Cфl n. gold (metal) ◇ Ety/365 For the colour, see malt, mallen
ᵲ colch n. box (Q colca) coll I adj. (golden) red ◇ Ety/365 coll II adj. hollow ◇ WJ/414 * coll III n. cloak, mantle ← Thingol S/421, MR/385 ¶ ᵲ colost n. cucumber (GL) conath n. coll. of caun II, 1. many voices ○ 2. by ext., lamentation ◇ PM/361-362 condir n. masc. mayor ◇ SD/129-31 ◇ caun+dоr * conui adj. commanding, (?) ruling ← Argonui LotR/A(ii) ◇ caun+-ui corch n. crow ◇ Ety/362 cordof n. pippin (seed of certain fruits, or more probably small red apple) ◇ SD/129-31 ᵲ corf n. ring corn adj. round, globed ◇ Ety/365 coron n. 1. globe, ball ○ 2. .by ext. mound ◇ Ety/365, S/429 † coru (corw N.) adj. cunning, wily ◇ Ety/366, X/W cost n. quarrel, dispute (not a quarrel of bolts) ◇ Ety/365 ᵲ costha- v. quarrel, dispute (Q costa-) ¶ ᵲ cot n. nut, seed coth n. 1. enmity ○ 2. enemy ◇ Ety/365 cova- v. to meet, to come together * craban n. kind of crow of large size, raven ◇ LotR/II:III cram n. cake of compressed flour or meal (often containing honey and milk) ◇ Ety/365, LotR/II:VIII crann adj. ruddy (of face) ◇ Ety/362 ¶ ᵲ crinth adj. pink (GL) criss n. cleft, cut, slash ◇ Ety/365, VT/45:23 crist n.Mil. cleaver, sword ◇ Ety/365 * critha- v. to reap ◇ Ety/365 crom n. left ◇ Ety/366 crum n. left hand ◇ Ety/366 crumui adj. left-handed ◇ Ety/366 cы n. 1. arch, crescent ○ 2. Mil.by ext. bow ◇ Ety/365, S/429 cugu n. dove ◇ Ety/365 * cuia- v. to live ← cuio LotR/VI:IV, Letters/308 cuil n. life ◇ Ety/366 cuin adj. alive ◇ Ety/366 * cuina- v. to be alive ◇ Ety/366 cыl n. load ← Cыl Veleg, Cыl Bоn RC/536 ᵲ culf n. orange (fruit) ᵲ culforn n. orange tree ᵲ cull adj. orange (colour) cum (N. cumb) n. mound, heap ◇ Ety/365 cыn adj. bowed, bow-shaped, bent ◇ Ety/365 † cund n.arch. prince ◇ Ety/366, VT/45:24, X/ND1 See also caun III ¶ ᵲ cur n. cheese ¶ ᵲ cura- v. to turn milk (GL) † cъron n. the crescent Moon ◇ Ety/365, X/Z ◇ cы+raun curu n. craft, skill ◇ Ety/366, X/W curunнr n. masc. man of craft, wizard, Saruman ◇ Ety/366, LotR/III:VIII, LotR/B, VT/45:24 ◇ curu+dоr "man of skill" * cyll n. bearer ← Taengyl, Tengyl MR/385 cэron n. new moon ◇ VT/48:7 ᵲ cytha- v. to renew, refresh D dad adv. down, downwards ◇ Ety/354 dadben (N. dadbenn) adv. 1. downhill, inclined ○ 2. by ext. easy to achieve ◇ Ety/354, Ety/380, VT/46:8, X/ND4 ◇ dad+pend ᵲ dadhren- v. to forget dae (ndae) n. shadow ◇ Ety/354, S/430 daebeth n. blasphemy (PE/17) daedelu n. canopy ◇ Ety/391 ◇ dae+telu daen (ndaen) n. corpse ◇ Ety/375 daer I adj. great ◇ UT/450, WJ/187, WJ/335, VT/42:11 † daer II (ndaer, doer N.) n. bridegroom ◇ Ety/375, VT/45:9, X/OE ᵲ daetha- v. to praise ᵲ daf- v. to allow, permit dвf n. permission ◇ Ety/353 * dag- (ndag) v. to slay ◇ Ety/375, VT/45:37 dagnir (ndagnir) n. 1. slayer ○ 2. by ext., bane ◇ S/430 ◇ dag-+dоr dagor (ndagor) n. battle ◇ Ety/375, S/430 ◈ dagorath S. n. coll. dagorath n. coll. of dagor, all