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Life at School


The school year is divided into terms, three months each, named after seasons: autumn term, winter term and spring term. The autumn term starts on the first Tuesday morning in September. In July schools break up for eight weeks.

Life at school is more or less similar everywhere. Each group of 30 pupils is the responsibility of a form tutor. Each schoolday is divided into periods of 40—50 minutes, time for various lessons with 10—20 minutes' breaks between them. It might be interesting for you to see the 'Bell Times' at Lawns wood school in Leeds.

Bell Times

8.40 a.m.—School begins 8.45 a.m.—Registration4 8.50 a.m.—Assembly5 bell

9.00 a.m.—Pupils move to lessons 9.05 a.m.—Lesson 1 9.45 a.m.—Lesson 2 10.25 a.m.—Lesson 3 11.05 a.m.—Break 11.25 a.m.—Pupils move to lessons 11.30 a.m.—Lesson 4 12.10 p.m.—Lesson 5 12.50 p.m.—Lunch time 1.40 p.m.—Afternoon school begins 1.45 p.m.—Registration 1.50 p.m.—Lesson 6 2.30 p.m.—Lesson 7 3.10 p.m.—End of normal lessons

3.10 p.m.—Start of additional lessons, clubs, societies, team practice, detentions", etc.

On important occasions such as end of term or national holiday, called in English schools speech-days7 pupils are gathered in the assembly area or hall.

Most of the pupils' time is spent in a classroom equipped with desks and a blackboard, nowadays often called chalkboard because normally it is brown or green. The desks are arranged in rows, the space between the rows is called an aisle.

In addition to classrooms there are laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Technical rooms are for Woodwork, Metal-work, Technical Drawing. There are rooms for computer studies. Many young people use them for school exercises. They are now able to write their own games as well. The Physical Education lessons are conducted at the gymnasium, games-hall or at the playground in front of the school building. There are also language laboratories and housecraft rooms. Every school has a library and a school canteen. In student common room boys and girls can relax during the breaks and lunchtime. The Staff common room is for teachers. In case of illness a schoolchild may go to the sick room.

Pupils at many secondary schools in Britain have to wear a school uniform. This usually means a white blouse for girls (perhaps with a tie), with a dark-coloured skirt and pullover. Boys wear a shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark-coloured pullovers. Pu­pils also wear blazers—a kind of jacket—with the school badge on the pocket. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way to and from school—caps for boys, and berets or some other kind of hat for girls. Shoes are usually black or brown. And no high heels!

Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes. Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.

It sounds logical to say that the school's function is to train a pupil's mind and his character should be formed at home. Teachers would be pleased if the problem could be solved so easily. But children don't leave their characters at home when their minds go to school. Many of them have personality problems of one kind or another.

The pupils who violate various school regulations may be punished in the following ways: for lateness, truancy they may be reported to the Headmaster or named in school assembly. They may be detained in school after ordinary hours.

Corporal punishment has recently been banned in state schools. But in most public schools it is still allowed. Caning13 is the usual punishment for serious misbehaviour in class, damage and vandalism. Many teachers remark that standards of discipline have fallen since corporal punishment was banned by the govern­ment.

You may want to know whether there are any rewards and prizes for the best pupils. Of course, there are. Each school has its system of rewards: medals and prizes.


1. term — семестр, триместр (длится при месяца в школе и два

месяца в университете) 2 form tutor — руководитель класса учащихся или группыстудентов

3. period — академический час, урок, занятие

4 registration — регистрация явившихся в школу учащихся

5 assembly — собрание, сбор учеников и учителей в школе (проводится перед занятиями для чтения молитв или оглашения объявлений по школе)

6. detentions — дополнительные занятия после уроков

7. speech-day — актовый день (торжественное собрание в конце учебного года в школе, колледже, на котором в присутствии родителей почетный гость произносит речь и вручает ат­тестаты и награды учащимся)

8. assembly area or hall — зал для собраний, актовый зал

9. student common room — комната для старшеклассников (тж. common room for senior pupils)

10. staff common room — комната для штатного персонала, учительская

11. sick room — медпункт

12. corporal punishment — телесное наказание

13. caning — наказание плетью или розгами


Do's' and 'Don'ts'

A school, like any other organized group or community, must have basic rules and procedures if it is to function effectively.

Here are some of the regulations functioning at Lawnswood school in Leeds.


1. Appropriate school dress must be worn on all school occasions.

2. Bicycles shall not be ridden in the school grounds.

3. Ball games may not be played in areas close to unprotected windows.

4. Radios and tape-recorders of any type must not be brought to


5. No pupil is allowed to smoke on the school premises or on school visits, or to bring cigarettes, matches or lighters onto school premises. Chewing-gum is not allowed in school.

6. Pupils must move about the corridors and staircases in an orderly manner; running in corridors and on staircases is forbidden.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 1250. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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