| 12 Richmond Park
Plymouth PL655
United Kingdom
Tel: 3245678; Fax: 1122330
Our ref. _______
Your ref. ______
30 October, 20__
Nafta Bank
RF, Moscow,
Zhytnaya, 5/3
Dear Sirs,
We have been referred to you for information on the financial standing by Oilprom Co. which has been banking with you.
We shall be grateful to you for any data you can send us concerning the company in question. At the present time we are holding preliminary talks with them as we intend to set up a joint venture with Oilprom next year.
Please rest assured that any information you give will be treated as strictly confidential.
We thank you very much for your assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Jack Smithson
Jack Smithson
| | | | |
Monster Trucks Inc.
420 12th Street, Toronto, 72045, Canada
Tel: 3456987 Fax: 256897
Our ref. _______
Your ref. ______
September 5, 20__
The Trade Bureau
Embassy of Canada
Moscow RF
Dear Sirs,
We would like to obtain some information on export to Russia. Our company manufactures heavy truck diesel engines designed to withstand the most extreme climatic conditions. We believe our products are ideally suited for Russia. Herewith we enclose three copies of our catalogue, specification sheets and some brochures.
We should appreciate it if you would advise us on the best ways to penetrate the Russian market. Our representative Mr. Farewell is prepared to visit Moscow on a fact-finding trip at 24 hours’ notice.
Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Walter Gatsby
Walter Gatsby
Sales manager
The Trade Bureau
Embassy of Canada, Moscow, RF
Our ref. _______
Your ref. ______
12th September, 20__
Monster Trucks Inc.
420 12th Street
Toronto, 72045
Dear Mr. Gatsby,
We acknowledge receipt of your letter of 5th September. We will do our utmost to help you.
Our commercial attaché Mr. Gretsky is in charge of carrying out surveys on the Russian markets. He will be glad to advise your representative on the matter in person. We have already booked the hotel for him. Meanwhile we are forwarding under separate cover 3 copies of our latest survey of the Russian truck market for your consideration.
We look forward to your soonest reply.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Daldon
Tim Daldon
Instant Internet Solutions Ltd.
12 Flinton Street,
Birmingham B21 9XT
Tel: 24465892
Our ref. _______
Your ref. ______
28th November, 20__
Mr. Ivanov, Director,
New Technologies
RF, Moscow,
Zhitnaya, 7
Dear Mr. Ivanov,
If you face some problems in breaking into new markets Instant Internet Solution Ltd. can offer you an instant solution. With our help you will be able to transmit your ads, text and video files around the globe at the speed of light. Your would-be clients will be able to look through your catalogues and acquaint themselves with your products directly on their PC screens.
As you will see from our brochures attached hereto our company has wide experience in helping other businesses to set up their Internet sites. We are opening our office in Moscow in March and our managers will be happy to advise you on all your start-ups.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Ken Chamberlan
Sales Manager
New Technologies
RF, Moscow, Zhitnaya, 7
Tel: 322-22-32; Fax: 322-22-33
Our ref. _______
Your ref. ______
4th December, 20__
Instant Internet Solutions Ltd.
12 Flinton Street,
B21 9XT
Dear Mr. Chamberlan,
We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter dated 28th November.
We will be glad to apply to your company for “instant Internet help” since we have faced some difficulties in diversifying our business as we are looking for new markets. We also need your advice concerning promotion of our goods on these markets.
We look forward to meeting you in person. We can arrange for your representative to visit our company in January. Please inform us if you need visa support.
Yours sincerely,
FOCUS 2. Comprehension questions
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