москва: ФГБОУ ВПО «РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова», 2014. – 48 с.
Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский язык) 2 модуля 1 семестра 1 курса бакалавриата Данный материал предназначен для студентов первого курса бакалавриата дистанционной формы обучения.
© ФГБОУ ВПО «РЭУ им. Г. В. Плеханова», 2014 Оглавление MODULE 2. 4 UNIT 5. MY FAMILY.. 4 UNIT 6. APPEARANCE. 8 UNIT 7. CHARACTER.. 11 VOCABULARY. MODULE 2. 17 Unit 5. FAMILY.. 17 Unit 6. APPEARANCE. 18 Unit 7. CHARACTER.. 19
MODULE 2 UNIT 5. MY FAMILY I am Ivan Sviridov. I am 26. I am single but I am going to get married this winter. I am a computer programmer. My fiancée is an accountant. I hope when we get married we’ll be happy together. Our family is neither large nor small. There are four of us: my Mum, my Dad, my younger brother and me. It’s an average Russian family. My father is 46. My Dad works for a large building company as an economist. He is always busy but he likes his job, as there are chances of promotion there. He is very experienced. He is very handy with many things and can repair everything. He is a very even-tempered person and he is practically always in a good mood. My Mum is 46 too. She is a house-wife. She keeps house and takes care of everybody in the family. She is clever with her hands and she is good at cooking. She is very kind and patient. My Dad and I try to help her round the house. I wash the dishes, go shopping and Dad tidies the flat. My brother is a post-graduate student of the Faculty of Finance. I think he took after our Dad. He is fond of going in for sports. He is very smart but a little bit lazy. My grandparents retired last year. They don’t live with us. They come to see us and we call them very often. I have got a lot of relatives: aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces. We like family feasts very much. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on very well. 1. Synonyms. Найдите синонимы к данным словам в тексте: 1) big; 2) father; 3) high spirits; 4) to run the house; 5) to wash up; 6) to clean the flat; 7) to resemble smb; 8) clever; 9) to become a pensioner; 10) to phone smb, to ring smb up. 2. Antonyms. Найдите антонимы к данным словам и выражениям в тексте: 1) married; 2) to divorce; 3) to be sad; 4) elder; 5) free; 6) to break; 7) nervous; 8) impatient; 9) to hate; 10) hard-working. 3. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, употребив активную лексику урока. 1. Мой дедушка ушел на пенсию 2 года назад. 2. Наша семья очень дружная, мы очень хорошо ладим. 3. Когда мама занята, мы помогаем ей по дому. 4. Я люблю готовить. 5. Мой двоюродный брат никогда не бывает в плохом настроении. 6. Где живут твои дядя с тетей? 7. Почему Вы любите семейные праздники? 8. Моя бабушка хорошо вяжет. 9. Моя мама с папой ровесники (одного возраста). 10. Я пошел характером в маму. 4. Используйте лексику текста в данных предложениях. 1. Don't touch him! He is in a __________ _________ today. 2. My grandparents are pensioners. They _________________ ten years ago. 3. He didn't _______________ after his parents. He is absolutely different. 4. In a big company there is always a chance of ________________ for a talented employee. 5. Being young we are so ______________ to our families, while we become more independent with years. 6. My mother is very even-tempered, she is so _________________ with us. 7. When you are not married, you should write “_______________” in your CV. 5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту: 1. Is Ivan married? 2. What is Ivan? 3. What is Ivan’s fiancée? 4. What is an average Russian family? 5. Why does Ivan’s Dad like his job? 6. What does Ivan think about his father? 7. Why does Ivan’s mother not work? What does she do? 8. What does Ivan say about his brother? 9. What categories of relatives does Ivan mention? What do they do? 10. How do the Sviridovs spend time together? 6. После ознакомления с текстом, согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями (True or False Statements): 1. I will never get married. 2. My family is quite large. 3. My father and mother are of the same age. 4. I have got an elder brother. 5. My father hates his job because he has a chance of promotion. 6. My mother runs the house because she doesn’t work. 7. My brother is fond of sports. 8. My brother is very clever. 9. Our grandparents live with us. 10. Our family members love each other. 7. Speaking 1. Ответьте на вопросы используя информацию о Вашей семье. 1. Do you study or do you work? 2. What are you? What company do you work for? 3. What are your plans for the future? 4. What is your marital status? 5. Is your family large? 6. Are you deeply attached to your relatives? 7. How can you describe yourself and your relatives? 8. How do you spend time together? 9. What are your duties about the house? 10. What do you like about your family most? 8. Speaking 2. Работа в паре. Расскажите о себе друг другу (во время беседы можно делать записи). Расскажите группе, что Вы узнали об одногруппнике. 9. Childhood and Adolescence. Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу: