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The Notion of Reciprocity

The term “Reciprocity” is very often used in international legal acts, in domestic legislation and in legal literature. But there is no normative definition of reciprocity and the definition of reciprocity notion is a very rare made in legal literature. Koretsky V.M. wrote in 1925: “ The notion is seems so usual, the answer is portrayed so simple (“as you for me, as I for you”) that it is not necessity to perform inevitable task for lawyer – to give the definition of the using legal notion”. (1)

The term “reciprocity” is using in different sense in international treaties. There are some examples:

The Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Poland Republic on the condition of reciprocal trips of the Russian Federation citizens and the Poland Republic citizens of September 18, 2003 in Article 13 stated: “Amount of tax for the issue of visas to the citizens of the Parties States by the diplomatic representatives and consular offices is defined on the base of the reciprocity principle”; (2)

The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Kazakhstan Republic on the status of the Russian Federation military units which are temporary situated on the territory of the Kazakhstan Republic of January 20, 1995 in Article 16 is stated that the competent bodies of the Russian Federation and the competent bodies of the Kazakhstan Republic may reciprocal appeal to each other;(3)

point 3 Article 25 of the Convention between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the State Israel on the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of evasion from taxation in regard of taxes on incomes of April 25, 1994 provides for that the competent bodies of the Contracting States should to try to settle any difficulties and doubtful points on the base of reciprocal agreement; (4)

the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Poland Republic on the international road communication of August 30, 1996 in Article 11 provides for:

“1. The carriers of the passengers and cargoes should pay the road charges on the territory of the other Contracting Party in accordance with the legislation of this State.

2. The competent bodies of the Contracting Parties may on the condition of reciprocity provide for partial or complete release from the road charges fixed in paragraph 1 of this Article excluding carries providing in Paragraph 1 Article 7 of this Agreement”. (5)


(1) Koretsky V.M. Clause on Reciprocity in International Private Law// Viestnik

of the Soviet Justice. 1925. № 19. P. 731-734. Reprint of this article see: Koretsky V.M. Selected works. In two books. Book 1. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1989. P. 76.

(2) Bulletin of International Treaties. 2003. № 12. P. 62.

(3) Ibidem. 2004. № 10. P. 69.

(4) Ibidem. 2004. № 8. P. 50.

(5) Ibidem. 2004. № 8. P. 66.

These examples are the evidence that the term “reciprocity” is used in the international treaties for the indication of the condition which is the base for the granting of some rights; sometimes it is called as principles; at last, its application doesn’t have any semantic meaning (reciprocal cooperation, reciprocal render of services, reciprocal change of information, etc.).

In the domestic law the term “reciprocity” is using in the very different normative acts, in particular:

The Custom Code of the Kazakhstan Republic of April 5, 2003 states in Article 282 that “The privileges on the customs payments providing for the members of the diplomatic staff of the mission of the foreign state on the basis of the ratified international treaty concluded with the foreign state could be extended to the members of the operating staff of this diplomatic mission and also to the members of their families, if they are not the Republic Kazakhstan citizens on the basis of the reciprocity principle as regards each separate foreign State”;

it is stated (Article 2) in the Law of the Republic of Byelorus of May 18, 2004 N 284-3 “ On the international legal assistance in criminal cases” that in the event of absence of international treaty the international legal assistance in the criminal cases should be rendered on the base of the reciprocity principle. Article 9 of the same Law is said on the expenses, which are linked with the rendering of the international legal assistance in the criminal cases on the base of reciprocity principle;

the Civil Code of Armenia of 1998 in Article 1257 “Reciprocity Principle” provides for:

“1. Court shall apply foreign law irrespective of the application of the Republic of Armenia law to the analogous relations in the corresponding foreign state excluding the cases, when the application of the foreign law is providing for by the Republic of Armenia law.

