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Badhor n. judge ◇ Ety/350. see also badhron

badhron n. masc. judge ◇ Ety/350 ⇒

baen adj. fair-haired (PE/17)

bahad (mbahad) n. market-place (bach+sad)

bain adj. beautiful, fair ◇ Ety/351, Ety/359, X/EI

bainas abst.n.of bain beauty

bal- v. to rule PE/17

Balagerch n. the constellation known as the Sickle (Ursa Major)

balan n. Vala, divine power, divinity ◇ Ety/350, S/439, Letters/427, X/EI

balch (mbalch) n. adj. cruel ◇ Ety/377

balchas (mbalchas) n.abst.of balch cruelty

balfaug adj. drunk (to be thirsty in a bad way) GL

balrog n. great demon (raug)

¶ ᵲ balthand adj. obstinate (bal- + thand, see GL for bal-)

band (mband) n. duress, prison, custody, safe-keeping ◇ Ety/371, S/428, MR/350, X/ND1

banga- (mbanga) v. to trade ◇ Ety/372

Bannos n. one of the names given to the Vala Mandos

Banwen n. one of the names given to the Vala Vбna

bar (mbar) n. 1. dwelling, home ○ 2. by ext., inhabited land ◇ S/428, WR/379-80, SD/129-31

bara adj. 1. fiery ○ 2. eager ◇ Ety/351

barad (mbarad) I adj. doomed ◇ Ety/372

barad II n. tower, fortress ◇ Ety/351, S/428, LotR/B

baradh adj. steep ◇ Ety/351

baran adj. brown, swart, dark brown, golden brown, yellow brown ◇ Ety/351, LotR/F, TC/179, RC/343

bardor n. homeland (PE/17)

barn adj. safe (bar+-nв)

* bartha- (mbartha) v. to doom ◇ Ety/372

barthan n. large masonry building, used as a dwelling (PE/17)

bas- (mbas-) v. to bake (PE/17)

basgorn (mbasgorn) n. loaf (of bread) ◇ Ety/372, Ety/365 ◇ bast+corn "round bread"

* bass/bast (mbass) n. bread PM/404-405, VT/44:21 ◈ In the Etymologies, the word for "bread" is given as bast, Quenya masta, but it seems that Tolkien later changed his mind and updated the word to bass, as shown in Quenya massбnie, Sindarin bassoneth.

bassoneth (mbassoneth) n. fem. bread-giver ◇ PM/404-405, X/Z

basta- (mbasta-) v. to bake bread (this may just be an alternate form of bas-)

* batha- v. to trample ◇ Ety/352

baudh n. judgement ◇ Ety/350

baug (mbaug) adj. tyrannous, cruel, oppressive ◇ Ety/372

* baugla- (mbaugla) v. to oppress ◇ Ety/372

bauglir (mbauglir) n. tyrant, oppressor ◇ Ety/372

baul (mbaul) n. torment ◇ Ety/377

baur (mbaur) n. need ◇ Ety/372

baw interj. no, don't! ◇ WJ/371

bedhwen adj. referring only to Aulл and Yavanna together

beleg adj. great, mighty ◇ Ety/352, S/428

Belegol n. one of the names given to the Vala Aulл, 'great burden'

bellas n.abst.of belt, bodily strength ◇ Ety/352

belt adj. strong in body ◇ Ety/352, Tengwestie/20031207◈ See also bellas.

beltha- v. to expand

ben prep. according to the, in the ◇ SD/129-31

benn n. masc. 1. man, male 2. by ext. husband (but not the normal word, see herven)◇ Ety/352, VT/45:9

bennas n. angle, corner ◇ Ety/352, Ety/375

beren adj. bold ◇ Ety/352

berenas n.abst.of beren courage, bravery

bereth n. fem. queen, spouse ◇ Ety/351, RGEO/74

* beria- v. to protect ◇ Ety/351

* bertha- v. to dare ◇ Ety/352

bess n. fem. 1. (young) woman 2. by ext. wife (but not the normal word, see hervess) ◇ Ety/352, SD/129-31

bessain (mbessain) n. fem. bread-giver ◇ PM/404-405, X/Z ◈ See bass for a discussion regarding this word

best n. wedding, marriage

besta- v. to wed, marry (bes+-tв)

