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Militech "Cowboy" U-55 HVY +0 N P (25mm)(B4) 12 3 ST 150m 900

Militech Mini-GL (Pump) HVY -1 L C (25mm/10ga)(B4) 4 2 ST 150m 225

Militech Mini-GL (Drum) HVY +0 N P (25mm/10ga)(B4) 16 2 ST 150m 475

Tsunami Type-18 AGL HVY -1 N P (25mm)(B10+) 30 10 ST 200m 2000

Arasaka WCCA Susano HVY +0 N P (25mm)(B4/7) 9 2-9 VR 200m 450

Commercial 40mm GL HVY +0 L R (30-40mm)(B6) 1 1 ST 225m 150

Mk19 Grenade Launcher HVY +0 N R (40mm belt)(B12) 50 20 ST 500m

M-32 Auto GL HVY +0 N R (40mm)(B16-18) 50 20 VR 1600m 2500

M-205 Underbarrel GL HVY +1 L P (40mm)(B6) 1 1 VR 200m 250

M-212 Grenade launcher HVY +1 N P (40mm)(B6) 8 2 VR 200m 500

Towa Type-9 GL HVY +0 N P (40mm)(B6) 8 2 VR 200m 750

Arasaka Combat 10 HVY +0 N R 8D6 (40mm HE)(B6) 10 1 ST 250m 10,000

60mm Light Mortar: 750eb

HVY 0 N P 8D10 (60мм) 1 2 VR 1000м/5м радиус взрыва

Лёгкий миномёт переносится расчётом из двух человек, его вес 15 кг, он может быть разобран для переноски на две части (ствол с казёнииком и опорная плита). С ним может работать и один человек, но тогда скорострельность (ROF) падает до 1 выстрела за два боевых хода. Одна мина стоит 50 eb, её вес – 1 кг. Основной тип заряда мин – фугасный (HE); есть также дымовые, осветительные, и зажигательные мины с белым фосфором. Чтобы уточнить детали - смотри Maximum Metal. [Home/Brave]

Air Burst Flechette Grenade: 100eb

HVY -1 P R 1D6x2D6* (over 5m) 1 1 ST

A lozenge shaped grenade that can be fired from most 40mm grenade launchers. When fired, the grenade lands on it's weighted end and a secondary charge propels the top three-quarters of the grenade 4 feet up in the air; It is at this point that the grenade explodes spraying a 10m diameter area with fast, sharp, drill like metal flechettes.

Game Notes: Everyone in the blast area is hit with 1D6 flechettes, each doing 2D6 damage. Treat as a knife for AP effects (half soft armour, full penetration damage).

ARASAKA FGL-1: 560eb
GL -1 J R VARIES (25mm grenade) 5 1 ST
This 25mm grenade launcher folds into a very compact and unasuming packege, but quickly folds out again to put the fear of god into your enemies.

CCMMC RPG-B16: 1185eb
HVY +2 N C 6D10+5 50 1/3/15 ST
A chinese bazooka styled rocket launcher, featuring a weighted rear lug for better counter balance, which vastly improves aim and makes it easier to keep the weapon steady. The rocket itself is noteworthy due to the fact that all the weapons propellant is stored in the stem, which falls away activating 4 pop out fins on the explosive head which keep the rocket flying straight onto its target.

Castech's Mounted Grenade Launcher

HVY +0 N P 25mm 1 1 ST 200m

Castech has taken the grenade launcher found on their Castech 450GL handgun and adapted it for mounting on their caseless assault rifle. This offers a single shot grenade launcher in a small and inexpensive package. It also offers heavy firepower to be added on a mission needs basis.

Commercial Grenade Launchers: 150eb

HVY 0 L R varies (30-40мм) 1 1 ST 225м

Широко распространены по всему миру; могут монтироваться почти на любом автомате, штурмовой винтовке (обычно под стволом). К некоторым образцам можно присоединить простейший приклад и прицельные приспособления для отдельного использования. [Cyberpunk 2020]

HVY +1 N R 7D10 1 1 ST
A compact but extremely powerful rocket propelled grenade launcher.

Ferriera Technologies SGML-11: 1,100eb

HVY +2 N P Variable (See Below) 6 1 VR 200m

Ferreira Technologies developed the SGML-11 under-barrel munitions launcher in concert with Reitzwerks to meet the criteria for the successor arm to the PAL-21. Pairing the two together produces a weapon system capable of both incredibly accurate point targeting and devastating area effect fire.

Physically the SGML-11 looks like a wide bore tube with dorsal mounting studs and an attached handgrip. It's manufactured from glass-fibre/carbon composite injection molded over a spun titanium stress frame that provides rugged reliability and resistance to the thermal stresses encountered in vacuum. Control electronics for the firing system and interface with the LK-4's smartrig are located in the handgrip. Ammo cassettes containing six rounds are inserted in the feed port in front of the handgrip.

The munitions are clearly recognizable as technologically refined variations on the standard 25mm micro-missile rounds in use since the early 21st century. Each round is equipped with a warhead, a flat panel sensor head that tracks targets, and a solid fuel rocket. Course correction for both atmospheric and vacuum flight is accomplished by the sensor head and associated electronics making minor adjustments to the steerable vanes located in the rocket's emission bell. Color coded bands along the base of each munition provide easy visual identification of it's warhead type.

In combat the smartrig on the LK-4 provides constant target updates to the munition in the firing chamber. When the user selects a target and issues the fire command a small "popper" charge ejects the round from the launcher, cutting down on recoil that could be lethal in a low-g environment, and then triggers the ignition of the main engine. A successful strike is guaranteed unless lock-on is lost while the munition travels to the target, in which case the round will attempt to re-acquire the target itself. Failure to reacquire the target will result in the warhead being deactivated two seconds after the rocket motor exhausts it's fuel.

Warhead Type Damage Radius Cost Color Band Notes

Explosive 5D6 2m $50 Red

Armor Piercing 5D6 1m $100 Blue Treats target armor as 1/2 SP

HEP 2D6+4 none $400 Green High Explosive Plastic (Cratering). Armor has no effect and

receives 2 points damage when munition detonates.

The initial attack with a self-guided round is rolled using the weapons +2 targeting bonus when the weapon is fired. If that attack roll fails lock-on was broken and a second attack roll can be made to simulate the munition attempting to lock-on the target itself. Failure results in the round flying off at random. Use the Grenade Table to determine where.

Kenshiri-Adachi F-253 Flamethrower: 1,500eb

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 503. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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