2. When the application of the foreign law is depending on the reciprocity, it is supposed that it exists unless otherwise was proven”; (6)

according to the Turkish Law N 2675 of 1982 “ On International Private Law and International Civil Procedure” the foreign judicial decisions are enforced on the territory of this State, if some conditions are observed, including “the presence the treaty, based on the reciprocity principle [of enforcement of decisions], between the Turkish Republic and the State where the decision was rendered, or the presence of the legal provisions in the foreign State or the practice, which are securing the enforcement of the decisions of the Turkish courts” (Article 38 a); (7)

the Code of International Private Law of Tunisia in Article 11 states that “The exequatur on the foreign judicial orders should not be issued, when … the State, where the decision or order were rendered, are not observing the rule on


(6) Text see.: Современное зарубежное и международное частное право. Международное частное право. Иностранное законодательство. М.: Статут, 2001. С. 71 [Contemporary foreign and International Private Law. Foreign Legislation. Moscow: Statut, 2001. P.71]

(7) Text see: Ibidem. P. 58.


reciprocity”; (8)

the Law on the regulation of the international private law relations was adopted in Rumania in 1992. Article 6 of this Law states that the application of the foreign law is not depend on the reciprocity condition unless otherwise is provided for by the subsequent provisions or special laws; in the case, when the condition of reciprocity is demanded, execution of this condition is supposed, unless otherwise is proven. In paragraph 1, point “c”, Article 167 of this Law is stated that the foreign judicial decisions are recognized in Rumania when “ there is the reciprocity on the matter on the acting of the foreign decisions between Rumania and the State of the court rendered decision”; (9)

The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova of 2002 contains Article 19. Point 2 of this Article reads: “Foreign citizens and stateless persons should be extradited to other State only on the basis of the international agreement, on the reciprocity condition or in accordance with the judicial decision”.

The provisions on reciprocity are contained in some normative acts of the Russian legislation.

Article 1189 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains the next rule on the reciprocity:

“ 1. Foreign law shall apply in the Russian Federation irrespective of the application of the Russian law to the relations of such kind in the corresponding foreign state, unless the application of the foreign law on the bases of reciprocity is prescribed by law.

2. In the event that the application of a foreign law depends on reciprocity, reciprocity shall be presumed, unless otherwise is proven”.

Article 157, paragraph 2 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation is provided that “marriages between foreign citizens, entered on the territory of the Russian Federation in diplomatic missions and consular bodies of the foreign states, are recognized as valid on the conditions of reciprocity, if these persons on the moment of entering marriage have been the citizens of the foreign state, which appointed the ambassador or consul in the Russian Federation”.

References to the reciprocity are also contained in Article 36 of the Russian Federation Patent Law of September 23, 1992, (10) in Article 47 of the Russian Federation Law “On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of

Goods”. (11)

It is not difficult to note that analyzing term is using in the domestic law in the different spheres of legal regulation (criminal law, custom law, civil law, civil procedure, family law). Besides, the reciprocity is called condition or principle, but in all events the provisions on reciprocity are intended for the using in the


(8) Text see: Ibidem. P. 563.

(9) Text see: Ibidem. P. 493-526.

(10) Text see: Viedomosty of the Congress of the People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. 1992. № 42. Art. 2319.

(11) Text see: Ibidem. Art. 2322.

international relations. The domestic law acts as the acts of international law have not the notion of the reciprocity.

As to the doctrinal opinions regarding reciprocity, it is necessary to note that only specialists on international private law and international civil procedure as a rule are writing about the reciprocity and they usually only give an interpretation of the domestic legislation rules, consider the reciprocity as some well-known and don’t give its definition. There are few exclusions in the domestic literature. First of all it is necessary to note the article by V.M. Koretsky “Clause on the reciprocity in international private law” which was published in 1925 (12), where he gives the next definition of examining notion: “As the clause of the reciprocity one should to understand the clause, which is stipulate the application of this rule content by the application of the such content rule in the corresponding foreign state”. (12) The article by Voltchkov A.F. and Rubanov A.A. “The clause on reciprocity in the Soviet-American hereditary relations” is the same exclusion. They considered that it is necessary to differ the condition on reciprocity and the principle on reciprocity. “The principle of reciprocity in the relations between states and the clause on reciprocity are two different categories. The clause on reciprocity is one of the institutes of international private law; the principle of reciprocity is the source laying in the bases of the relations, which are regulated by international public and private law”. (13)

