The definition and purposes of business letters
ПРИГЛАШАЕТ ПОЛУЧИТЬ профессиональное ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ПО СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЯМ: Правоведение Ø Менеджмент организации Ø Маркетинг Вступительные экзамены: на специальность «правоведение»: русский язык (диктант), история (устно) на специальность «менеджмент организации» и «маркетинг»: русский язык (диктант), математика (устно) Сроки обучения: очно – 1 год 10 мес., заочно – 2 года, 10 мес E-mail: The definition and purposes of business letters B.L. is the basic means of communication between two companies. It’s a document typically send externally to those outside a company but is also send internally to those within a company. Puprose: The first question for any writer should be, "Why am I writing?" "What is my goal or my purpose for writing?" For many writing contexts the long-range purpose of writing is to communicate to a particular audience. In order to communicate successfully to your audience, understanding your purpose for writing will make you a better writer. Purpose is the reason why you are writing. A purpose is the aim or goal of the writer or the written product; Notice that selecting the form for your writing (list, report, essay, letter) is one of your choices that helps you achieve your purpose. You also have choices about style, organization; kinds of evidence that help you achieve your purpose.