Task 5. Say if it is True or False.
1. The Federal Council doesn't approve decisions on changes of borders between the constituent entities. 2. It is within the competence of the State Duma to appoint and dismiss the Chairman of the Central Bank. 3. The government consists only of the federal ministers. 4. The Chairman's candidate is not to be approved by the State Duma. 5. Should the selected candidate be rejected three times, the President appoints the Prime Minister himself. 6. A draft budget is to be discussed by the State Duma. 7. Measures to ensure state security are carried out by the government. Task 6. Answer the following "Whose-right-is-it” questions. 1)... to approve the President's appointment? 2)... to appoint the Accounts Chamber? 3)... to have the final decision on the impeachment of the President"? 4)... to dissolve or decline the power of the Government or dissolve the State Duma? Task 7. Read the text in detail to answer the following questions: 1) What kind of a functioning body is the Federal Assembly? 2) Are there clear limitations of competence in each chamber in the Federal Assembly? 3) What chamber has the right to conduct closed sessions? 4) What chamber is responsible for the consideration of financial problems? 5) In what connection does the word "impeachment" appear in the text? Listening Comprehension
A. Listen to an extract from a lecture, originally given by Lord Hailsham on BBC1 on October 14th 1976. He examined the dangers behind the “doctrine of the absolute sovereignty of Parliament” and discussed the “rule of law”. As you listen, put the points below in the order in which they are made. A. Courts have to apply Acts of Parliament. B. We could put more of our constitution in writing. C. Up to now, our 'elective dictatorship' has been tolerable. D. We impose no limitations on Parliament. E. The limitations on Parliamentary sovereignty are only political and moral. F. Our constitution is unique. G. It is unacceptable that there should be no legal limitations on the powers of Parliament. H. Parliament can prolong its own life. I. Judges can pass judgment on the acts of Ministers: so the rule of law is applied.