Lazarev M.I. calls reciprocity by principle: “ The reciprocity principle in contemporary international law is one of the general principles of the mutual relations between states. It presumes equal respect by every party of the laws and usages of the other one (so called formal reciprocity), although laws and usages of different states can have essential differences as regards of the volume of rights and duties providing for the appropriate persons (so called substantive reciprocity)”. (14)

Zvekov V.P. writes: “The reciprocity in the wide sense is one of the sources of international cooperation, allowing to ensure rights and interests of states, its citizens and organizations on the base of equality and mutual advantage”. (15)

Gavrilov V.V. gives the next definition of the reciprocity: “The nature of the re-


(12) Koretsky V.M. Selected works. P.7.

(13) Волчков А.Ф., Рубанов А.А. Оговорка о взаимности в советско-американских наследственных отношениях // Советский ежегодник международного права, 1960. М.: Изд. АН СССР, 1961. С. 308 [ Voltchkov A.F., Rubanov A.A. The clause on the reciprocity in the Soviet-American hereditary relations // Soviet Yearbook of International Law, 1960. M.: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of science,1961. P.308]

(14) Лазарев М.И. Взаимности принцип// Большая советская энциклопедия. Т.5. М., 1971. С. 6-7 [ Lazarev M.I. The reciprocity principle// The Large Soviet Encyclopedia. Vol.5. Moscow, 1971. P.6-7].

(15) Комментарий к Гражданскому кодексу Российской Федерации части третьей (постатейный) / Отв. pедакторы Н.И. Марышева, К.Б. Ярошенко. М.: КОНТРАКТ: ИНФРА-М, 2004. С. 361[Commentary to the Third Part of the Civil Code of the Russian

Federation (article by article)/ Ed. By N.I. Marysheva, K.B. Yaroshenko. Moscow:

CONTRACT: INFRA-M, 2004. P.361].

ciprocity consists in the providing for the legal and natural persons of the foreign state of some quantity of rights or the legal status on the condition that the natural and legal persons of the country, which is representing them, should enjoy the same rights or legal status in this foreign state”. (16)

The reciprocity is defined in the Black’s Law Dictionary as “1.Mutual or bilateral action…2.The mutual concession of advantages or privileges for purposes of commercial or diplomatic relations…”. (17)

These giving the opinions is an evidence that the specialists opinion are very different on the matter of the reciprocity understanding, because one of them considers that the reciprocity is a clause, others – the principles, the third – action. In connection with this it is necessary to note some features of the reciprocity:

1. The reciprocity is used only in the relations, which are not regulated by treaties. Treaty in international and domestic law are the mutual compact of the parties. This fact is an evidence of the existence of coordination on the bilateral or multilateral base. The using of the term “agreement reciprocity” has no relations with the notion of reciprocity, but only is a confirmation of the agreement which has been achieved by parties. The using of the term “reciprocity” in the international treaties are not contradict to this affirmation, but it is its confirmation. Such using of this term is possible in such events when some problems remain without coordination. For example, problems of the custom fees amount for the issuing of the visas had not been agreed by the Agreement concluded between the Russian Federation and Poland of September 18, 2003 and in accordance with Article 13 of this Agreement this issue should be agreed on the condition of the reciprocity. The Articles of such kind are necessary to consider as the clause on the reciprocity.

2. The reciprocity is used in the field of public and private law. The provisions of the Constitutions, the Criminal and Custom Codes of the different countries are the examples of the using of the reciprocity in public law. As to private law, the rules on the reciprocity are included usually into the Civil Codes, Family Codes, separate legislative acts on special problems (in particular, in the Patent Law of the Russian Federation).

3. Examining notion is used in the spheres as substantive domestic law and procedural domestic law. As to the substantive law, the norms on the reciprocity are contained in the Civil Codes or in the separate laws of different states that was above mentioned. Usually they concern the provisions on the possibility to apply foreign law and also application of the reciprocity to separate problems.

