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Test 100

1. The committee (discuss) the problem for two hours before they finally (come) to a decision.

2. Where are the children? - They (decorate) the Christmas tree as it (be) Christmas Eve today.

3. The parade already (start) by the time we (arrive). We (delay) by the traffic.

4. The team and their fans (celebrate) because they (win) the game.

5. John couldn't (involve) in the robbery. He was with me that evening.

6. Watching TV often (considered) a waste of time. On (a, the, -) other hand, TV is great company for those who live alone.

7. Neither Ann nor her friends (attend) today's meeting. Everybody is busy,...?

8. I'll tell you something, if you (promise) not to tell it to (anyone, someone, no one) else.

9. Look! The Greens (bring) us (a, the, -) bottle of wine (for, to at) our anniversary. - They (needn't, couldn't, might not) have done that, but it's very kind of (they, them).

10. You (mustn't, oughtn't, needn't) clean the floor today. -Oh, you (do) it already?

11. Your blue trousers (be) in the washing machine. - Oh, no! You (shouldn't, mustn't, can't) have done that. (It, they) (have) to be dry-cleaned.

12. This jacket was by far (expensive) in the shop, but it wasn't as (expensive) as (your, yours).

13. (A, the, -) Park Hotel is (little) expensive than (a, the, -) Plaza.

14.... London manages in... unique way to reflect... past and, at... same time, to live... life of... modern city, (a,

the, -)

15.1 have got... car and... motorcycle.... car is second-hand and... motorcycle is brand new.(a, the, -)

16. Do you know where... tea comes from? - From... India.(a, the, -)

17.1 (try) to learn Spanish but I'm not very satisfied (at, on, with) my progress.

18. Our runners haven't won... medals, have they? - No, not as... as last time. But there's plenty of time. There are still... events to come. I'd like to go and see some of the track events, but I haven't got... time at the moment, (a lot of, much, many)

19. The snow was quite deep. There seemed (a few, few, a little, little) hope of completing our journey.

20.1 wanted some cake, but there was (none, no) left.

21. We (travel) for five hours before we (reach) our destination. Everyone (be) very tired.

22. My brother (go) to a book exhibition yesterday and (buy) an interesting book on antiques. He (be) there many times before.

23. They (make) sandwiches for the picnic when I (phone) to tell them that we were going to be late.

24. How long Mrs.Conrad (give) cooking lessons by the year 2010?

25. Look (at, for, through) that dolphin! It (jump) through

those hoops.

26. If he (go) on telling lies, nobody (believe) a world he says.

27. They said that they (leave) early (the, a, -) next morning.

28. If you (call) me yesterday, I would have been able to meet you for lunch today.

29. (Shall, will,would) I pour you a glass of orange juice? -Yes, please and (could, may, shall) you put (some, any) ice in it, too?

30. If only we (have) a light! It's depressing waiting in darkness.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 636. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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