Attractive, absent-minded, considerate, hates making decisions, clumsy, short-sighted, inquisitive, hides her feelings, dynamic, wavy brown hair, takes risks, tends to exaggerate
8. Character and reputation. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных слов и выражений подходящие по смыслу: 1. People who are generally too concerned with their own thoughts to notice what is happening round them can be described as _____________. a) abstracted; b) absent-minded; c) distracted. 2. A person whom other people admire has ______________. a) great fame; b) an excellent reputation; c) good rumour; d) character. 3. A person who works seriously and with care ______________. a) is conscious; b) is conscientious; c) has conscience; d) has consciousness. 4. A person who is well-known and has a good reputation is ____________. a) notorious; b) famous; c) infamous. 5. People who think only of themselves are ______________. a) egoist; b) selfish; c) egotist. 6. A person who is not distinguished in any way is ______________. a) vulgar; b) common; c) ordinary. 7. A person who reads and thinks a lot is ______________. a) intellectual; b) spiritual; c) witty. 8. A person who is easily annoyed or often in a bad mood is ____________. a) nervous; b) tense; c) irritable. 9. People who apply themselves seriously to their work are ____________. a) hardworking; b) laborious. 10. People who are 'full of life' have a lot of _____________. a) liveliness; b) temperament. 11. People who have had a lot of practice at doing something are __________. a) practical; b) practicable; c) practised. 12. A person who is not very nice or friendly is _____________. a) disagreeable; b) unsympathetic. 13. A person who has good sense and judgement is _______________. a) sensible; b) sensitive; c) conscious; 14. We can describe someone who is fond of sport as _______________. a) sporting; b) sportive; c) sporty. 15. Beethoven was ______________. a) a genie; b) a genius; c) genial. 9. Speaking 1. Best friend. Согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями: The best friend is someone who: · knows all your secrets · you can go on holiday with · lives near you · you can tell your problems to · is the same age as you · you have known for a long time · asks for your advice 10. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, употребив активную лексику урока: 1. Сделайте свое суждение о книге по окончании чтения. 2. Уверенность в себе — необходимое качество любого руководителя. 3. Когда молодежь заканчивает школу, она полна радости и оптимизма. 4. Золушка выглядела такой несчастной в своей поношенной одежде! 5. Никогда не лгите, всегда говорите что Вы думаете прямо в глаза. 6. Легко пришло - легко ушло. 7. У Вас есть близкие друзья? 8. Мы все почувствовали себя облегченно (расслабленно), когда узнали результаты экзамена. 9. Будь внимателен к своим близким друзьям! 10. Человеческая природа такая сложная! 11. Case study. Friendship. Прочитайте истории дружбы ребят: 1. JULIE AND SARAH live three doors apart from each other. Their mothers are best friends too, so they've known each other all their lives. Lately Julie has been finding Sarah a pain. She used to think she was funny and outrageous, but now she seems just childish and stupid. She used to admire her way-out clothes and hairstyles - now she's embarrassed to be seen on the streets with her. Julie is definitely outgrowing Sarah, who's upset by this, but she hates herself for it. She feels guilty because they meant so much to each other in the past. But then she tells herself things might have been different if Sarah had changed as well.
2. SIMON AND NICK have been friends for years. They met on their first day at primary school and have shared everything since. Now Simon has gone away to college and they don't see so much of each other. Simon still writes to Nick and makes a point of seeing him when he's home during the holidays, but Nick feels left out. Recently he's been spreading rumours about Simon behind his back. He won't talk about it to Simon. He just says 'What do you care what I say?' Теперь прочитайте, как комментирует эти ситуации психолог. Проверьте правильное понимание текста, выбрав лучший ответ (A, B, C or D) на вопросы, приведенные ниже: 1. JULIE AND SARAH It's not just the friend who is being outgrown, who feels bad. Julie has been developing and changing faster and along different paths to Sarah, but she feels tied to the past. She should change her relationship with Sarah -they can no longer be best friends. And it’s no good thinking that things might have been different if... No, Julie has to face facts as they are. But she needn't cut Sarah off completely: she can perhaps find another place for her in her life. However, some friendships which have been very close can't survive this kind of adjustment.
2. SIMON AND NICK This is a sad case of one boy growing up and the other remaining childish. It can’t have been easy for Nick: he is obviously jealous of Simon's new friends and feels left out, so he attacks Simon because he's hurt. But he's ruining what could have remained a good - if different - friendship. It 's no one 's fault that Simon has gone to college and made new friends. With a different attitude on Nick's part - and Simon has shown he wants to keep Nick as his friend - this needn't have happened.