In particular, the norm on the reciprocity regarding to application of the foreign law for the first time has been included in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in 2001. It received a positive appraisal in whole, although this appraisal was not

(16) Гаврилов В.В. Международное частное право. Краткий учебный курс. М.: Изд. НОРМА (Изд. группа НОРМА-ИНФРА-М), 2000. С. 88 [ Gavrilov V.V. International Private Law. Brief teaching course. Moscow: Publishing house NORMA (Publishing group NORMA-INFRA-M), 2000. P.88].

(17) Black’s Law Dictionary. Seventh ed./Ed. By B.A. Garner. St.Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1999. P. 1276.

unequivocal. (18) Thus, T.N. Neshataeva writes that “ In this wording the position that legal obligation to apply foreign law is not depend on necessity to prove reciprocity is progressive”. (19) It is noted in the Commentary to the Civil Code edited by L.P. Anufrieva that “The provisions of par.1 Article 1189, forming the rules of behaviour of the common character, are categorical fix an absence of the demand of the reciprocity when admit application of foreign law in the Russian Federation territory… In another words, it is not deal with the reciprocity as a special category of international private law, but with the separate norm, even essential one, but having concrete intende and purpose, that is the sanctioning of the application of foreign law without conditions”. (20)

The last interpretation is more preferable, though the whole understanding of Article 1189 of the Russian Civil Code should be corrected.

It is impossible to interpret this Article separate, without taking into consideration others provisions of the Third Part of the RF Civil Code and rules of the procedural law. First of all, it is necessary to note that this Part of the Russian Federation Civil Code contains, in principle, conflict law norms, whose intendance is a regulation of the relations with the participation of the foreign legal and natural persons and, accordingly, application of the foreign law. These norms as any norms of domestic law are obligatory for the application.

Examining in whole the conflict law norms and Article 1189 one can concludes that this Article states prohibition for the using of the condition of the reciprocity to the application of foreign law rules.

Besides, it is impossible to ignore the provisions of Article 363 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation providing that “The norms of substantive law are consider as violated or incorrect applied in the event when:

court had not applied the law liable for application;

court had applied the law which is not liable for application;

court had interpreted the law wrongfully”

It should be concluded that non application of law whose be applicable (including foreign one) is consider as violation.

One can concludes that presents of Article 1189 in the RF Civil Code nothing changed in the judicial practice, because the conflict law norms are acting independently and are obligating organs, which are applied law, to apply foreign law as in accordance with this Article and in its absence. (21) The said comes to a


(18) Нешатаева Т.Н. Суд и общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права// Хозяйство и право. 2004. № 5; Комментарий к Гражданскому кодексу Российской Федерации. Часть третья (постатейный) / Под ред. Ануфриевой Л.П. М.: Валтерс Клувер, 2004. С.63 [ Neshataeva T.N. Court and Common Recognized Principles and Norms of Law // Economy and Law. 2004. № 5; Commentary to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The third part (Article by Article)/ Ed. By Anufrieva L.P. Moscow: Walters Kluwer, 2004. P.63].

(19) Нешатаева Т.Н. Указ.соч. [ Neshataeva T.N. Op.cit.].

(20) Комментарий. С. 63 [ Commentary. P. 63 ].

(21) Kučera Z. also is writing on the duty of foreign law application. See: Kučera Z. Mezinárodní právo soukromé. 3 vydání. Doplnĕk Brno, 1996. S.177.



conclusion that this Article not introduce any progressive and fresh in the Russian legislation.

The application of the foreign substantive law on the condition of the reciprocity is provided also in the separate spheres of the legal regulation. The provisions of such kind usually are touched upon the granting of the certain rights to the natural and legal persons.

In particular, Article 36 of the Russian Federation Patent Law of 1992 states that

the foreign natural and legal persons shall enjoy the rights provided for in this Law

a par on with natural and legal persons of the Russian Federation by virtue of inter-national treaties of the Russian Federation or on a reciprocity basis. Article 47 of the RF Law “On the Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods” has the same content.

