A. Talking about similarity
B. Talking about difference: adjectives with di-
Task 2. One of these words is followed by a different preposition from the rest. Which word is it and which preposition does it need? akin correspond dissimilar distinct tantamount Now use the words above and their prepositions in these sentences. 1. The state of Maine in the USA is not...................................................parts of Scandinavia. They both have lakes and forests. 2. To pretend I didn't want to be with her would be...................................................telling a lie. 3. What you say...................................................what I've heard too. I am sure it's correct. 4. His life story is more...................................................a novel by Charles Dickens than a James Bond film. 5. The culture of the north of the country is quite...................................................that of the south, and it's a mistake to think they are the same. Task 3. Fill in the missing words. 1. There is a close affinity...................................Singapore...................................Hong Kong: both are crowded, vibrant cities existing in a confined space. 2. I just cannot feel any affinity...................................his poetry; it's too dark and cruel. 3. This version of her essay is indistinguishable...................................the first version. I can't see any changes. 4. It would be a great mistake to equate his shyness...................................coldness or unfriendliness. Task 4. How many words can you remember from B which begin with di- and which refer to differences? Can you complete the list? 1. disp.......................... 2. div.......................... 3. diss.......................... 4. dist.......................... 5. div.......................... 6. disc..........................
Task 5. Circle the more suitable alternative. Each word should be used only once. 1. Japanese and Korean cultures are quite diverse/distinct, even though, to the outsider, they often appear similar. 2. The way they weave carpets in this region is not dissimilar/divergent to the way they are made in neighbouring countries. 3. English verbs do not always fit very easily into dissimilar/discrete categories. For instance, is the verb used to an ordinary verb or a modal verb like would? 4. Seen from the widely disparate/divergent viewpoints of left and right, the problem either originates in too much freedom or in too much state control. 5. It would be very difficult to unite the disparate/discrete tribes and ethnic groups to form one coherent political force. 6. Her CD collection contains quite a divergent/diverse selection of music, with everything from classical to heavy metal. Appendix 7.