Студопедия — Read the following dialogue in pairs. Switch roles.
Студопедия Главная Случайная страница Обратная связь

Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Read the following dialogue in pairs. Switch roles.


I. Let me introduce Mr. Andrew Stewart, an attorney who specializes in the world of money and banking. As I understand financial lawyers work for a bank or any other financial institution. Can you tell us what organization do you work for?
M.S I work for a law firm, and our practice areas mainly include financial matters. We advise our clients on a wide range of issues: loans, leasing, credit, investments, stock trading and bankruptcy.
I I see. And who are your clients Mr. Stewart?
M.S Well, we represent individuals and legal entities. Our clients are people or businesses that intend to borrow or lend money, make investments, buy or sell securities, those who have financial problems, those who want to settle credit issues, or those who are involved in commercial litigation.
I. Now, if I want to make a loan at a bank, how exactly can you help here?
M.S. Firstly, we’ll offer you a reliable bank and advise you on the subject of loan options. We’ll prepare the necessary documents and represent you at negotiations with the bank.
I And why should I follow your advice?
M.S. You see, we know the laws that govern banking activities, and we usually are aware of the banks that observe these laws. Moreover, financial lawyers financial legal matters are connected with accounting, securities and capital management. So, if you are going to make an investment or trade at the stock exchange, you are our welcome client. We can do a research and counsel you on the best transaction.
I. Great! And can you help my business out of debt?
M.S. Sure. There are certain laws that regulate the procedure of bankruptcy. We provide expertise of your business status, draft documents, deal with your creditors and regulatory bodies, find solutions either to save your business or to mitigate the effects of bankruptcy.
I. That really sounds encouraging! You’ve mentioned litigation. Does it mean that your firm lawyers can represent a client in court?
M.S. Absolutely. Our clients may sue or be sued for any financial issue, so we do most of the job – draft claims, motions, collect information, prepare documents. Our client can be a bank or financial institution, and they also may file a lawsuit that concerns a monetary debt or fraud, for example. We act for them in court.
I. So I see that lawyers practicing in the area of finance are also both competent advisors and expert advocates. Thank you, Mr. Stewart, for coming here.
M.S. My pleasure.


  1. Highlight the phrases that concern the professional activities of the financial lawyer.
  2. Speak either about Mr. Stewart’s job or about the work of a financial lawyer in general.
  3. Prepare a dialogue between a business lawyer and a financial lawyer.

Activity VII. LAW FIRM


АЯЮ Legal Knowledge p. 38 - 39

Read the advertisements about 2 law firms and do the tasks.


Exercise IX

Law Firm website.


If you visit any law firm’s website you will see the welcome information (as in advertisements above) and a number of links. Clicking on these links you will get certain information.

Typical links are:


About us Practice areas /Services/ Attorneys /Attorneys profiles/ News Publications Employment /Careers/ Contact us


Task: Decide what information you can find under each link.

Note: there may be other links.


Exercise X

Internet Research


Below there are some web addresses of law firms. Visit some of them to find out the basic information about the firms and fill out the above chart for some firms.









Answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the firm located? How many offices do they have?
  2. When were they founded?
  3. What entities (industries) / companies / businesses/ individuals are their clients?
  4. What are the major practice areas? (not all of them)?
  5. Special attention:

- What is the focus area of the Chapman & Cutler law firm? Services they render in this area?

- On Stradley Ronon site under the link About us click Firm Management and find out how the firm is managed, what the positions are, how legal and administration activities are distributed.

- The firm Dabrys is the firm of solicitors; find out the range of services, what links they provide (FAQ – frequently asked questions).

- The firm 2-3 Gray Inn’s Square is a firm of barristers in the UK. How is it different from other firms given here?

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