Article 18 par.2 of the RF Federal Law of 2002 “On the obligatory insurance of the civil liability of the possessors of the means of transportation” (22) reads that foreign citizens, which temporarily are on the territory of the Russian Federation, have right to receive compensations to the account of injury to life and health of the aggrieved persons in the event, when in accordance with legislation of foreign state the Russian citizens enjoy the same rights.

4. The reciprocity is widely using in the sphere of international civil procedure when are deciding issues of recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions and arbitral awards, execution of letters rogatory.

Austrian Law of 1896 on final process and protective measures (Act on Executive Proceedings) provides for in par.2 Article 79 that acts and documents are proclaimed as enforceable, when these acts and documents in accordance with the provisions of the state, where they were issued, are enforceable and on the basis of interstate treaties or orders the reciprocity of execution of acts and documents are guarantied. (23) The United Kingdom Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act of 1933 in Article 1 states the rule on extend of Part 1 of this Act to any country which is prepared to afford substantial reciprocity to judgments obtained in the United Kingdom.(24) Recognition and enforcement of the foreign judicial decisions and arbitral awards in Peru carry out on the basis of international treaty or reciprocity (Articles 2102-2104 of the Civil Code of 1984). (25)

In the Russian Federation only the Federal law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” of October 26, 2002 provides for using of reciprocity. Article 1 par.6 of this Law ______________

(22) Text see: Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 2002. № 18. Ст. 1720 [Collection of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. № 18. Art. 1720].

(23) Text see: Современное зарубежное и международное частное право. С. 174. [Contemporary Foreign and International Private Laws. P. 174].

(24) Text see: Ibidem. P. 221. In more detail see: North P., Fawcett J.J. Cheshire and North’s Private International Law. Thirteenth ed. London, Edinburgh, Dublin: Butterworths, 1999. P.464-465.

(25) Text see: Ibidem. P. 464.

reades: “ In absence of international treaties of the Russian Federation the judicial decisions of foreign states courts on the cases of insolvency (bankruptcy) are recognizing on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of reciprocity unless otherwise provided for in the federal law”. (26) A reciprocity has no normative attachment in the Civil Procedural Code and the Arbitral Procedural Code, these Codes provide for enforcement of foreign judicial decisions and arbitral awards only in the presence of international treaty (Article 409 of the Civil Procedural Code, Article 241 of the Arbitral Procedural Code of the Russian Federation), but execution of foreign courts letters rogatory – only in presence of international treaty or the note in federal law (Article 407 of the RF Civil Procedural Code).

The doctrinal points of view on the issue of the reciprocity using on recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions are very different. One of the authors stand up for the reciprocity using even in that event, when the law provides for necessity of the presence of international treaty, (27) the others consider that a reciprocity is not correspond to the requirements of the human rights protection. (28)

As to enforcement of awards of international commercial arbitrations, Article 36 of the Russian Federation Law “On International Commercial Arbitration” of July 7, 1993 stated that awards of foreign international commercial arbitration are available to enforcement in Russia “irrespective of country its rendering.” (29) The wording of this Article is beyond all manner of doubt: awards of international


(26) Text see:Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 2002. № 43. Ст. 4190 [Collection of the Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. № 43. Art. 4190].

(27) Муранов А.И. Международный договор и взаимность как основания приведения в исполнение в России иностранных судебных решений. М.: Статут,2003; Нешатаева Т.Н. Международное частное право и международный гражданский процесс.Учебный курс в трех частях. М.: ОАО «Издат. дом «Городец», 2004. С.543-544 [ Muranov A.I. International Treaty and Reciprocity as the Basis of Enforcement of Foreign Judicial Decisions. Moscow: Statute, 2003; Neshataeva T.N. International Private Law and International Civil Procedure. Teaching course in tree parts. Moscow: “Publishing house “Gorodets”, 2004. P.543-544].

(28) Литвинский Д.В. Взаимность в области признания и исполнения решений судов иностранных государств// Журнал международного частного права. 2002. № 2-3 (36-37). С.20-34[ Litvinsky D.V. Reciprocity in Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign State Court Judgements// Journal of International Private Law. 2002. № 2-3 (36-37). P.20-34].