* blab- v. to beat, batter, flap (wings, etc.) ◇ Ety/380

blabor n. bat ‘flapper’

¶ ᵲ blaud n. pride GL

¶ ᵲ bladweg n. proud (prideful)

¶ ᵲ bless n. grace

bo prep. on ◇ VT/44:21,26

boda- v. to ban, prohibit ◇ WJ/372

boe (mboe) v. impers. to need. This verb takes no other form. ◇ Ety/372, X/Z

bфr n. steadfast, trusty man, faithful vassal ◇ Ety/353

Borgil n. Aldebaran, lit. 'hot red star'

born adj. hot, red ◇ Letters/426-27

¶ ᵲ bost n. back (from shoulder to shoulder) GL

both (mboth) n. puddle, small pool ◇ Ety/372

¶ ᵲ bothil (mbothil) n. oven GL

bragol adj. sudden ◇ S/429

braig adj. wild, fierce ◇ Ety/373, VT/45:34 ◈ The form brerg in the Etymologies is a misreading according to VT/45:34

brand (brann N.) adj. 1. lofty, noble, fine ○ 2. high (in size) ◇ Ety/351, TAI/150, X/ND1

brannon n. masc. lord ◇ Ety/351

brass I n. white heat ◇ Ety/351

brass II n. great cliff (PE/17)

brassen adj. white-hot ◇ Ety/351

brasta- v. loom, tower up (PE/17)

breged n. violence, suddenness ◇ Ety/352

Bregol adj. violent, sudden, fierce ◇ Ety/352, Ety/373◈ see also bregolas

bregolas n.abst.of bregol, fierceness ◇ Ety/352

* breitha- v. to break out suddenly ◇ Ety/352

* brenia- v. to endure ◇ Ety/353, VT/45:7 ◈ The form bronio in the Etymologies is a misreading according to VT/45:7

brennil n. fem. lady ◇ Ety/351

brethil n. beech, beech-tree, silver birch ◇ Ety/352, Ety/376, S/429

brith n. gravel ◇ Ety/353

brфg n. bear ◇ Ety/374

* brona- v. to last, to survive ◇ Ety/353

bronadui adj. enduring, lasting ◇ Ety/353

bronwe n. endurance, lasting quality, faith ◇ Ety/353, SD/62

* brui adj. loud, noisy ← Bruinen LotR/Index

brыn adj. old, that has long endured, or been established, or in use ◇ Ety/353

¶ ᵲ budh n. large fly

* buia- v. to serve, to hold allegiance to ◇ Ety/353

bund (mbund, bunn N.) n. 1. snout, nose ○ 2. by ext. cape (of land) ◇ Ety/372, X/ND2

bŷr (bior N., beor N.) n. follower, vassal ◇ Ety/352, X/IU


* cab- v. to leap ← cabed S/386, WJ/100

cabed ger. of cab-, 1. leap ○ 2. by ext., deep gorge ◇ S/386, WJ/100 ◈ Emended by Tolkien from earlier cabad. This is our sole late example that basic verbs should perhaps form their gerund in -ed, whereas derived verbs are well attested to use -ad

cabor n. frog ◇ Ety/362

cadu (cadw N.) adj. shaped, formed ◇ Ety/362-363, X/W

cadwor (cadwar N.) adj. shapely ◇ Ety/363

cae I (coe N.) n. earth ◇ Ety/363, X/OE ◈ This word is indeclinable, according to the Etymologies

cae II (caen- in a compound) adj. num. card. ten ◇ PE/17:95

caeda- v. to lie down

cael n. lying in bed, sickness ◇ Ety/363

caeleb adj. bedridden, sick ◇ Ety/363

* caenen/caenui adj. num. ord. tenth ← nelchaenen SD/129-131

caenthil n. decagon 'ten points'

caew n. lair, resting-place ◇ Ety/363

caf- v. to bow

¶ ᵲ cag n. joke (GL)

cai n. hedge ◇ UT/282

cail n. fence or palisade of spikes and sharp stakes ◇ UT/282

cair n. ship ◇ Ety/365, LotR/A(iv), X/EI

calad n. light, radiance, glittering, reflection (from jewels, glass or polished metal, or water) ◇ VT/45:13, PM/347, Letters/425, Ety/362, UT/65

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