the battles ◇ UT/395-396 * dagra- (ndagra) v. to battle ◇ Ety/375 dam (ndam) n. hammer ◇ Ety/375 damma- (ndamma) v. to hammer ◇ Ety/375, VT/45:37 ◈ dan (ndan) prep. 1. but, yet, against ○ 2. back ◇ LotR/II:IV ᵲ dananna- (ndananna-) v. to give back, return (dan+anna-) dangar- v. to undo (PE/17) dangweth (ndangweth) n. answer, reply giving new information ◇ PM/395 ◇ OS *ndanagwetʰa "back report" The word dambeth was rejected by Tolkien in favour of this word. ᵲ danhir- v. to lose (dad+hir-) † danna- v. to fall ◇ Ety/354, X/Z ◈ Written dant- in the Etymologies dannen n. ebb, low tide ◇ VT/48:26 dant n. fall ◇ MR/373 danwaith (ndanwaith) n.pl. the Nandor (a tribe of Elves) ◇ WJ/385 ◇ dan+gwaith danwedh (ndanwedh) n. ransom ◇ S/384 ◇ dan+gwedh * dar- v. to stay, wait, stop, remain ◇ Ety/353 dartha- v. to wait, stay, last, endure, remain ◇ Ety/353, VT/45:8 dath n. hole, pit, steep fall, abyss ◇ Ety/354, VT/45:8 daug (ndaug) n. warrior, soldier (chiefly used of Orcs) ◇ Ety/375 daur n. 1. pause, stop ○ 2. by ext., league (about 3 miles) ◇ UT/279, UT/285 daw n. night-time, gloom ◇ Ety/354 def- v. to try (PE/17) deil adj. delicate, beautiful and slender PE/17 del n. fear, disgust, loathing, horror ◇ Ety/355 deleb adj. horrible, abominable, loathsome ◇ Ety/355 delia- v. to conceal ◇ Ety/355 delos (N. deloth) n. abhorrence, detestation, loathing ◇ Ety/355 ◇ del+gos † delu adj. hateful, deadly, fell ◇ Ety/355, X/W dem adj. sad, gloomy ◇ Ety/354 ◈ No language indication in the Etymologies, but Noldorin from context and phonological evidence denwaith n.pl. the Nandor (a tribe of Elves), the people of Denwe ◇ WJ/385 ◇ Den(we)+gwaith dess (ndess) n. fem. young woman ◇ Ety/375 dew- v. to fail, miss (PE/17) dо (ndо) n.poet.fem. woman, lady ◇ Ety/352, Ety/354 di- pref. beneath, under ← di-nguruthos LotR/IV:X, RGEO/72, Letters/278, VT/45:37 ◈ The only known usage of this word is as prefix, but VT/45:37 lists it as a unitary word di dнhena- v. to forgive (with matter forgiven as object?) ◇ VT/44:29 See also gohena- dоl n. stopper, stopping, stuffing ◇ Ety/354 * dilia- v. to stop up ◇ Ety/354, VT/45:9 dоn I n. silence ◇ S/430, LB/354 ◈ Tolkien hesitated between two possible mutations of this word; the unmutated form may be either dоn or tоn. dоn II n. opening, gap, pass in mountains ◇ Ety/354 dнnen adj. silent ◇ S/430, WJ/194 ◈ Tolkien hesitated between two possible mutations of this word; the unmutated form may be either dнnen or tнnen dineth (ndineth) n. bride ◇ Ety/377-378 ◇ dо+neth dоr (ndоr) n.masc.arch. man, referring to an adult male (elf, mortal, or of any other speaking race) ◇ Ety/354, Ety/352 dirbedui adj. difficult to pronounce (PE/17) dнrnaith (nнrnaith) n.Mil. a military wedge-formation launched over a short distance against an enemy massing but not yet arrayed, or against a defensive formation on open ground ◇ UT/282 ◇ dоr+naith "man spearhead"