(29) Text see: Ведомости Съезда народных депутатов Российской Федерации и Верховного Совета Российской Федерации. 1993. № 32. Ст. 1240 [Viedomosty of the Congress of the Peoples Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. 1993. № 32. Art.1240].

commercial arbitrations is liable to enforcement on the territory of the Russian Federation irrespective of international treaty and reciprocity presence.

Recognition of decisions on dissolution of a marriage between the Russian Federation citizens, between the Russian Federation citizens and foreign citizens or stateless persons and also between foreign citizens have rendered beyond Russia shall realize in the Russian Federation without reciprocity and international treaty (par.3 and 4 Article 160 of the Russian Federation Family Code).

Judicial practice of Russia is not uniform as regards of reciprocity. (30)

5. It is enough widespread the opinion in the legal literature that a reciprocity is a common principle of international law and in accordance with Par.4 Article 15 of the Russian Federation Constitution it includes in the legal system of Russia and because of it has a bigger legal effect than Codes provisions. Such argument allows to make a conclusion that recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions in Russia is possible to use in absence of international treaty between the corresponding states, only on the basis of a reciprocity.

In particular, T.N. Neshataeva considers that a reciprocity is a principle of international law, which is linked with the principle of mutual cooperation of states, (31) and also with the principle of equality. “Reciprocity is a private legal side of the principle of equality, graphic speaking, a private face of a public rule”. (32) Muranov A.I. writes on the presence of a reciprocity principle and a principle of necessity of international treaty. (33)

Is it really a reciprocity is a principle of international law?

It is necessary to remind that the rules of behavior, which are dividing on the common (general) principles and the special, are consider as the principles of international law. The general principles are such rules of behavior, which are acting in all spheres of international cooperation, have qualities of imperativeness



(30) In more details see: Муранов А.И. Международный договор и взаимность как основания приведения в исполнение в России иностранных судебных решений. С. 17-55 [Muranov A.I. International Treaty and Reciprocity as the Basis of Enforcement of Foreign Judicial Decisions. P. 17-55].

(31) Нешатаева Т.Н. Суд и общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права [ Neshataeva T.N. Court and Common Recognized Principles and Norms of International Law].

(32) Нешатаева Т.Н. Международный гражданский процесс. М.: Изд. «Дело», 2001. С. 5 [ Neshataeva T.N. International Civil Procedure. Moscow: Publishing house “Delo”, 2001. P. 5].

(33) Муранов А.И. Указ.соч. С. 9, 11 и др. [ Muranov A.I. Op.cit. P. 9, 11 and others].



and common recognition, are the criterion of legality. (34) Common (general)

principles are acting in international public law and international private law. (35)

Reciprocity has not obtain abovementioned features because it a) is not an obligatory rule of behavior (it could to be in the relations between states, but could not to be; absence of reciprocity is not a violation of international law and is not cause of international legal responsibility); b) imperativeness is not inherent in reciprocity: it is not allowed to demand reciprocity. Every state in virtue of its sovereignty decides the issues and volume of the using of a reciprocity for granting some rights or for realization of some actions; c) reciprocity is not spread on all sphere of international relations or even on separate branch. States always exactly determine the circle of these relations when they are informing on reciprocity; d) as to the criterion of legality, a reciprocity also has not have such quality: states don’t adopt any rules of behavior in accordance with reciprocity, although they are obliged to follow it in theirs actions, when they had declared on reciprocity.

6. According to its legal nature the norms of the domestic law on a reciprocity are the declarations of states on the granting certain rights or privileges to foreign


(35) In detail see: Галенская Л.Н. Действие общих принципов международного права в сф (34) Бобров Р.Л. Основные проблемы теории международного права. М.: Изд. «Междунар. отношения», 1968. С. 192-197; Лукашук И.И. Международное право. Общая часть. Учебник. М.: Изд. БЕК, 1996. С.120-125; Ушаков Н.А. Международное право: основные понятия и термины. Учебное пособие. М., 1996. С. 7. Подробнее о принципах права см.: Ануфриева Л.П. Соотношение международного публичного и международного частного права: правовые категории. М.: Спарк, 2002. С. 66- 82 [Bobrov R.L. Basic Problems of the Theory of International Law. Moscow: Publishing house “International relations”, 1968. P.192-197; Lukashuk I.I. International Law. Common part. Handbook. Moscow: Publishing house BEK, 1996. P.120-125; Ushakov N.A. International Law: Basic Notions and Terms. Manual. Moscow, 1996. P.7. In the detail on principles see: Anufrieva L.P. Correlation of International Public and International Private Laws: Legal Categories. Moscow: Spark, 2002. P. 66-82].

ере международного частного права // Журнал международного частного права. 1995. № 4 (10). С. 3-11; 1996. № 1-2 (11-12). С. 3-12 [Galenskaya L.N. Functioning of the General Principles of International Law in the Sphere of International Private Law // Journal of International Private Law. 1995. № 4 (10). P. 3-11; 1996. № 1-2 (11-12). P. 3-12].


persons and also on its actions for legal assistance to others states. (36) Its behavior (actions) are depends on the same behavior of the other state (for example, state-applicant of the application on enforcement of judicial decision). It means that these norms of the domestic law have an international purposefulness, they are intended for the using in international relations, foreign states are the addressee of these norms, that is they are the unilateral acts of states on their legal nature.

The problem of the unilateral acts of the states is examining by the International Law Commission of the UNO with 1996. This Commission presented some reports on this theme. (37)

Elaboration of this issue by the Commission showed that the unilateral acts of the state might be expressed in different ways: official notes, public statements, statements of a President, political speeches and even the important elements of behavior such as accession or consent. The form has not decisive meaning. This act must cause the legal consequences for addressee without demand of its accession or some another reaction of addressee. (38)

The rules of the domestic law on a reciprocity are in the conformity with such criterions of the unilateral act which were defined by the International Law Commission, e.g. it is a statement of a state which is addressing to unlimited quantity of international relations subjects and is stating in its normative act and is causing the legal consequences.

The content of such statement is depend on the concrete legislator, whose provides for the field of reciprocity using and its volume, and in some occasions – the body authorizing to decide the presence of a reciprocity.

The examples of the reciprocity using in the separate fields of the legal regulation were mentioned above. As to the reciprocity volume, it is traditionally mentioned that a reciprocity is dividing on formal and substantive.

This affirmation needs some verification. First of all, such division is possible not in all fields of the reciprocity using, but only on the issues of substantive law application. Secondly, it is using only on the issues of the granting certain rights to foreigners. “Formal reciprocity in the field of the foreigners legal status consists in the mutual granting of the national status… Substantive reciprocity consists in that


(36) Voltchkov A.F. and Rubanov A.A. call “clause on reciprocity” of such provision of law. They are writing: “Clause on reciprocity is consisting in that that the law grants some or another right to foreigner under the clausula that this granting is made not without condition but on the basis of reciprocity, that is under condition that the citizen of this state shall be granted the same rights.” See: Волчков А.Ф., Рубанов А.А. Указ.соч. С.308 [Voltchkov A.F., Rubanov A.A. Op. cit. P. 308]. It is not hard to notice that the authors try to define a clause on reciprocity through the basis of reciprocity, that is through the principle, and it is unlikely possible to agree with it.

(37) The first Report of the Special reporter has been presented of 1998. See: The UN Document A/CN/4/486.

(38) The UN Document A/CN/4/557. P.37.



two states shall grant the same concrete rights to the citizens of these states”. (39)

In the conclusion is necessary to note that the reciprocity using in international public and private law is the wide known phenomenon and, it seems, the having a right to exist.


(39) Волчков А.Ф., Рубанов А.А. Указ. соч. С. 309 [Voltchkov A.F., Rubanov A.A. Op. cit. P. 308].









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[7] Текст см.: Там же. С. 583.

[8] Текст см.: Там же. С. 563.

[9] Текст см.: Там же. С. 493-526.

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[11] Текст см.: Там же. Ст.2322.

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[13] Корецкий В.М. Избранные труды. С. 76.

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[16] Комментарий к Гражданскому кодексу Российской Федерации части третьей (постатейный) / Отв. Редакторы Н.И. Марышева, К.Б. Ярошенко. М.: КОНТРАКТ: ИНФРА-М, 2004. С. 361.

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[18] Black’s Law Dictionary. Seventh ed./Ed. By B.A. Garner. St.Paul, Minn.: West Group, 1999. P. 1276.

[19] Нешатаева Т.Н. Суд и общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права// Хозяйство и право. 2004. № 5; Комментарий к Гражданскому кодексу Российской Федерации. Часть третья (постатейный) / Под ред. Ануфриевой Л.П. М.: Валтерс Клувер, 2004. С.63.

[20] Нешатаева Т.Н. Указ. соч.

[21] Комментарий. С. 63.

[22] Об обязанности применения иностранного права пишет и Зденек Кучера. См.: Kučera Z. Mezinárodní právo soukromé. 3 vydání. Doplnĕk Brno, 1996. S.177.

[23] Текст см.: Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 2002. № 18. Ст. 1720.

[24] Текст см.: Современное зарубежное и международное частное право. С. 174.

[25] Текст см.: Там же. С. 221.

[26] Текст см.: Там же. С. 464. См. подробнее: North P., Fawcett J.J. Cheshire and North’s Private International Law. Thirteenth ed. London, Edinburgh, Dublin: Butterworths, 1999. P.464-465.

[27] Текст см.: Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 2002. № 43. Ст. 4190.

[28] Муранов А.И. Международный договор и взаимность как основания приведения в исполнение в России иностранных судебных решений. М.: Статут,2003; Нешатаева Т.Н. Международное частное право и международный гражданский процесс.Учебный курс в трех частях. М.: ОАО «Издат. дом «Городец», 2004. С.543-544.

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[30] Текст см.: Ведомости Съезда народных депутатов Российской Федерации и Верховного Совета Российской Федерации. 1993. № 32. Ст. 1240.

[31] Подробнее см.: Муранов А.И. Международный договор и взаимность как основания приведения в исполнение в России иностранных судебных решений. С. 17-55.

[32] Нешатаева Т.Н. Суд и общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права.

[33] Нешатаева Т.Н. Международный гражданский процесс. М.: Изд. «Дело», 2001. С. 50.

[34] Муранов А.И. Указ.соч. С. 9, 11 и др.

[35] Бобров Р.Л. Основные проблемы теории международного права. М.: Изд. «Междунар. отношения», 1968. С. 192-197; Лукашук И.И. Международное право. Общая часть. Учебник. М.: Изд. БЕК, 1996. С.120-125; Ушаков Н.А. Международное право: основные понятия и термины. Учебное пособие. М., 1996. С. 7. Подробнее о принципах права см.: Ануфриева Л.П. Соотношение международного публичного и международного частного права:правовые категории. М.: Спарк, 2002. С. 66- 82.

[36] Подробнее см.: Галенская Л.Н. Действие общих принципов международного права в сфере международного частного права // Журнал международного частного права. 1995. № 4 (10). С. 3-11; 1996. № 1-2 (11-12). С. 3-12.

[37] Волчков А.Ф. и Рубанов А.А. называют такое положение закона «оговоркой о взаимности». Они пишут: «Оговорка о взаимности заключается в том, что закон предоставляет иностранцу то или иное право с оговоркой, что это предоставление производится не безусловно, а на началах взаимности, т.е. при условии, если гражданину данного государства в соответствующем иностранном государстве предоставляются аналогичные права». См.: Волчков А.Ф., Рубанов А.А. Указ.соч. С.308. Не трудно заметить, что авторы оговорку о взаимности пытаются определить через начала взаимности, т.е. через принцип, с чем вряд ли можно согласиться.

[38] Первый доклад Специального докладчика был представлен и рассмотрен в 1998 г. См.: Документ ООН А/CN/4/486.

[39] Документ ООН A/CN/4/557. C.37.

[40] Волчков А.Ф., Рубанов А.А. Указ. соч. С. 309.

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